Florida Senate - 2007                      COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
    Bill No. SB 1740
                        Barcode 384692
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1           Comm: RCS             .                    
       03/27/2007 10:11 PM         .                    
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11  The Committee on Health Policy (Dockery) recommended the
12  following amendment:
14         Senate Amendment 
15         Delete everything after the enacting clause
17  and insert:  
18         Section 1.  Subsection (27) is added to section
19  409.811, Florida Statutes, to read:
20         409.811  Definitions relating to Florida Kidcare
21  Act.--As used in ss. 409.810-409.820, the term:
22         (27)  "Maximum income threshold" means a percentage of
23  the current federal poverty level used to determine
24  eligibility for certain program components, as approved by
25  federal waiver or an amendment to the state plan.
26         Section 2.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (6) and
27  subsection (7) of section 409.8132, Florida Statutes, are
28  amended to read:
29         409.8132  Medikids program component.--
30         (6)  ELIGIBILITY.--
31         (a)  A child who has attained the age of 1 year but who
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Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1740 Barcode 384692 1 is under the age of 5 years is eligible to enroll in the 2 Medikids program component of the Florida Kidcare program, if 3 the child is a member of a family that has a family income 4 which exceeds the Medicaid applicable income level as 5 specified in s. 409.903, but which is equal to or below the 6 maximum income threshold 200 percent of the current federal 7 poverty level. In determining the eligibility of such a child, 8 an assets test is not required. A child who is eligible for 9 Medikids may elect to enroll in Florida Healthy Kids coverage 10 or employer-sponsored group coverage. However, a child who is 11 eligible for Medikids may participate in the Florida Healthy 12 Kids program only if the child has a sibling participating in 13 the Florida Healthy Kids program and the child's county of 14 residence permits such enrollment. 15 (7) ENROLLMENT.--Enrollment in the Medikids program 16 component may occur at any time throughout the year. A child 17 may not receive services under the Medikids program until the 18 child is enrolled in a managed care plan or MediPass. Once 19 determined eligible, an applicant may receive choice 20 counseling and select a managed care plan or MediPass. The 21 agency may initiate mandatory assignment for a Medikids 22 applicant who has not chosen a managed care plan or MediPass 23 provider after the applicant's voluntary choice period ends. 24 The Medikids mandatory assignment process shall assign 25 applicants to managed care plans or MediPass providers in 26 order to keep family members assigned to the came managed care 27 plan or MediPass provider to the greatest extent possible, 28 including situations in which some family members are enrolled 29 in Medicaid and others are enrolled in a Title XXI Kidcare 30 component. An applicant may select MediPass under the 31 Medikids program component only in counties that have fewer 2 3:08 PM 03/26/07 s1740b-hp15-k0n
Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1740 Barcode 384692 1 than two managed care plans available to serve Medicaid 2 recipients and only if the federal Health Care Financing 3 Administration determines that MediPass constitutes "health 4 insurance coverage" as defined in Title XXI of the Social 5 Security Act. 6 Section 3. Subsection (2) of section 409.8134, Florida 7 Statutes, is amended to read: 8 409.8134 Program expenditure ceiling.-- 9 (2) The Florida Kidcare program may conduct enrollment 10 at any time throughout the year for the purpose of enrolling 11 children eligible for all program components listed in s. 12 409.813 except Medicaid. The four Florida Kidcare 13 administrators shall work together to ensure that the 14 year-round enrollment period is announced statewide. Eligible 15 children shall be enrolled on a first-come, first-served basis 16 using the date the enrollment application is received. 17 Enrollment shall immediately cease when the expenditure 18 ceiling is reached. Year-round enrollment shall only be held 19 only if the Social Services Estimating Conference determines 20 that sufficient federal and state funds will be available to 21 finance the increased enrollment through federal fiscal year 22 2007. Any individual who is not enrolled must reapply by 23 submitting a new application. The application for the Florida 24 Kidcare program shall be valid for a period of 120 days after 25 the date it was received. At the end of the 120-day period, if 26 the applicant has not been enrolled in the program, the 27 application shall be invalid and the applicant shall be 28 notified of the action. The applicant may reactivate resubmit 29 the application after notification of the action taken by the 30 program. Except for the Medicaid program, whenever the Social 31 Services Estimating Conference determines that there are 3 3:08 PM 03/26/07 s1740b-hp15-k0n
Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1740 Barcode 384692 1 presently, or will be by the end of the current fiscal year, 2 insufficient funds to finance the current or projected 3 enrollment in the Florida Kidcare program, all additional 4 enrollment must cease and additional enrollment may not resume 5 until sufficient funds are available to finance such 6 enrollment. 7 Section 4. Section 409.814, Florida Statutes, is 8 amended to read: 9 409.814 Eligibility.--A child who has not reached 19 10 years of age and whose family income is equal to or below the 11 maximum income threshold 200 percent of the federal poverty 12 level is eligible for the Florida Kidcare program as provided 13 in this section. For enrollment in the Children's Medical 14 Services Network, a complete application includes the medical 15 or behavioral health screening. If, subsequently, an 16 individual is determined to be ineligible for coverage, he or 17 she must immediately be disenrolled from the respective 18 Florida Kidcare program component. 19 (1) A child who is eligible for Medicaid coverage 20 under s. 409.903 or s. 409.904 must be enrolled in Medicaid 21 and is not eligible to receive health benefits under any other 22 health benefits coverage authorized under the Florida Kidcare 23 program. 24 (2) A child who is not eligible for Medicaid, but who 25 is eligible for the Florida Kidcare program, may obtain health 26 benefits coverage under any of the other components listed in 27 s. 409.813 if such coverage is approved and available in the 28 county in which the child resides. However, a child who is 29 eligible for Medikids may participate in the Florida Healthy 30 Kids program only if the child has a sibling participating in 31 the Florida Healthy Kids program and the child's county of 4 3:08 PM 03/26/07 s1740b-hp15-k0n
Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1740 Barcode 384692 1 residence permits such enrollment. 2 (3) A child who is eligible for the Florida Kidcare 3 program who is a child with special health care needs, as 4 determined through a medical or behavioral screening 5 instrument, is eligible for health benefits coverage from and 6 shall be referred to the Children's Medical Services Network. 7 (4) A child who will lose eligibility for Florida 8 Kidcare coverage funded under Title XIX because the child has 9 exceeded income or age limits shall be presumed eligible for 10 the Florida Kidcare program and shall have 60 days of 11 continued eligibility within his or her existing plan or 12 coverage following redetermination in order to allow for a 13 transition to Title XXI-funded Florida Kidcare coverage 14 without a lapse in coverage. The Agency for Health Care 15 Administration shall seek federal waiver authority under Title 16 XIX or Title XXI for such continued eligibility with the goal 17 of securing federal matching funds consistent with the federal 18 SCHIP match for the additional 60 days of eligibility. 19 (5)(4) The following children are not eligible to 20 receive premium assistance for health benefits coverage under 21 the Florida Kidcare program, except under Medicaid if the 22 child would have been eligible for Medicaid under s. 409.903 23 or s. 409.904 as of June 1, 1997: 24 (a) A child who is eligible for coverage under a state 25 health benefit plan on the basis of a family member's 26 employment with a public agency in the state. 27 (b) A child who is currently eligible for or covered 28 under a family member's group health benefit plan or under 29 other employer health insurance coverage, excluding coverage 30 provided under the Florida Healthy Kids Corporation as 31 established under s. 624.91, provided that the cost of the 5 3:08 PM 03/26/07 s1740b-hp15-k0n
Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1740 Barcode 384692 1 child's participation is not greater than 5 percent of the 2 family's income. This provision shall be applied during 3 redetermination for children who were enrolled prior to July 4 1, 2004. These enrollees shall have 6 months of eligibility 5 following redetermination to allow for a transition to the 6 other health benefit plan. 7 (c) A child who is seeking premium assistance for the 8 Florida Kidcare program through employer-sponsored group 9 coverage, if the child has been covered by the same employer's 10 group coverage during the 6 months prior to the family's 11 submitting an application for determination of eligibility 12 under the program. 13 (d) A child who is an alien, but who does not meet the 14 definition of qualified alien, in the United States. 15 (e) A child who is an inmate of a public institution 16 or a patient in an institution for mental diseases. 17 (f) A child who has had his or her coverage in an 18 employer-sponsored health benefit plan voluntarily canceled in 19 the last 6 months, except those children who were on the 20 waiting list prior to March 12, 2004. 21 (f)(g) A child who is otherwise eligible for Kidcare 22 and who has a preexisting condition that prevents coverage 23 under another insurance plan as described in paragraph (b) 24 which would have disqualified the child for Kidcare if the 25 child were able to enroll in the plan shall be eligible for 26 Kidcare coverage when enrollment is possible. 27 (6)(5) A child whose family income is above the 28 maximum income threshold 200 percent of the federal poverty 29 level or a child who is excluded under the provisions of 30 subsection (5) (4) may participate in the Medikids program as 31 provided in s. 409.8132 or, if the child is ineligible for 6 3:08 PM 03/26/07 s1740b-hp15-k0n
Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1740 Barcode 384692 1 Medikids by reason of age, in the Florida Healthy Kids 2 program, subject to the following provisions: 3 (a) The family is not eligible for premium assistance 4 payments and must pay the full cost of the premium, including 5 any administrative costs. 6 (b) The agency is authorized to place limits on 7 enrollment in Medikids by these children in order to avoid 8 adverse selection. The number of children participating in 9 Medikids whose family income exceeds the maximum income 10 threshold 200 percent of the federal poverty level must not 11 exceed 10 percent of total enrollees in the Medikids program. 12 (c) The board of directors of the Florida Healthy Kids 13 Corporation is authorized to place limits on enrollment of 14 these children in order to avoid adverse selection. In 15 addition, the board is authorized to offer a reduced benefit 16 package to these children in order to limit program costs for 17 such families. The number of children participating in the 18 Florida Healthy Kids program whose family income exceeds the 19 maximum income threshold 200 percent of the federal poverty 20 level must not exceed 10 percent of total enrollees in the 21 Florida Healthy Kids program. 22 (7)(6) Once a child is enrolled in the Florida Kidcare 23 program, the child is eligible for coverage under the program 24 for 12 months without a redetermination or reverification of 25 eligibility, if the family continues to pay the applicable 26 premium. Eligibility for program components funded through 27 Title XXI of the Social Security Act shall terminate when a 28 child attains the age of 19. Effective January 1, 1999, a 29 child who has not attained the age of 5 and who has been 30 determined eligible for the Medicaid program is eligible for 31 coverage for 12 months without a redetermination or 7 3:08 PM 03/26/07 s1740b-hp15-k0n
Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1740 Barcode 384692 1 reverification of eligibility. 2 (8)(7) When determining or reviewing a child's 3 eligibility under the Florida Kidcare program, the applicant 4 shall be provided with reasonable notice of changes in 5 eligibility which may affect enrollment in one or more of the 6 program components. When a transition from one program 7 component to another is authorized, there shall be cooperation 8 between the program components, and the affected family, the 9 child's health plan, and the child's health care providers to 10 promote which promotes continuity of health care coverage. The 11 agency, in coordination with the Department of Children and 12 Family Services, shall notify the Medicaid managed care plans 13 and MediPass providers concerning their members' or patients' 14 loss of eligibility for Medicaid or Medikids no less than 60 15 days in advance so that the health plans and providers may 16 assist the families in applying for the Florida Healthy Kids 17 program. Any authorized transfers must be managed within the 18 program's overall appropriated or authorized levels of 19 funding. Each component of the program shall establish a 20 reserve to ensure that transfers between components will be 21 accomplished within current year appropriations. These 22 reserves shall be reviewed by each convening of the Social 23 Services Estimating Conference to determine the adequacy of 24 such reserves to meet actual experience. 25 (9)(8) In determining the eligibility of a child, an 26 assets test is not required. Each applicant's family income, 27 birth certificate, and proof of identity shall be verified 28 electronically in order to determine eligibility for the 29 Florida Kidcare program. If electronic verification of 30 eligibility information is not available, an Each applicant 31 shall provide written documentation during the application 8 3:08 PM 03/26/07 s1740b-hp15-k0n
Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1740 Barcode 384692 1 process and the redetermination process, including, but not 2 limited to, the following: 3 (a) Proof of family income, which must include a copy 4 of the applicant's most recent federal income tax return. In 5 the absence of a federal income tax return, an applicant may 6 submit wages and earnings statements (pay stubs), W-2 forms, 7 or other appropriate documents. 8 (b) A statement from all employed family members that: 9 1. Their employer does not sponsor a health benefit 10 plan for employees; or 11 2. The potential enrollee is not covered by the 12 employer-sponsored health benefit plan because the potential 13 enrollee is not eligible for coverage, or, if the potential 14 enrollee is eligible but not covered, a statement of the cost 15 to enroll the potential enrollee in the employer-sponsored 16 health benefit plan. 17 18 Anyone applying for full-pay coverage under the Florida 19 Kidcare program is not required to provide the eligibility 20 information required under this section. 21 (10)(9) Subject to paragraph (5) (4)(b) and s. 22 624.91(4), the Florida Kidcare program shall withhold benefits 23 from an enrollee if the program obtains evidence that the 24 enrollee is no longer eligible, submitted incorrect or 25 fraudulent information in order to establish eligibility, or 26 failed to provide verification of eligibility. The applicant 27 or enrollee shall be notified that because of such evidence 28 program benefits will be withheld unless the applicant or 29 enrollee contacts a designated representative of the program 30 by a specified date, which must be within 10 days after the 31 date of notice, to discuss and resolve the matter. The program 9 3:08 PM 03/26/07 s1740b-hp15-k0n
Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1740 Barcode 384692 1 shall make every effort to resolve the matter within a 2 timeframe that will not cause benefits to be withheld from an 3 eligible enrollee. 4 (11)(10) The following individuals may be subject to 5 prosecution in accordance with s. 414.39: 6 (a) An applicant obtaining or attempting to obtain 7 benefits for a potential enrollee under the Florida Kidcare 8 program when the applicant knows or should have known the 9 potential enrollee does not qualify for the Florida Kidcare 10 program. 11 (b) An individual who assists an applicant in 12 obtaining or attempting to obtain benefits for a potential 13 enrollee under the Florida Kidcare program when the individual 14 knows or should have known the potential enrollee does not 15 qualify for the Florida Kidcare program. 16 Section 5. Subsection (1) of section 409.818, Florida 17 Statutes, is amended, and paragraph (g) is added to subsection 18 (3) of that section, to read: 19 409.818 Administration.--In order to implement ss. 20 409.810-409.820, the following agencies shall have the 21 following duties: 22 (1) The Department of Children and Family Services 23 shall: 24 (a) Develop a standardized simplified eligibility 25 application mail-in form to be used for determining the 26 eligibility of children for coverage for all components of 27 under the Florida Kidcare program, in consultation with the 28 agency, the Department of Health, and the Florida Healthy Kids 29 Corporation. The standardized simplified eligibility 30 application form must include an item that provides an 31 opportunity for the applicant to indicate whether coverage is 10 3:08 PM 03/26/07 s1740b-hp15-k0n
Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1740 Barcode 384692 1 being sought for a child with special health care needs. 2 Families applying for children's Medicaid coverage must also 3 be able to use the simplified application form without having 4 to pay a premium. 5 (b) Establish and maintain the eligibility 6 determination process under the program except as specified in 7 subsection (5). The department shall directly, or through the 8 services of a contracted third-party administrator, establish 9 and maintain a process for determining eligibility of children 10 for coverage under the program. The eligibility determination 11 process must be used solely for determining eligibility of 12 applicants for health benefits coverage under the program. The 13 eligibility determination process must include an initial 14 determination of eligibility for any coverage offered under 15 the program, as well as a redetermination or reverification of 16 eligibility, 12 months after enrollment each subsequent 6 17 months. Effective January 1, 1999, a child who has not 18 attained the age of 5 and who has been determined eligible for 19 the Medicaid program is eligible for coverage for 12 months 20 without a redetermination or reverification of eligibility. In 21 conducting an eligibility determination, the department shall 22 determine if the child has special health care needs. The 23 department, in consultation with the Agency for Health Care 24 Administration and the Florida Healthy Kids Corporation, shall 25 develop procedures for redetermining eligibility which enable 26 a family to easily update any change in circumstances which 27 could affect eligibility. The department may accept changes in 28 a family's status as reported to the department by the Florida 29 Healthy Kids Corporation without requiring a new application 30 from the family. Redetermination of a child's eligibility for 31 Medicaid may not be linked to a child's eligibility 11 3:08 PM 03/26/07 s1740b-hp15-k0n
Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1740 Barcode 384692 1 determination for other programs. 2 (c) Inform program applicants about eligibility 3 determinations and provide information about eligibility of 4 applicants to Medicaid, Medikids, the Children's Medical 5 Services Network, and the Florida Healthy Kids Corporation, 6 and to insurers and their agents, through a centralized 7 coordinating office. 8 (d) Design a plan, in consultation with the Florida 9 Healthy Kids Corporation, for determining eligibility for 10 public assistance or Medicaid which will enable applicants 11 with children who apply to the department for Medicaid or 12 other public assistance to apply for the Healthy Kids program 13 using the same application information in the event they are 14 found ineligible for Medicaid. The plan must be sufficient to 15 enable such applicants to submit all information necessary for 16 enrollment in the Healthy Kids program, including the 17 opportunity for such applicants to indicate whether coverage 18 is being sought for a child with special health care needs. 19 The plan shall allow the department to forward such 20 application information, together with accompanying 21 documentation as necessary, to the Florida Healthy Kids 22 Corporation, and the plan shall allow such application 23 information and documents to be processed for Healthy Kids 24 program enrollment by the Florida Healthy Kids Corporation in 25 accordance with eligibility criteria then in effect without 26 requiring the applicant to submit a separate application for 27 the Healthy Kids program. The department shall submit such 28 plan to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House 29 of Representatives, and the Governor no later than December 30 31, 2007. 31 (e)(d) Adopt rules necessary for conducting program 12 3:08 PM 03/26/07 s1740b-hp15-k0n
Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1740 Barcode 384692 1 eligibility functions. 2 (3) The Agency for Health Care Administration, under 3 the authority granted in s. 409.914(1), shall: 4 (g) The agency shall seek a state plan amendment and 5 waiver authority, if necessary, from the federal Centers for 6 Medicare and Medicaid Services for a maximum income threshold 7 of up to 225 percent of the federal poverty level. Until the 8 federal agency approves the request, the maximum income 9 threshold used for the Florida KidCare program shall be 200 10 percent of the federal poverty level or the highest income 11 threshold allowed under current federal law and state plan 12 amendment, whichever is higher, up to 225 percent of the 13 federal poverty level. Any such expansion under this 14 subsection is subject to a specified appropriation for such 15 purpose and the availability of federal matching funds for 16 children in families above 200 percent of the federal poverty 17 level. 18 19 The agency is designated the lead state agency for Title XXI 20 of the Social Security Act for purposes of receipt of federal 21 funds, for reporting purposes, and for ensuring compliance 22 with federal and state regulations and rules. 23 Section 6. Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) and 24 paragraph (b) of subsection (5) of section 624.91, Florida 25 Statutes, are amended to read: 26 624.91 The Florida Healthy Kids Corporation Act.-- 27 (2) LEGISLATIVE INTENT.-- 28 (b) It is the intent of the Legislature that the 29 Florida Healthy Kids Corporation serve as one of several 30 providers of services to children eligible for medical 31 assistance under Title XXI of the Social Security Act. 13 3:08 PM 03/26/07 s1740b-hp15-k0n
Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1740 Barcode 384692 1 Although the corporation may serve other children, the 2 Legislature intends that the primary recipients of services 3 provided through the corporation be school-age children with a 4 family income below the maximum income threshold as defined in 5 s. 409.811(27) 200 percent of the federal poverty level, who 6 do not qualify for Medicaid. It is also the intent of the 7 Legislature that state and local government Florida Healthy 8 Kids funds be used to continue coverage, subject to specific 9 appropriations in the General Appropriations Act, to children 10 not eligible for federal matching funds under Title XXI. 11 (5) CORPORATION AUTHORIZATION, DUTIES, POWERS.-- 12 (b) The Florida Healthy Kids Corporation shall: 13 1. Arrange for the collection of any family, local 14 contributions, or employer payment or premium, in an amount to 15 be determined by the board of directors, to provide for 16 payment of premiums for comprehensive insurance coverage and 17 for the actual or estimated administrative expenses. 18 2. Arrange for the collection of any voluntary 19 contributions to provide for payment of premiums for children 20 who are not eligible for medical assistance under Title XXI of 21 the Social Security Act. 22 3. Subject to the provisions of s. 409.8134, accept 23 voluntary supplemental local match contributions that comply 24 with the requirements of Title XXI of the Social Security Act 25 for the purpose of providing additional coverage in 26 contributing counties under Title XXI. 27 4. Establish the administrative and accounting 28 procedures for the operation of the corporation. 29 5. Establish, with consultation from appropriate 30 professional organizations, standards for preventive health 31 services and providers and comprehensive insurance benefits 14 3:08 PM 03/26/07 s1740b-hp15-k0n
Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1740 Barcode 384692 1 appropriate to children, provided that such standards for 2 rural areas shall not limit primary care providers to 3 board-certified pediatricians. 4 6. Determine eligibility for children seeking to 5 participate in the Title XXI-funded components of the Florida 6 Kidcare program consistent with the requirements specified in 7 s. 409.814, as well as the non-Title-XXI-eligible children as 8 provided in subsection (3). 9 7. Establish procedures under which providers of local 10 match to, applicants to and participants in the program may 11 have grievances reviewed by an impartial body and reported to 12 the board of directors of the corporation. 13 8. Establish participation criteria and, if 14 appropriate, contract with an authorized insurer, health 15 maintenance organization, or third-party administrator to 16 provide administrative services to the corporation. 17 9. Establish enrollment criteria which shall include 18 penalties or waiting periods of not fewer than 60 days for 19 reinstatement of coverage upon voluntary cancellation for 20 nonpayment of family premiums. 21 10. Contract with authorized insurers or any provider 22 of health care services, meeting standards established by the 23 corporation, for the provision of comprehensive insurance 24 coverage to participants. Such standards shall include 25 criteria under which the corporation may contract with more 26 than one provider of health care services in program sites. 27 Health plans shall be selected through a competitive bid 28 process. The Florida Healthy Kids Corporation shall purchase 29 goods and services in the most cost-effective manner 30 consistent with the delivery of quality medical care. The 31 maximum administrative cost for a Florida Healthy Kids 15 3:08 PM 03/26/07 s1740b-hp15-k0n
Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1740 Barcode 384692 1 Corporation contract shall be 15 percent. For health care 2 contracts, the minimum medical loss ratio for a Florida 3 Healthy Kids Corporation contract shall be 85 percent. For 4 dental contracts, the remaining compensation to be paid to the 5 authorized insurer or provider under a Florida Healthy Kids 6 Corporation contract shall be no less than an amount which is 7 85 percent of premium; to the extent any contract provision 8 does not provide for this minimum compensation, this section 9 shall prevail. The health plan selection criteria and scoring 10 system, and the scoring results, shall be available upon 11 request for inspection after the bids have been awarded. 12 11. Establish disenrollment criteria in the event 13 local matching funds are insufficient to cover enrollments. 14 12. Develop and implement a plan to publicize the 15 Florida Healthy Kids Corporation, the eligibility requirements 16 of the program, and the procedures for enrollment in the 17 program and to maintain public awareness of the corporation 18 and the program. Health and dental plans participating in the 19 Florida Healthy Kids program may develop and distribute 20 marketing and other promotional materials and participate in 21 activities, such as health fairs and public events, as 22 approved by the corporation. The health and dental plans may 23 also contact their current and former enrollees to encourage 24 continued participation in the program and to assist the 25 enrollee in transferring from a Title XIX-financed plan to a 26 Title XXI-financed plan. 27 13. Secure staff necessary to properly administer the 28 corporation. Staff costs shall be funded from state and local 29 matching funds and such other private or public funds as 30 become available. The board of directors shall determine the 31 number of staff members necessary to administer the 16 3:08 PM 03/26/07 s1740b-hp15-k0n
Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1740 Barcode 384692 1 corporation. 2 14. Provide a report annually to the Governor, Chief 3 Financial Officer, Commissioner of Education, Senate 4 President, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and 5 Minority Leaders of the Senate and the House of 6 Representatives. 7 15. Establish benefit packages which conform to the 8 provisions of the Florida Kidcare program, as created in ss. 9 409.810-409.820. 10 16. Establish an assignment process for Healthy Kids 11 enrollees in order to keep family members assigned to the same 12 managed care plan to the greatest extent possible, including 13 situations in which some family members are enrolled in a 14 Medicaid managed care plan and others are enrolled in a 15 Healthy Kids plan. The Agency for Health Care Administration 16 shall work together with the corporation to implement this 17 subparagraph. 18 (c) Coverage under the corporation's program is 19 secondary to any other available private coverage held by, or 20 applicable to, the participant child or family member. 21 Insurers under contract with the corporation are the payors of 22 last resort and must coordinate benefits with any other 23 third-party payor that may be liable for the participant's 24 medical care. 25 (d) The Florida Healthy Kids Corporation shall be a 26 private corporation not for profit, organized pursuant to 27 chapter 617, and shall have all powers necessary to carry out 28 the purposes of this act, including, but not limited to, the 29 power to receive and accept grants, loans, or advances of 30 funds from any public or private agency and to receive and 31 accept from any source contributions of money, property, 17 3:08 PM 03/26/07 s1740b-hp15-k0n
Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1740 Barcode 384692 1 labor, or any other thing of value, to be held, used, and 2 applied for the purposes of this act. 3 Section 7. This act shall take effect upon becoming a 4 law. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 18 3:08 PM 03/26/07 s1740b-hp15-k0n