Senate Bill sb1900c1
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Florida Senate - 2007 CS for SB 1900
By the Committee on Transportation; and Senator Baker
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to license plates; amending s.
3 320.08056, F.S.; discontinuing the annual use
4 fee for the Girl Scout license plate;
5 increasing the annual use fee for the Sea
6 Turtle license plate; increasing the annual use
7 fee for the Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches
8 license plate; establishing annual use fees for
9 the Florida NASCAR license plate, the
10 Corrections Foundation license plate, the
11 Protect Florida Springs license plate, and the
12 Trees Are Cool license plate; authorizing the
13 placement of a sponsoring organization's
14 Internet domain name on a specialty license
15 plate; prohibiting annual use fees from the
16 sale of specialty license plates, or the
17 interest earned thereon, from being used for
18 the purpose of marketing to, or lobbying,
19 entertaining, or rewarding, an employee of a
20 governmental agency that is responsible for the
21 sale and distribution of specialty license
22 plates; amending s. 320.08058, F.S.;
23 authorizing the use of a specified percentage
24 of the proceeds from the sale of the Florida
25 Educational license plate for marketing and
26 promotion expenses; authorizing the use of
27 certain proceeds from the sale of the Florida
28 Agricultural license plate for promotion,
29 marketing, and administrative costs and for
30 Florida agriculture in the classroom programs;
31 deleting provisions establishing the Girl Scout
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Florida Senate - 2007 CS for SB 1900
1 license plate; creating the Florida NASCAR
2 license plate; providing for the distribution
3 of use fees received from the sale of such
4 plate to the Florida Sports Foundation, the
5 National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing,
6 and the NASCAR Foundation; requiring the
7 Florida Sports Association to provide for an
8 annual audit to be submitted to the Office of
9 Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development for
10 certification to the Auditor General; creating
11 the Corrections Foundation license plate;
12 providing for the distribution of annual use
13 fees received from the sale of such plate to a
14 direct-support organization; creating the
15 Protect Florida Springs license plate;
16 providing for the annual use fees from the sale
17 of such plate to be distributed to the Wildlife
18 Foundation of Florida, Inc.; creating a Trees
19 Are Cool license plate; providing for the
20 distribution of annual use fees received from
21 the sale of such plate; providing for
22 construction of the act; repealing s.
23 320.0848(2)(c), F.S., relating to an
24 administrative processing fee imposed upon
25 issuance of a disabled parking permit; creating
26 s. 320.0894, F.S.; directing the Department of
27 Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to develop
28 and issue a Gold Star license plate honoring
29 the family members of servicemembers who have
30 been killed while serving in the Armed Forces
31 of the United States; providing for design of
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Florida Senate - 2007 CS for SB 1900
1 the plate; providing eligibility requirements;
2 providing for payment of certain taxes and
3 fees; providing effective dates.
5 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
7 Section 1. Subsections (4) and (6) of section
8 320.08056, Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsections (11)
9 and (12) are added to that section, to read:
10 320.08056 Specialty license plates.--
11 (4) The following license plate annual use fees shall
12 be collected for the appropriate specialty license plates:
13 (a) Manatee license plate, $20.
14 (b) Challenger/Columbia license plate, $25, except
15 that a person that purchases 1,000 or more of such license
16 plates shall pay an annual use fee of $15 per plate.
17 (c) Collegiate license plate, $25.
18 (d) Florida Salutes Veterans license plate, $15.
19 (e) Florida panther license plate, $25.
20 (f) Florida United States Olympic Committee license
21 plate, $15.
22 (g) Florida Special Olympics license plate, $15.
23 (h) Florida educational license plate, $20.
24 (i) Florida Professional Sports Team license plate,
25 $25.
26 (j) Florida Indian River Lagoon license plate, $15.
27 (k) Invest in Children license plate, $20.
28 (l) Florida arts license plate, $20.
29 (m) Bethune-Cookman College license plate, $25.
30 (n) Florida Agricultural license plate, $20.
31 (o) Girl Scout license plate, $20.
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1 (o)(p) Police Athletic League license plate, $20.
2 (p)(q) Boy Scouts of America license plate, $20.
3 (q)(r) Largemouth Bass license plate, $25.
4 (r)(s) Sea Turtle license plate, $23 $17.50.
5 (s)(t) Protect Wild Dolphins license plate, $20.
6 (t)(u) Barry University license plate, $25.
7 (u)(v) Everglades River of Grass license plate, $20.
8 (v)(w) Keep Kids Drug-Free license plate, $25.
9 (w)(x) Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches license plate,
10 $25 $20.
11 (x)(y) Conserve Wildlife license plate, $15.
12 (y)(z) Florida Memorial University license plate, $25.
13 (z)(aa) Tampa Bay Estuary license plate, $15.
14 (aa)(bb) Florida Wildflower license plate, $15.
15 (bb)(cc) United States Marine Corps license plate,
16 $15.
17 (cc)(dd) Choose Life license plate, $20.
18 (dd)(ee) Share the Road license plate, $15.
19 (ee)(ff) American Red Cross license plate, $25.
20 (ff)(gg) United We Stand license plate, $25.
21 (gg)(hh) Breast Cancer Research license plate, $25.
22 (hh)(ii) Protect Florida Whales license plate, $25.
23 (ii)(jj) Florida Golf license plate, $25.
24 (jj)(kk) Florida Firefighters license plate, $20.
25 (kk)(ll) Police Benevolent Association license plate,
26 $20.
27 (ll)(mm) Military Services license plate, $15.
28 (mm)(nn) Protect Our Reefs license plate, $25.
29 (nn)(oo) Fish Florida license plate, $22.
30 (oo)(pp) Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention
31 license plate, $25.
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1 (pp)(qq) Hospice license plate, $25.
2 (qq)(rr) Stop Heart Disease license plate, $25.
3 (rr)(ss) Save Our Seas license plate, $25, except that
4 for an owner purchasing the specialty license plate for more
5 than 10 vehicles registered to that owner, the annual use fee
6 shall be $10 per plate.
7 (ss)(tt) Aquaculture license plate, $25, except that
8 for an owner purchasing the specialty license plate for more
9 than 10 vehicles registered to that owner, the annual use fee
10 shall be $10 per plate.
11 (tt)(uu) Family First license plate, $25.
12 (uu)(vv) Sportsmen's National Land Trust license
13 plates, $25.
14 (vv)(ww) Live the Dream license plate, $25.
15 (ww)(xx) Florida Food Banks license plate, $25.
16 (xx)(yy) Discover Florida's Oceans license plate, $25.
17 (yy)(zz) Family Values license plate, $25.
18 (zz)(aaa) Parents Make A Difference license plate,
19 $25.
20 (aaa)(bbb) Support Soccer license plate, $25.
21 (bbb)(ccc) Kids Deserve Justice license plate, $25.
22 (ccc)(ddd) Animal Friend license plate, $25.
23 (ddd)(eee) Future Farmers of America license plate,
24 $25.
25 (eee)(fff) Donate Organs-Pass It On license plate,
26 $25.
27 (fff)(ggg) A State of Vision license plate, $25.
28 (ggg)(hhh) Homeownership For All license plate, $25.
29 (hhh) Florida NASCAR license plate, $25.
30 (iii) Corrections Foundation license plate, $25.
31 (jjj) Protect Florida Springs license plate, $25.
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1 (kkk) Trees Are Cool license plate, $25.
2 (6) Specialty license plates must bear the design
3 required by law for the appropriate specialty license plate,
4 and the designs and colors must conform to the department's
5 design specifications. In addition to a design, the specialty
6 license plates may bear the imprint of numerals from 1 to 999,
7 inclusive, capital letters "A" through "Z," or a combination
8 thereof. The department shall determine the maximum number of
9 characters, including both numerals and letters. All specialty
10 license plates must be otherwise of the same material and size
11 as standard license plates issued for any registration period.
12 A specialty license plate may bear an appropriate slogan,
13 emblem, or logo in a size and placement that conforms to the
14 department's design specifications. The sponsoring
15 organization's Internet domain name may appear on the plate.
16 (11) The annual use fee from the sale of specialty
17 license plates, the interest earned from those fees, or any
18 fees received by an agency as a result of the sale of
19 specialty license plates may not be used for the purpose of
20 marketing to, or lobbying, entertaining, or rewarding, an
21 employee of a governmental agency that is responsible for the
22 sale and distribution of specialty license plates.
23 (12) The application form for a specialty license
24 plate shall provide the applicant the option to instruct the
25 department to provide his or her name, address, and renewal
26 date to the sponsoring organization.
27 Section 2. Subsections (8), (14), and (15) of section
28 320.08058, Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsections
29 (61), (62), (63), and (64) are added to that section, to read:
30 320.08058 Specialty license plates.--
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Florida Senate - 2007 CS for SB 1900
1 (a) The Department of Highway Safety and Motor
2 Vehicles shall develop a Florida educational license plate as
3 provided in this section. Florida educational license plates
4 must bear a design and colors that the department approves.
5 The word "Florida" must appear in small letters at the top of
6 the plate.
7 (b) The license annual use fees are to be distributed
8 annually as follows:
9 1. Up to 10 percent of the moneys raised from the sale
10 of the plates may be used for continuing marketing and
11 promotion of the plates.
12 2.1. In each school district that has a district
13 prekindergarten through grade 12 public school foundation or a
14 direct-support organization, the moneys raised in that school
15 district through the sale of Florida educational license
16 plates must be distributed to the foundation or organization
17 for enhancing educational programs.
18 3.2. In each school district that does not have a
19 district prekindergarten through grade 12 public school
20 foundation or a direct-support organization, the moneys raised
21 in that school district through the sale of Florida
22 educational license plates must be distributed to the district
23 school board and must be used at the discretion of the board
24 for enhancing educational programs.
26 (a) The Department of Highway Safety and Motor
27 Vehicles shall develop a Florida Agricultural license plate.
28 Florida Agricultural license plates must bear the colors and
29 design approved by the department. The word "Agriculture"
30 must appear at the top of the plate, and the words "Keeps
31 Florida Green" must appear at the bottom of the plate.
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1 (b) The proceeds of the Florida Agricultural license
2 plate annual use fee must be forwarded to the direct-support
3 organization created in s. 570.903. The funds must be used for
4 the sole purpose of funding and promoting the Florida
5 agriculture in the classroom program established within the
6 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services pursuant to s.
7 570.91.
8 (c) Up to 25 percent of the funds distributed under
9 paragraphs (a) and (b) may be used for promotion, marketing,
10 and administrative costs directly associated with the license
11 plate and Florida agriculture in the classroom programs.
13 (a) The department shall develop a Girl Scout license
14 plate as provided in this section to commemorate the Girl
15 Scout councils in this state. The word "Florida" must appear
16 at the top of the plate, and the words "For Her Future" must
17 appear at the bottom of the plate.
18 (b) The annual use fees shall be distributed to the
19 Citrus Council of Girl Scouts, Inc., which shall distribute
20 funds to the following Girl Scout councils equal to the annual
21 use fees received from counties served by each council:
22 1. Citrus Council of Girl Scouts, Inc.
23 2. Gateway Girl Scout Council, Inc.
24 3. Girl Scouts of Broward County, Inc.
25 4. Girl Scout Council of Tropical Florida, Inc.
26 5. Heart of Florida Girl Scout Council, Inc.
27 6. Palm Glades Girl Scout Council, Inc.
28 7. Suncoast Girl Scout Council, Inc.
30 Funds collected in counties not served by one of the above
31 councils shall be used by the Citrus Council of Girl Scouts,
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1 Inc., to reimburse expenditures made on behalf of other
2 councils to comply with s. 320.08053. Once those expenditures
3 have been reimbursed, the funds shall be distributed to the
4 Girl Scout councils serving those counties in the same manner
5 as funds are distributed to the listed councils.
7 (a) The department shall develop a Florida NASCAR
8 license plate as provided in this section. Florida NASCAR
9 license plates must bear the colors and design approved by the
10 department. The word "Florida" must appear at the top of the
11 plate, and the term "NASCAR" must appear at the bottom of the
12 plate. The National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing,
13 following consultation with the Florida Sports Foundation, may
14 submit a sample plate for consideration by the department.
15 (b) The license plate annual use fees shall be
16 distributed to the Florida Sports Foundation, a direct-support
17 organization of the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic
18 Development. The license plate annual use fees shall be
19 annually allocated as follows:
20 1. Up to 5 percent of the proceeds from the annual use
21 fees may be used by the Florida Sports Foundation for the
22 administration of the NASCAR license plate program.
23 2. The National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing
24 shall receive up to $80,000 in proceeds from the annual use
25 fees to be used to pay startup costs, including costs incurred
26 in developing and issuing the plates. Thereafter, 10 percent
27 of the proceeds from the annual use fees shall be provided to
28 the association for the royalty rights for the use of its
29 marks.
30 3. The remaining proceeds from the annual use fees
31 shall be distributed to the Florida Sports Foundation. The
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1 Florida Sports Foundation will retain 15 percent to support
2 its regional grant program, attracting sporting events to
3 Florida; 20 percent to support the marketing of
4 motorsports-related tourism in the state; and 50 percent to be
5 paid to the NASCAR Foundation, a s. 501(c)(3) charitable
6 organization, to support Florida-based charitable
7 organizations.
8 (c) The Florida Sports Foundation shall provide an
9 annual financial audit in accordance with s. 215.981 of its
10 financial accounts and records by an independent certified
11 public accountant pursuant to the contract established by the
12 Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development as
13 specified in s. 288.1229(5). The auditor shall submit the
14 audit report to the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic
15 Development for review and approval. If the audit report is
16 approved, the office shall certify the audit report to the
17 Auditor General for review.
19 (a) The department shall develop a Corrections
20 Foundation license plate as provided in this section. The word
21 "Florida" must appear at the top of the plate, the words
22 "Corrections Foundation" must appear at the bottom of the
23 plate, and the Corrections Foundation logo must appear to the
24 left of the numerals.
25 (b) The annual use fees shall be distributed to
26 Corrections Foundation, Inc., a direct-support organization
27 created pursuant to s. 944.802, and shall be used to continue
28 and expand the charitable work of the foundation, as provided
29 in s. 944.802 and the articles of incorporation of the
30 foundation.
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Florida Senate - 2007 CS for SB 1900
1 (a) The department shall develop a Protect Florida
2 Springs license plate as provided in this section. The word
3 "Florida" must appear at the top of the plate, and the words
4 "Protect Florida Springs" must appear at the bottom of the
5 plate.
6 (b) The annual use fees shall be distributed to the
7 Wildlife Foundation of Florida, Inc., a citizen-support
8 organization created pursuant to s. 372.0215, which shall
9 administer the fees as follows:
10 1. Wildlife Foundation of Florida, Inc., shall retain
11 the first $60,000 of the annual use fees as direct
12 reimbursement for administrative costs, startup costs, and
13 costs incurred in the development and approval process.
14 2. Thereafter, a maximum of 10 percent of the fees may
15 be used for administrative costs directly associated with
16 education programs, conservation, springs research, and grant
17 administration of the foundation. A maximum of 15 percent of
18 the fees may be used for continuing promotion and marketing of
19 the license plate.
20 3. At least 55 percent of the fees shall be available
21 for competitive grants, with highest priorities given to
22 community-based springs programs and projects specifically
23 related to education, outreach, and springs conservation. The
24 competitive grants shall be administered and approved by the
25 board of directors of the Wildlife Foundation of Florida. The
26 granting advisory committee shall be composed of nine members,
27 including one representative from the Fish and Wildlife
28 Conservation Commission, one representative from the
29 Department of Environmental Protection, one representative
30 from the Department of Health, one representative from the
31 Department of Community Affairs, three citizen
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1 representatives, and two representatives from nonprofit
2 stakeholder groups.
3 4. The remaining funds shall be distributed with the
4 approval of and accountability to the board of directors of
5 the Wildlife Foundation of Florida, and shall be used to
6 support activities contributing to education, outreach, and
7 springs conservation.
9 (a) The department shall develop a Trees Are Cool
10 license plate as provided in this section. The word "Florida"
11 must appear at the top of the plate, and the words "Trees Are
12 Cool" must appear at the bottom of the plate.
13 (b) The annual use fees shall be distributed to the
14 Florida Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture,
15 Inc., which shall retain the initial revenues from the sale of
16 such plates until all startup costs for developing and
17 establishing the plate have been recovered not to exceed
18 $60,000. Thereafter, the proceeds of the annual use fee shall
19 be used in the following manner:
20 1. Twenty percent of the funds may be used by the
21 Florida Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture,
22 Inc., for continuing promotion and marketing of the license
23 plate and concept. Five percent of the funds received by the
24 Florida Society of Arboriculture, Inc., may be used for
25 administrative costs directly associated with the operations
26 of the Florida Chapter of the International Society of
27 Arboriculture, Inc., with respect to the management of the
28 Trees Are Cool license plate program.
29 2. Seventy-five percent of the funds must be used to
30 fulfill the mission of the Florida Chapter of the
31 International Society of Arboriculture, Inc., which is to
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1 provide education and training statewide with respect to tree
2 care and tree safety.
3 Section 3. Effective July 1, 2007, paragraph (c) of
4 subsection (2) of section 320.0848, Florida Statutes, is
5 repealed.
6 Section 4. Section 320.0894, Florida Statutes, is
7 created to read:
8 320.0894 Motor vehicle license plates to Gold Star
9 family members.--The department shall develop a special
10 license plate honoring the family members of servicemembers
11 who have been killed while serving in the Armed Forces of the
12 United States. The license plate shall be officially
13 designated as the Gold Star license plate and shall be
14 developed and issued as provided in this section.
15 (1) The Gold Star license plate must bear the colors
16 and design approved by the department in cooperation with
17 supporters of the license plate. The word "Florida" must
18 appear at the top of the plate, and the words "Gold Star
19 Family" must appear at the bottom of the plate. The plate
20 shall bear a unique design that includes the symbol for a
21 fallen servicemember, a gold star with blue fringe on a white
22 background with a red border. The symbol shall be no larger
23 than 3 inches by 3 inches and shall be placed in a conspicuous
24 place to the left of the identifying number of the plate,
25 which identifying number shall consist of no more than six
26 alphanumeric characters.
27 (2) This section shall not be implemented until such
28 time as the state has, through a licensing agreement or
29 otherwise, received such license or other permission as may be
30 required to implement this section. The designs of the initial
31 and subsequent editions of the Gold Star license plate, except
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1 any part of the designs owned by others and licensed to the
2 state, shall be owned solely by the state for its exclusive
3 use and control, except as authorized by the department. The
4 department may take such steps as may be necessary to give
5 notice of and protect such right, including the copyright or
6 copyrights. However, such steps shall be cumulative of the
7 ownership and exclusive use and control established by this
8 subsection as a matter of law, and no person shall reproduce
9 or otherwise use such designs except as authorized by the
10 department.
11 (3)(a) Each owner or lessee of an automobile or truck
12 for private use, truck weighing not more than 7,999 pounds, or
13 recreational vehicle as specified in s. 320.08(9)(c) or (d),
14 which automobile, truck, or vehicle is not used for hire or
15 commercial use, who is a resident of this state, and who meets
16 the qualifications provided in subsection (4) shall, upon
17 application therefor to the department and payment of the
18 license tax and appropriate fees established in this chapter,
19 be issued a Gold Star license plate. Each initial application
20 for a Gold Star license plate must be accompanied by proof
21 that the applicant meets the requirements provided in
22 subsection (4).
23 (b) The surviving spouse and a surviving parent
24 meeting the requirements in subsection (4) shall each, upon
25 application therefor, be issued the Gold Star license plate
26 for one vehicle per household free of charge. Renewal decals
27 for the plate issued under this paragraph shall be issued at
28 no cost.
29 (4)(a)1. The Gold Star license plate shall be issued
30 only to family members of a servicemember who resided in
31 Florida at the time of the death of the servicemember.
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1 2. To qualify for issuance of a Gold Star license
2 plate, the applicant must be directly related to a fallen
3 servicemember as spouse, legal mother or father, or stepparent
4 who is currently married to the mother or father of the fallen
5 servicemember.
6 3. A servicemember is deemed to have been killed while
7 in service as listed by the United States Department of
8 Defense and may be verified from documentation directly from
9 the Department of Defense or from its subordinate agencies,
10 such as the Coast Guard, Reserve, or National Guard.
11 (b) The applicant must provide documentation of the
12 fact that the servicemember was killed while serving and proof
13 of relationship to the servicemember to the tax collector or
14 license plate agent before being issued a Gold Star license
15 plate. The tax collector or license plate agent may waive the
16 requirement for such documentation and proof if he or she has
17 actual knowledge of the family relationship and that the
18 servicemember was killed while serving.
19 (5) An eligible family member may request a Gold Star
20 license plate at any time during his or her registration
21 period. If such a license plate is to replace a current valid
22 license plate, the license plate shall be issued with
23 appropriate renewal decals attached.
24 Section 5. Except as otherwise expressly provided in
25 this act, this act shall take effect October 1, 2007.
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Florida Senate - 2007 CS for SB 1900
2 Senate Bill 1900
4 This Committee Substitute (CS) creates the Trees are Cool
speciality license plate with an annual fee of $25, and
5 specifies the use of the annual fees. This CS also changes the
effective date of all provisions in the bill except one to
6 October 1, 2007. The elimination of the $1.50 fee charged for
disabled parking permits will be effective July 1, 2007.
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