Senate Bill sb1940
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Florida Senate - 2007 (NP) SR 1940
By Senator Joyner
1 Senate Resolution
2 A resolution condemning the Government of the
3 Republic of the Sudan for its participation and
4 complicity in the attacks against innocent
5 civilians in the impoverished Darfur region of
6 western Sudan.
8 WHEREAS, since early 2003, a conflict between forces of
9 the Government of the Republic of the Sudan, including militia
10 forces backed by the Government, and rebel forces in the
11 impoverished Darfur region of western Sudan has resulted in
12 attacks by ground and air forces of the Government of Sudan
13 against innocent civilians and undefended villages in the
14 region, and
15 WHEREAS, the militia forces backed by the Government of
16 Sudan have also engaged in the use of rape as a weapon of war,
17 the abduction of children, the destruction of food and water
18 sources, and the deliberate and systematic manipulation and
19 denial of humanitarian assistance for the people of the Darfur
20 region, and
21 WHEREAS, on December 18, 2003, United Nations
22 Undersecretary General for Humanitarian Affairs Jan Egeland
23 declared that the Darfur region was probably "the world's
24 worst humanitarian catastrophe," and in April 2004 reported to
25 the United Nations Security Council that in Darfur, "a
26 sequence of deliberate actions has been observed that seem
27 aimed at achieving a specific objective: the forcible and
28 long-term displacement of the targeted communities which may
29 also be termed 'ethnic cleansing'," and
30 WHEREAS, on February 17, 2004, Amnesty International
31 reported that it "continues to receive details of horrifying
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Florida Senate - 2007 (NP) SR 1940
1 attacks against civilians in villages by government warplanes,
2 soldiers, and pro-government militia," and
3 WHEREAS, on April 20, 2004, the United Nations Office
4 of the High Commissioner for Human Rights delayed the release
5 of a report citing gross human rights abuses, crimes against
6 humanity, and war crimes committed in Darfur in a bid to gain
7 access to Sudan for investigators, and
8 WHEREAS, the Government of Sudan continues to deny
9 humanitarian assistance for the people of the Darfur region by
10 denying them unrestricted access to humanitarian aid
11 organizations, and
12 WHEREAS, attacks on civilians in Darfur continue
13 despite an April 8, 2004, temporary cease-fire agreement, and
14 WHEREAS, nearly 3 million people affected by the
15 conflict in the Darfur region have remained beyond the reach
16 of aid agencies attempting to provide essential humanitarian
17 assistance, and United Nations aid agencies estimate that they
18 have been able to reach only 15 percent of people in need and
19 that more than 700,000 people have been displaced within
20 Sudan, and
21 WHEREAS, on September 9, 2004, Secretary of State Colin
22 Powell said that genocide has taken place in Sudan, and that
23 the Government and Government-sponsored militia groups bear
24 the responsibility for rapes, killings, and other abuses that
25 have left 1.2 million Black Africans homeless, NOW, THEREFORE,
27 Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida:
29 That this body strongly condemns the Government of the
30 Republic of the Sudan and militia groups supported by the
31 Government of Sudan for attacks against innocent civilians in
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Florida Senate - 2007 (NP) SR 1940
1 the impoverished Darfur region of western Sudan, in violation
2 of Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions, done at Geneva August
3 12, 1949, and entered into force October 21, 1950, which
4 specifically prohibit attacks on civilians, and demands that
5 the Government of Sudan immediately take actions to cease
6 these attacks.
7 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution,
8 with the Seal of the Senate affixed, be transmitted to the
9 Embassy of the Republic of Sudan and each member of the
10 Florida delegation to the United States Congress.
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