Senate Bill sb1964
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Florida Senate - 2007 SB 1964
By Senator Webster
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to transportation; amending s.
3 339.08, F.S.; allowing moneys in the State
4 Transportation Trust Fund to be used to pay the
5 cost of the Enhanced Bridge Program; creating
6 s. 339.282, F.S.; creating the Enhanced Bridge
7 Program for Sustainable Transportation within
8 the Department of Transportation; providing for
9 the use of funds in the program; providing
10 project guidelines for program funding;
11 providing an effective date.
13 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
15 Section 1. Paragraph (j) of subsection (1) of section
16 339.08, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
17 339.08 Use of moneys in State Transportation Trust
18 Fund.--
19 (1) The department shall expend moneys in the State
20 Transportation Trust Fund accruing to the department, in
21 accordance with its annual budget. The use of such moneys
22 shall be restricted to the following purposes:
23 (j) To pay the cost of county or municipal road
24 projects selected in accordance with the County Incentive
25 Grant Program created in s. 339.2817, and the Small County
26 Outreach Program created in s. 339.2818, and the Enhanced
27 Bridge Program created in s. 339.282.
28 Section 2. Section 339.282, Florida Statutes, is
29 created to read:
30 339.282 Enhanced Bridge Program for Sustainable
31 Transportation.--
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Florida Senate - 2007 SB 1964
1 (1) There is created within the Department of
2 Transportation the Enhanced Bridge Program for Sustainable
3 Transportation for the purpose of providing funds to improve
4 the sufficiency rating of local bridges and to improve
5 congested roads on the State Highway System or local corridors
6 on which high-cost bridges are located in order to improve a
7 corridor or provide an alternative corridor.
8 (2) Matching funds provided from the program may fund
9 up to 50 percent of project costs.
10 (3) The department shall allocate a minimum of 25
11 percent of funding available for the program for local bridge
12 projects to replace, rehabilitate, paint, or install scour
13 countermeasures to highway bridges located on public roads,
14 other than those on the State Highway System. A project to be
15 funded must, at a minimum:
16 (a) Be classified as a structurally deficient bridge
17 having a poor condition rating for the deck, superstructure,
18 substructure component, or culvert;
19 (b) Have a sufficiency rating of 35 or below; and
20 (c) Have average daily traffic of at least 500
21 vehicles.
22 (4) Special consideration shall be given to bridges
23 that are closed to all traffic or that have a load restriction
24 of less than 10 tons.
25 (5) The department shall allocate remaining funding
26 available for the program to improve highly congested roads on
27 the State Highway System or local corridors on which high-cost
28 bridges are located in order to improve the corridor or
29 provide an alternative corridor. A project to be funded must,
30 at a minimum:
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Florida Senate - 2007 SB 1964
1 (a) Be on or provide direct relief to an existing
2 corridor that is backlogged or constrained; and
3 (b) Be a major bridge having an estimated cost greater
4 than $25 million.
5 (6) Preference shall be given to bridge projects
6 located on corridors that connect to the Strategic Intermodal
7 System, created under s. 339.64, and that have been identified
8 as regionally significant in accordance with s.
9 339.155(5)(c),(d), and (e).
10 Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2007.
12 *****************************************
14 Creates the Enhanced Bridge Program for Sustainable
Transportation within the Department of Transportation.
15 Establishes guidelines for the funding of bridges through
the program. Authorizes the use of moneys from the State
16 Transportation Trust Fund for purposes of state matching
funds under the program.
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.