Senate Bill sb1994

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    Florida Senate - 2007        (NP)                      SR 1994

    By Senator Joyner


  1                        Senate Resolution

  2         A resolution recognizing February 2007 as

  3         "Black History Month" in Florida.


  5         WHEREAS, our nation has celebrated Black History Month

  6  during the month of February since 1976, and the theme for

  7  this year's celebration is "From Slavery to Freedom: The Story

  8  of Africans in the Americas," and

  9         WHEREAS, long ago, approximately 12 million African

10  American men, women, and children were forced to enter ships

11  for lives of slavery in the Western Hemisphere, 10 million of

12  whom survived the Middle Passage to arrive in America, and

13         WHEREAS, the Civil War erupted because the ideals upon

14  which this country was founded are in direct conflict with

15  slavery, resulting in the ratification of the 13th Amendment,

16  abolishing slavery in the United States of America, and

17         WHEREAS, the Civil Rights Movement of the 20th century

18  began in an effort to correct the failures of Reconstruction

19  and erase the remnants of slavery still evident in Jim Crow

20  laws, in continued segregation in nearly every aspect of daily

21  life, and in the persistence of second-class citizenship for

22  African Americans, and

23         WHEREAS, as a testament of strength throughout these

24  struggles, African Americans such as Harriet Tubman, Sojourner

25  Truth, Frederick Douglass, W.E.B. DuBois, Booker T.

26  Washington, George Washington Carver, Carter G. Woodson,

27  Malcolm X., Thurgood Marshall, Reverend Dr. Martin Luther

28  King, Jr., Fannie Lou Hamer, Shirley Chisholm, and Barbara

29  Jordan have contributed to the political and social growth of

30  American society, and



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    Florida Senate - 2007        (NP)                      SR 1994

 1         WHEREAS, through the contributions of African American

 2  musicians and writers such as Louis Armstrong, Count Basie,

 3  Duke Ellington, Billie Holiday, Charlie Parker, Ella

 4  Fitzgerald, Dizzy Gillespie, Leontyne Price, Marian Anderson,

 5  Andre Watts, Phyllis Wheatley, Langston Hughes, James Baldwin,

 6  Richard Wright, Alex Haley, Maya Angelou, Alice Walker,

 7  Gwendolyn Brooks, and Toni Morrison, the culture of the United

 8  States of America has been vitally enriched, and

 9         WHEREAS, African American sports figures, such as Jesse

10  Owens, Arthur Ashe, Muhammad Ali, Robert "Bullet Bob" Hayes, a

11  Florida native who still is the only athlete to earn both an

12  Olympic Gold Medal and an NFL Super Bowl Ring, Tiger Woods,

13  Venus Williams, and Serena Williams, have demonstrated their

14  ability to be role models on and off the field, in and out of

15  the ring, as they stood up for their rights and beliefs, and

16         WHEREAS, the fields of medicine, science, and

17  technology have all been advanced by the contributions of such

18  African American men and women as Dr. Charles Drew, Dr. Daniel

19  Hale Williams, Garrett Morgan, George Washington Carver, Dr.

20  Mae C. Jemison, and Dr. Benjamin Carson, and

21         WHEREAS, African Americans who are native to Florida,

22  such as Zora Neale Hurston, Charles Kenzie Steele, Sr., Jesse

23  K. McCrary, Jr., Joseph E. Lee, Asa Philip Randolph, and Mary

24  McLeod Bethune, have proudly represented our state as they

25  contributed to the history and culture of the United States of

26  America, and

27         WHEREAS, it is important to celebrate the many

28  achievements of African Americans in an effort to offer each

29  American a broader perspective of our history and an

30  appreciation for the diversity that makes our country strong,

31  and


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    Florida Senate - 2007        (NP)                      SR 1994

 1         WHEREAS, February is the birth month of both Abraham

 2  Lincoln and Frederick Douglass, two of the leaders in the

 3  movement to abolish slavery, and has been recognized at the

 4  local, state, and national levels as an appropriate month to

 5  commemorate the contributions of African Americans to our

 6  society since 1926 when Dr. Carter G. Woodson, historian and

 7  founder of the Journal of Negro History, initiated the

 8  observance with Negro History Week, NOW, THEREFORE,


10  Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida:


12         That February 2007 is recognized as "Black History

13  Month" in the State of Florida, and the Florida Senate calls

14  upon the people of this state to observe Black History Month

15  through programs, ceremonies, and activities celebrating the

16  historical and cultural contributions of African Americans.

















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