Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 2088
Barcode 061492
Senate House
1 Comm: 4/RCS .
04/19/2007 06:56 PM .
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4 ______________________________________________________________
10 ______________________________________________________________
11 The Committee on Education Pre-K - 12 (Deutch) recommended the
12 following amendment:
14 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
15 On page 1, line 30, through
16 page 3, line 16, delete those lines
18 and insert:
19 Section 2. Section 1006.273, Florida Statutes, is
20 created to read:
21 1006.273 Crash protection systems or other safety
22 equipment or facilities; sponsorship.--A district school board
23 may adopt policies providing for private sponsorship of the
24 installation of crash protection equipment or other safety
25 equipment on school buses pursuant to the provisions of this
26 section.
27 (1)(a) Any person or business entity may sponsor the
28 installation of seat belt assemblies or other safety equipment
29 on a school bus by paying a sponsorship fee as prescribed by
30 local school board policy. Proceeds from the collection of the
31 fee shall be distributed as follows:
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Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 2088
Barcode 061492
1 1. Up to 5 percent may be used to pay the cost of an
2 advertising agent involved with the transaction.
3 2. Up to 45 percent shall be used to pay for the cost
4 of the seat belt assemblies or other safety equipment or
5 facilities and the cost of installation.
6 3. The remaining funds shall be remitted to the state
7 for deposit into the General Revenue Fund to be used for
8 transportation purposes.
9 (b) There may be up to four business entity sponsors
10 per school bus. Sponsorships or cosponsorships by individuals
11 shall be as provided by district school board policy.
12 (2)(a) Upon request by the sponsor, the district
13 school board shall place signage on the exterior rear,
14 lower-quarter panels of the school bus acknowledging the
15 sponsor and, if the sponsor is a business entity, bearing the
16 logo of the business entity. However, no sponsor shall be
17 required to have his or her name or the name of the business
18 entity placed on the school bus.
19 (b) The acknowledgment shall bear the wording "Safety
20 equipment sponsored by" followed by the name of the sponsor.
21 (c) The design and size of the signage shall be as
22 prescribed by local school board policy.
23 (3) If sponsorship is applied to seat belt assembly,
24 the school bus must be equipped with a seat belt assembly that
25 meets the requirements for type 2 seat belt assemblies
26 established under Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No.
27 209, 49 C.F.R. s. 571.209, or with any other pelvic and upper
28 torso restraint system approved by the Federal Government in a
29 number sufficient to allow each student who is being
30 transported to use a separate pelvic and upper torso restraint
31 system.
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Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 2088
Barcode 061492
1 (4) Sponsorship under this section shall not impose or
2 imply any duty or responsibility on the sponsor for
3 installation or use of any seat belt assembly on any school
4 bus or other safety equipment or facilities, and, in any
5 action relating to the installation, use, disuse, or misuse of
6 any seat belt assembly on a school bus or other safety
7 equipment or facilities, no liability shall accrue to any
8 person or business entity because that person or entity is a
9 sponsor under this section.
12 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ===============
13 And the title is amended as follows:
14 On page 1, line 7, after the word "buses"
16 insert:
17 or other safety equipment or facilities
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