HB 225

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to the Florida Retirement System; amending
3ss. 121.021 and 121.0515, F.S.; providing membership in
4the Special Risk Class for public safety dispatchers and
5911 operators and their supervisors; providing an
6effective date.
8Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
10     Section 1.  Subsection (15) of section 121.021, Florida
11Statutes, is amended to read:
12     121.021  Definitions.--The following words and phrases as
13used in this chapter have the respective meanings set forth
14unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context:
15     (15)(a)  Until October 1, 1978, "special risk member" means
16any officer or employee whose application is approved by the
17administrator and who receives salary payments for work
18performed as a peace officer; law enforcement officer; police
19officer; highway patrol officer; custodial employee at a
20correctional or detention facility; correctional agency employee
21whose duties and responsibilities involve direct contact with
22inmates, but excluding secretarial and clerical employees;
23firefighter; or an employee in any other job in the field of law
24enforcement or fire protection if the duties of such person are
25certified as hazardous by his or her employer.
26     (b)  Effective October 1, 1978, "special risk member" means
27a member of the Florida Retirement System who is designated as a
28special risk member by the division in accordance with s.
29121.0515.  Such member must be employed as a law enforcement
30officer, a firefighter, or a correctional officer and must meet
31certain other special criteria as set forth in s. 121.0515.
32     (c)  Effective October 1, 1999, "special risk member" means
33a member of the Florida Retirement System who is designated as a
34special risk member by the division in accordance with s.
35121.0515. Such member must be employed as a law enforcement
36officer, a firefighter, a correctional officer, an emergency
37medical technician, or a paramedic and must meet certain other
38special criteria as set forth in s. 121.0515.
39     (d)1.  Effective January 1, 2001, "special risk member"
40includes any member who is employed as a community-based
41correctional probation officer and meets the special criteria
42set forth in s. 121.0515(2)(e).
43     2.  Effective January 1, 2001, "special risk member"
44includes any professional health care bargaining unit or non-
45unit member who is employed by the Department of Corrections or
46the Department of Children and Family Services and meets the
47special criteria set forth in s. 121.0515(2)(f).
48     (e)  Effective July 1, 2001, the term "special risk member"
49includes any member who is employed as a youth custody officer
50by the Department of Juvenile Justice and meets the special
51criteria set forth in s. 121.0515(2)(g).
52     (f)  Effective October 1, 2007, the term "special risk
53member" includes a person employed by an agency of state or
54local government as a public safety dispatcher or 911 operator
55whose duties and responsibilities include answering 911 calls;
56dispatching law enforcement, fire rescue services, emergency
57management services, and other public safety services to the
58scene of an emergency; and providing real-time information from
59federal, state, and local crime databases or supervising or
60serving as command officer of a member or members having such
61duties and responsibilities. However, the term does not include
62administrative support personnel, including, but not limited to,
63those whose primary duties and responsibilities are in
64accounting, purchasing, legal, and personnel.
65     Section 2.  Subsection (2) of section 121.0515, Florida
66Statutes, is amended to read:
67     121.0515  Special risk membership.--
68     (2)  CRITERIA.--A member, to be designated as a special
69risk member, must meet the following criteria:
70     (a)  The member must be employed as a law enforcement
71officer and be certified, or required to be certified, in
72compliance with s. 943.1395; however, sheriffs and elected
73police chiefs shall be excluded from meeting the certification
74requirements of this paragraph.  In addition, the member's
75duties and responsibilities must include the pursuit,
76apprehension, and arrest of law violators or suspected law
77violators; or the member must be an active member of a bomb
78disposal unit whose primary responsibility is the location,
79handling, and disposal of explosive devices; or the member must
80be the supervisor or command officer of a member or members who
81have such responsibilities; provided, however, administrative
82support personnel, including, but not limited to, those whose
83primary duties and responsibilities are in accounting,
84purchasing, legal, and personnel, shall not be included;
85     (b)  The member must be employed as a firefighter and be
86certified, or required to be certified, in compliance with s.
87633.35 and be employed solely within the fire department of a
88local government employer or an agency of state government with
89firefighting responsibilities. In addition, the member's duties
90and responsibilities must include on-the-scene fighting of
91fires, fire prevention, or firefighter training; direct
92supervision of firefighting units, fire prevention, or
93firefighter training; or aerial firefighting surveillance
94performed by fixed-wing aircraft pilots employed by the Division
95of Forestry of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer
96Services; or the member must be the supervisor or command
97officer of a member or members who have such responsibilities;
98provided, however, administrative support personnel, including,
99but not limited to, those whose primary duties and
100responsibilities are in accounting, purchasing, legal, and
101personnel, shall not be included and further provided that all
102periods of creditable service in fire prevention or firefighter
103training, or as the supervisor or command officer of a member or
104members who have such responsibilities, and for which the
105employer paid the special risk contribution rate, shall be
107     (c)  The member must be employed as a correctional officer
108and be certified, or required to be certified, in compliance
109with s. 943.1395.  In addition, the member's primary duties and
110responsibilities must be the custody, and physical restraint
111when necessary, of prisoners or inmates within a prison, jail,
112or other criminal detention facility, or while on work detail
113outside the facility, or while being transported; or the member
114must be the supervisor or command officer of a member or members
115who have such responsibilities; provided, however,
116administrative support personnel, including, but not limited to,
117those whose primary duties and responsibilities are in
118accounting, purchasing, legal, and personnel, shall not be
119included; however, wardens and assistant wardens, as defined by
120rule, shall participate in the Special Risk Class;
121     (d)  The member must be employed by a licensed Advance Life
122Support (ALS) or Basic Life Support (BLS) employer as an
123emergency medical technician or a paramedic and be certified in
124compliance with s. 401.27.  In addition, the member's primary
125duties and responsibilities must include on-the-scene emergency
126medical care or direct supervision of emergency medical
127technicians or paramedics, or the member must be the supervisor
128or command officer of one or more members who have such
129responsibility.  However, administrative support personnel,
130including, but not limited to, those whose primary
131responsibilities are in accounting, purchasing, legal, and
132personnel, shall not be included;
133     (e)  The member must be employed as a community-based
134correctional probation officer and be certified, or required to
135be certified, in compliance with s. 943.1395.  In addition, the
136member's primary duties and responsibilities must be the
137supervised custody, surveillance, control, investigation, and
138counseling of assigned inmates, probationers, parolees, or
139community controllees within the community; or the member must
140be the supervisor of a member or members who have such
141responsibilities. Administrative support personnel, including,
142but not limited to, those whose primary duties and
143responsibilities are in accounting, purchasing, legal services,
144and personnel management, shall not be included; however,
145probation and parole circuit and deputy circuit administrators
146shall participate in the Special Risk Class;
147     (f)  The member must be employed in one of the following
148classes and must spend at least 75 percent of his or her time
149performing duties which involve contact with patients or inmates
150in a correctional or forensic facility or institution:
151     1.  Dietitian (class codes 5203 and 5204);
152     2.  Public health nutrition consultant (class code 5224);
153     3.  Psychological specialist (class codes 5230 and 5231);
154     4.  Psychologist (class code 5234);
155     5.  Senior psychologist (class codes 5237 and 5238);
156     6.  Regional mental health consultant (class code 5240);
157     7.  Psychological Services Director--DCF (class code 5242);
158     8.  Pharmacist (class codes 5245 and 5246);
159     9.  Senior pharmacist (class codes 5248 and 5249);
160     10.  Dentist (class code 5266);
161     11.  Senior dentist (class code 5269);
162     12.  Registered nurse (class codes 5290 and 5291);
163     13.  Senior registered nurse (class codes 5292 and 5293);
164     14.  Registered nurse specialist (class codes 5294 and
166     15.  Clinical associate (class codes 5298 and 5299);
167     16.  Advanced registered nurse practitioner (class codes
1685297 and 5300);
169     17.  Advanced registered nurse practitioner specialist
170(class codes 5304 and 5305);
171     18.  Registered nurse supervisor (class codes 5306 and
173     19.  Senior registered nurse supervisor (class codes 5308
174and 5309);
175     20.  Registered nursing consultant (class codes 5312 and
177     21.  Quality management program supervisor (class code
179     22.  Executive nursing director (class codes 5320 and
181     23.  Speech and hearing therapist (class code 5406); or
182     24.  Pharmacy manager (class code 5251);
183     (g)  The member must be employed as a youth custody officer
184and be certified, or required to be certified, in compliance
185with s. 943.1395. In addition, the member's primary duties and
186responsibilities must be the supervised custody, surveillance,
187control, investigation, apprehension, arrest, and counseling of
188assigned juveniles within the community; or
189     (h)  The member must be employed by a law enforcement
190agency or medical examiner's office in a forensic discipline
191recognized by the International Association for Identification
192and must qualify for active membership in the International
193Association for Identification. The member's primary duties and
194responsibilities must include the collection, examination,
195preservation, documentation, preparation, or analysis of
196physical evidence or testimony, or both, or the member must be
197the direct supervisor, quality management supervisor, or command
198officer of one or more individuals with such responsibility.
199Administrative support personnel, including, but not limited to,
200those whose primary responsibilities are clerical or in
201accounting, purchasing, legal, and personnel, shall not be
202included; or.
203     (i)  The member must be employed by an agency of state or
204local government as a public safety dispatcher or 911 operator.
205In addition, the member's duties and responsibilities must
206include answering 911 calls; dispatching law enforcement, fire
207rescue services, emergency management services, and other public
208safety services to the scene of an emergency; and providing
209real-time information from federal, state, and local crime
210databases or the member must be the supervisor or command
211officer of a member or members who have such duties and
212responsibilities. However, administrative support personnel,
213including, but not limited to, those whose primary duties and
214responsibilities are in accounting, purchasing, legal, and
215personnel, are not included.
216     Section 3.  This act shall take effect October 1, 2007.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.