Senate Bill sb2302

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    Florida Senate - 2007                                  SB 2302

    By Senator Wilson


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to persons with developmental

  3         disabilities; creating the Task Force on Fiscal

  4         Responsibility for Services to Persons with

  5         Developmental Disabilities to evaluate the

  6         expenditure of Medicaid funds appropriated for

  7         services provided to persons with developmental

  8         disabilities; providing for membership and

  9         reimbursement for per diem and travel expenses;

10         directing that the task force be staffed by the

11         Governor's Office of Policy and Budget;

12         requiring that data and information be provided

13         by the Department of Children and Family

14         Services, the Agency for Health Care

15         Administration, and the Agency for Persons with

16         Disabilities; requiring reports; providing for

17         the expiration of the task force; providing an

18         appropriation; providing an effective date.


20  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


22         Section 1.  The Governor shall establish the Task Force

23  on Fiscal Responsibility for Services to Persons with

24  Developmental Disabilities by August 1, 2007, to examine how

25  funds for services provided to persons with developmental

26  disabilities are authorized and expended.

27         (1)  MEMBERSHIP.--

28         (a)  The task force shall consist of one representative

29  from each of the following organizations:

30         1.  Advocacy Center for Persons with Disabilities.

31         2.  ARC of Florida.


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    Florida Senate - 2007                                  SB 2302

 1         3.  Autism Society of Florida.

 2         4.  A family care council established under s. 393.502,

 3  Florida Statutes.

 4         5.  Family Network on Disabilities of Florida (FND).

 5         6.  Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and

 6  Technology (FAAST).

 7         7.  Florida Association for Persons in Supported

 8  Employment (Florida APSE).

 9         8.  Florida Association of Behavior Analysis.

10         9.  Florida Association of Rehabilitation Facilities

11  (Florida ARF).

12         10.  Florida Association of Support Coordinators.

13         11.  Florida Developmental Disabilities Council.

14         12.  Florida Disabled Outdoors Association.

15         13.  Florida Independent Living Council.

16         14.  Florida's Voice on Mental Retardation.

17         15.  Prader-Willi Syndrome Association.

18         16.  Spina-Bifida Association.

19         17.  Statewide Advocacy Network on Disabilities.

20         18.  United Cerebral Palsy.

21         (b)  The Governor shall select representatives from a

22  list of three persons submitted from each of the

23  organizations. The Governor may also appoint two additional

24  members and shall designate the chair of the task force.

25         (c)  The members of the task force shall serve without

26  compensation, but are entitled to reimbursement for per diem

27  and travel expenses in accordance with s. 112.061, Florida

28  Statutes.

29         (2)  PURPOSE.--The task force shall review the extent

30  to which funds appropriated for Medicaid Home and

31  Community-Based Services waivers serving persons with


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    Florida Senate - 2007                                  SB 2302

 1  developmental disabilities have been expended beginning with

 2  the 2000-2001 fiscal year. The task force shall determine the

 3  amount of any surpluses or deficits and what factors may have

 4  contributed to them.

 5         (3)  STAFFING.--The task force shall be staffed by the

 6  Governor's Office of Policy and Budget which, along with the

 7  Department of Children and Family Services, the Agency for

 8  Health Care Administration, and the Agency for Persons with

 9  Disabilities, shall provide such fiscal information and data

10  that is available and that the task force may need to

11  accomplish its purpose.  In addition, the task force, in

12  consultation with the Executive Office of the Governor, may

13  contract for such additional services as it may need from

14  funds appropriated for the use of the task force.

15         (4)  REPORTS.--The task force shall submit an interim

16  report to the Governor and the Legislature providing

17  preliminary findings on the expenditure of funds for waiver

18  services, and the amounts and causes of any deficits and

19  surpluses by February 1, 2008.  A final report, which must

20  include recommendations for predicting costs, avoiding

21  deficits, and providing services in a cost-effective and

22  equitable manner to persons with developmental disabilities,

23  shall be presented to the Governor, the President of the

24  Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives no

25  later than October 1, 2008.

26         (5)  EXPIRATION.--The task force is dissolved December

27  31, 2008.

28         Section 2.  The sum of $___________ is appropriated

29  from the General Revenue Fund to fund the activities of the

30  Task Force on Fiscal Responsibility for Services to Persons

31  with Developmental Disabilities.


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    Florida Senate - 2007                                  SB 2302

 1         Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2007.


 3            *****************************************

 4                          SENATE SUMMARY

 5    Creates the Task Force on Fiscal Responsibility for
      Services to Persons with Developmental Disabilities to
 6    evaluate the expenditure of Medicaid funds appropriated
      for services provided to persons with developmental
 7    disabilities. Provides for membership and reimbursement
      for per diem and travel expenses. Directs that the task
 8    force be staffed by the Governor's Office of Policy and
      Budget, and requires that data and information be
 9    provided by the Department of Children and Family
      Services, the Agency for Health Care Administration, and
10    the Agency for Persons with Disabilities. Requires an
      interim and final report. Provides for the expiration of
11    the task force.






















CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.