Senate Bill sb2462

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    Florida Senate - 2007                                  SB 2462

    By Senator Crist


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to urban revitalization;

  3         creating s. 288.715, F.S.; creating the Urban

  4         Revitalization Congress within the Executive

  5         Office of the Governor; providing legislative

  6         intent; providing for membership, staff

  7         support, and reimbursement for travel and per

  8         diem expenses for members; providing tasks;

  9         providing an appropriation; providing an

10         effective date.


12  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


14         Section 1.  Section 288.715, Florida Statutes, is

15  created to read:

16         288.715  Urban Revitalization Congress.--

17         (1)  LEGISLATIVE INTENT.--The Legislature finds and

18  declares:

19         (a)  Fiscally strong urban centers are beneficial to

20  regional and state economies and a resource for minimizing

21  future urban distress and should, therefore, be promoted by

22  state and local governments.

23         (b)  The health and vibrancy of an urban center

24  benefits its region and state; conversely, the deterioration

25  of an urban core negatively affects the surrounding area and

26  the entire state.

27         (c)  In recognition of the interwoven destiny between

28  urban centers, the surrounding suburbs, the region, and the

29  state, the respective governments need to establish a

30  framework for working in partnership with communities and the

31  private sector to revitalize urban centers.


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    Florida Senate - 2007                                  SB 2462

 1         (d)  State urban policies should guide the state,

 2  regional agencies, local governments, and the private sector

 3  in preserving and revitalizing existing urban centers and

 4  promoting the adequate provision of infrastructure, human

 5  services, safe neighborhoods, educational facilities, and

 6  economic development needed to sustain these centers into the

 7  future.

 8         (e)  Successfully revitalizing and sustaining urban

 9  centers is dependent on addressing, through an integrated and

10  coordinated statewide and community effort, the varied

11  cultural, educational, recreational, economic, transportation,

12  and social service components essential to maintaining a

13  healthy urban environment.

14         (f)  Leadership, strategic guidance, resource

15  coordination and leveraging, and promoting the use of

16  innovative approaches are recognized as essential factors for

17  promoting and sustaining urban centers. State and regional

18  agencies and local governments must provide incentives to

19  promote urban revitalization, which along with existing

20  programs, need to be integrated to the maximum extent possible

21  to promote urban revitalization and to achieve the goals of

22  the state's urban policy.

23         (2)  ESTABLISHMENT.--There is established, as part of

24  an overall state urban strategy, the Urban Revitalization

25  Congress within the Executive Office of the Governor to foster

26  leadership and provide resources and support to economically

27  energize the state's urban centers.

28         (3)  MEMBERSHIP.--

29         (a)  The congress shall consist of _____ members

30  appointed by the Governor, one of whom the Governor shall

31  appoint as chair. The members shall include both elected and


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    Florida Senate - 2007                                  SB 2462

 1  appointed local government officials, directors of urban

 2  centers, representatives of economic and community development

 3  organizations, private-sector leaders, as well as other

 4  parties having an interest in and knowledge about the vitality

 5  of this state's urban centers.

 6         (b)  Members shall serve without compensation but are

 7  entitled to receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance

 8  with s. 112.061 while performing their duties.

 9         (c)  The congress shall meet at least twice per year.

10         (4)  TASKS.--At a minimum, the congress shall:

11         (a)  Award competitive grants to fund demonstration

12  projects that encourage business investment in urban centers.

13         (b)  Provide matching funds for community redevelopment

14  projects and partnerships with urban colleges and universities

15  which support urban revitalization programs.

16         (c)  Work with state agencies and communities to

17  prepare a statewide strategy and plan for revitalizing and

18  sustaining the state's urban centers.

19         (5)  STAFFING.--The Executive Office of the Governor

20  shall provide staff support for the congress.

21         (6)  REPORTS.--The congress shall prepare an annual

22  report, which shall be submitted to the Governor, the

23  President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of

24  Representatives beginning September 1, 2008, and annually

25  thereafter.

26         (7)  TERMINATION.--The congress shall expire July 1,

27  2011.

28         Section 2.  The sum of $ _______________ is

29  appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Executive

30  Office of the Governor for the purpose of funding the



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    Florida Senate - 2007                                  SB 2462

 1  activities of the Urban Revitalization Congress during the

 2  2007-2008 fiscal year.

 3         Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2007.


 5            *****************************************

 6                          SENATE SUMMARY

 7    Creates the Urban Revitalization Congress in the
      Executive Office of the Governor. Provides legislative
 8    intent and tasks of the congress.  Provides for
      membership, travel and per diem expense reimbursement for
 9    members, and staff support. Provides for termination of
      the congress.























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