Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for SB 254
Barcode 100352
Senate House
1 Comm: 1/RCS .
04/13/2007 01:06 PM .
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4 ______________________________________________________________
10 ______________________________________________________________
11 The Committee on Finance and Tax (Haridopolos) recommended the
12 following amendment to amendment (933558):
14 Senate Amendment
15 On page 1, line 31 through page 2, line 9, delete those
16 lines
18 and insert:
19 (2) Community colleges and state universities shall
20 post on their web site, as early as is feasible but not less
21 than 30 days prior to the first day of class for each term, a
22 list of each textbook assigned for each course offered at the
23 institution during the upcoming term. The posted list shall
24 include the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) for each
25 textbook along with other relevant information necessary to
26 identify the specific textbook or textbooks required for each
27 course. The State Board of Education and the Board of
28 Governors shall include in the policies, procedures, and
29 guidelines adopted under subsection (3), certain limited
30 exceptions to this notification requirement for classes added
31 after the notification deadline.
7:00 PM 04/12/07 s0254.ft26.0ab