Senator(s) Alexander moved the following LATE FILED SUBSTITUTE AMENDMENT
for 18 (997534):
Section: 05 On Page: 234
Spec App: 1859
| EXPLANATION: Reallocates water project funds by reducing: $200,000 from the Cutler Bay Stormwater Utility and Management Projects Plan project; $10,272,000 from the Frostproof Wastewater System Improvements project; $500,000 from the South Miami Drainage Improvements project; and $100,000 from the West Miami Phase III Stormwater Improvements project; to increase funding for the Miami River Dredging Project from $2,000,000 to $6,000,000 and to provide: $25,000 for the Biscayne Park Stormwater Project Phase III; $100,000 for the Coral Gables Waterway Bank Stabilization project; $200,000 for the Cutler Bay Stormwater Utility and Management Projects Plan project; $250,000 for the Fairlawn Storm Sewer Improvements Project, Phase III, B-50704; $750,000 for the Flagami / West End Storm Sewer Improvements Project, Phase II, B-50695; $3,000,000 for the Frostproof Wastewater System Improvements project; $1,050,000 for the Glades County Sewer System Expansion project; $1,000,000 for the Hardee County Regional Wastewater Service project; $100,000 for the Kinloch Storm Sewer Improvements Project, B-50705; $197,000 for the Miami River Federal Channel Dredging Project; $1,050,000 for the Okeechobee County Wastewater Expansion and Improvements project; $750,000 for the Riviera Beach Lift Stations/Force Main Improvements project; $500,000 for South Miami Drainage Improvements project; $1,000,000 for the Upper Peace Watershed Restoration Initiative project; $200,000 for the Village of Pinecrest Potable County Water and Fire Protection Improvement Project; $200,000 for the West Miami Phase III Stormwater Improvements project; $100,000 for the West Miami Potable Water System Infrastructure Assessment project; $500,000 for the Wilton Manors Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation project; $750,000 for the Florida City Water System Repair project; $500,000 for the Marathon Wastewater Treatment project; and $750,000 for the Palmetto Bay
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| Stormwater System Improvements project.
NET IMPACT ON: Total Funds General Revenue Trust Funds
Recurring - 0 0 0
Non-Recurring - 0 0 0
Positions & Amounts Positions & Amounts
Program: Water Resource Management
Water Resource Protection And Restoration 37350200
In Section 05 On Page 234
1859 Grants And Aids To Local Governments And 140047
Nonstate Entities - Fixed Capital Outlay
Grants And Aids - Water Projects IOEM
In the list of projects immediately following Specific Appropriation
1859, DELETE:
Cutler Bay Stormwater Utility and Management Projects Plan.. 400,000
Frostproof Wastewater System Improvements................... 13,272,000
Miami River Dredging Project................................ 2,000,000
South Miami Drainage Improvements........................... 1,000,000
West Miami Phase III Stormwater Improvements............... 300,000
Florida City Water System Repair............................ 1,000,000
Palmetto Bay Stormwater System Improvements................. 1,000,000
Biscayne Park Stormwater Project Phase III.................. 25,000
Coral Gables Waterway Bank Stabilization.................... 100,000
Cutler Bay Stormwater Utility and Management Projects Plan.. 200,000
Fairlawn Storm Sewer Improvements Project, Phase III,
B-50704................................................ 250,000
Flagami / West End Storm Sewer Improvements Project,
Phase II, B-50695...................................... 750,000
Frostproof Wastewater System Improvements................... 3,000,000
Glades County Sewer System Expansion...................... 1,050,000
Hardee County Regional Wastewater Service................... 1,000,000
Kinloch Storm Sewer Improvements Project, B-50705........... 100,000
Miami River Dredging Project................................ 6,000,000
Miami River Federal Channel Dredging Project................ 197,000
Okeechobee County Wastewater Expansion and Improvements... 1,050,000
Riviera Beach Lift Stations/Force Main Improvements......... 750,000
South Miami Drainage Improvements........................... 500,000
Upper Peace Watershed Restoration Initiative................ 1,000,000
Village of Pinecrest Potable County Water and Fire
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Protection Improvement Project............................ 200,000
West Miami Phase III Stormwater Improvements................ 200,000
West Miami Potable Water System Infrastructure Assessment... 100,000
Wilton Manors Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation................. 500,000
Florida City Water System Repair............................ 750,000
Marathon Wastewater Treatment............................... 500,000
Palmetto Bay Stormwater System Improvements................. 750,000
Line item amendments are accepted as part of the amendatory process. However, due to the necessity of using computerized systems this may entail a different placement within a budget entity or the renumbering of the specific appropriation items. Items printed in italics are computer codes and are not a part of the official text of this amendment. |
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