Florida Senate - 2007                      COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
    Bill No. CS for SB 2836
                        Barcode 044476
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1           Comm: RCS             .                    
       04/24/2007 05:16 PM         .                    
 2                                 .                    
 3                                 .                    
 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  The Committee on Transportation and Economic Development
12  Appropriations (Diaz de la Portilla) recommended the following
13  amendment:
15         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
16         On page 24, between lines 29 and 30,
18  insert:  
19         Section 8.  Subsections (2) and (6) of section 633.081,
20  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
21         633.081  Inspection of buildings and equipment; orders;
22  firesafety inspection training requirements; certification;
23  disciplinary action.--The State Fire Marshal and her or his
24  agents shall, at any reasonable hour, when the department has
25  reasonable cause to believe that a violation of this chapter
26  or s. 509.215, or a rule promulgated thereunder, or a minimum
27  firesafety code adopted by a local authority, may exist,
28  inspect any and all buildings and structures which are subject
29  to the requirements of this chapter or s. 509.215 and rules
30  promulgated thereunder. The authority to inspect shall extend
31  to all equipment, vehicles, and chemicals which are located
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Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 2836 Barcode 044476 1 within the premises of any such building or structure. 2 (2) Every firesafety inspection conducted pursuant to 3 state or local firesafety requirements shall be by a person 4 certified as having met the inspection training requirements 5 set by the State Fire Marshal. Such person shall: 6 (a) Be a high school graduate or the equivalent as 7 determined by the department; 8 (b) Not have been found guilty of, or having pleaded 9 guilty or nolo contendere to, a felony or a crime punishable 10 by imprisonment of 1 year or more under the law of the United 11 States, or of any state thereof, which involves moral 12 turpitude, without regard to whether a judgment of conviction 13 has been entered by the court having jurisdiction of such 14 cases; 15 (c) Have her or his fingerprints on file with the 16 department or with an agency designated by the department; 17 (d) Have good moral character as determined by the 18 department; 19 (e) Be at least 18 years of age a resident of Florida; 20 (f) Have satisfactorily completed the firesafety 21 inspector certification examination as prescribed by the 22 department; and 23 (g)1. Have satisfactorily completed, as determined by 24 the department, a firesafety inspector training program of not 25 less than 200 hours, as established by the department and 26 administered by such agencies and institutions as approved by 27 the department for the purpose of providing basic 28 certification training for firesafety inspectors; or 29 2. Have received in another state training which is 30 determined by the department to be at least equivalent to that 31 required by the department for approved firesafety inspector 2 4:44 PM 04/23/07 s2836c1c-ta36-r3r
Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 2836 Barcode 044476 1 education and training programs in this state. 2 (6) The State Fire Marshal may deny, refuse to renew, 3 suspend, or revoke the certificate of a firesafety inspector 4 or special state firesafety inspector if it finds that any of 5 the following grounds exist: 6 (a) Any cause for which issuance of a certificate 7 could have been refused had it then existed and been known to 8 the State Fire Marshal. 9 (b) Violation of any provision of this chapter or any 10 rule or order of the State Fire Marshal. 11 (c) Falsification of records relating to the 12 certificate. 13 (d) Having been found guilty of or having pleaded 14 guilty or nolo contendere to a felony, whether or not a 15 judgment of conviction has been entered. 16 (e) Failure to meet any of the renewal requirements. 17 (f) Having been convicted of a crime in any 18 jurisdiction which directly relates to the practice of fire 19 code inspection, plan review, or administration. 20 (g) Making or filing a report or record that the 21 certificateholder knows to be false, or knowingly inducing 22 another to file a false report or record, or knowingly failing 23 to file a report or record required by state or local law, or 24 knowingly impeding or obstructing such filing, or knowingly 25 inducing another person to impede or obstruct such filing. 26 (h) Failing to properly enforce applicable fire codes 27 or permit requirements within this state which the 28 certificateholder knows are applicable by committing willful 29 misconduct, gross negligence, gross misconduct, repeated 30 negligence, or negligence resulting in a significant danger to 31 life or property. 3 4:44 PM 04/23/07 s2836c1c-ta36-r3r
Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 2836 Barcode 044476 1 (i) Accepting labor, services, or materials at no 2 charge or at a noncompetitive rate from any person who 3 performs work that is under the enforcement authority of the 4 certificateholder and who is not an immediate family member of 5 the certificateholder. For the purpose of this paragraph, the 6 term "immediate family member" means a spouse, child, parent, 7 sibling, grandparent, aunt, uncle, or first cousin of the 8 person or the person's spouse or any person who resides in the 9 primary residence of the certificateholder. 10 Section 9. Subsection (9) of section 633.521, Florida 11 Statutes, is amended, and subsection (11) is added to that 12 section, to read: 13 633.521 Certificate application and issuance; permit 14 issuance; examination and investigation of applicant.-- 15 (9) It is the intent of the Legislature that the 16 inspections and testing of automatic fire sprinkler systems 17 for detached one-family dwellings, detached two-family 18 dwellings, and mobile homes be accomplished by the owner, who 19 is responsible for requesting service from a contractor when 20 necessary. It is further intended that the NFPA-25 inspection 21 of exposed underground piping and any attached appurtenances 22 supplying a fire protection system be conducted by a 23 Contractor I or Contractor II. 24 (11) It is intended that a certificateholder, or a 25 permitholder who is employed by a certificateholder, conduct 26 inspections required by this chapter. It is understood that 27 after July 1, 2008, employee turnover may result in a 28 depletion of personnel who are certified under the NICET 29 Sub-field of Inspection and Testing of Fire Protection Systems 30 Level II which is required for permitholders. The extensive 31 training and experience necessary to achieve NICET Level II 4 4:44 PM 04/23/07 s2836c1c-ta36-r3r
Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 2836 Barcode 044476 1 certification is recognized. A certificateholder may therefore 2 obtain a provisional permit with an endorsement for 3 inspection, testing, and maintenance of water-based fire 4 extinguishing systems for an employee if the employee has 5 initiated procedures for obtaining Level II certification from 6 the National Institute for Certification in Engineering 7 Technologies Sub-field of Inspection and Testing of Fire 8 Protection Systems and achieved Level I certification. After 2 9 years of provisional certification, the employee must have 10 achieved NICET Level II certification or cease performing 11 inspections requiring Level II certification. The provisional 12 permit is valid only for the 2 calendar years after the date 13 of issuance, may not be extended, and is not renewable. After 14 the initial 2-year provisional permit expires, the 15 certificateholder must wait 2 additional years before a new 16 provisional permit may be issued. The intent is to prohibit 17 the certificateholder from using employees who never reach 18 NICET Level II status by continuously obtaining provisional 19 permits. 20 Section 10. Subsection (4) of section 633.537, Florida 21 Statutes, is amended to read: 22 633.537 Certificate; expiration; renewal; inactive 23 certificate; continuing education.-- 24 (4) The renewal period for the permit class is the 25 same as that for of the employing certificateholder. The 26 continuing education requirements for permitholders are what 27 is required to maintain NICET Sub-field of Inspection and 28 Testing of Fire Protection Systems Level II or higher 29 certification plus 8 shall be 8 contact hours by June 30, 30 2006. An additional 16 contact hours of continuing education 31 is required by June 30, 2008, and during each biennial renewal 5 4:44 PM 04/23/07 s2836c1c-ta36-r3r
Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 2836 Barcode 044476 1 period thereafter. The continuing education curriculum from 2 July 1, 2005, until July 1, 2008, shall be the preparatory 3 curriculum for NICET II certification; after July 1, 2008, the 4 technical curriculum is at the discretion of the State Fire 5 Marshal and may be used to meet the maintenance of NICET Level 6 II certification and 8 contact hours of continuing education 7 requirements. It is the responsibility of the permitholder to 8 maintain NICET II certification as a condition of permit 9 renewal after July 1, 2008. 10 11 (Redesignate subsequent sections.) 12 13 14 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 15 And the title is amended as follows: 16 On page 2, line 19, after the semicolon, 17 18 insert: 19 amending s. 633.081, F.S.; deleting the 20 requirement that a certified firesafety 21 inspector be a resident of Florida; requiring 22 that a firesafey inspector be 18 years of age 23 or older; establishing grounds under which an 24 inspector's license may be suspended or 25 revoked; amending s. 633.521, F.S.; providing 26 for provisional permits for inspectors of 27 certain fire protection systems; providing a 28 time limitation for such permits; amending s. 29 633.537, F.S.; revising continuing education 30 requirements; 31 6 4:44 PM 04/23/07 s2836c1c-ta36-r3r