1 | Representative(s) Cretul offered the following: |
2 |
3 | Amendment (with title amendment) |
4 | On page 4, line 20, through page 34, line 5, |
5 | remove all of said lines. |
6 | and insert: |
7 | Section 2. (1) Before eliminating gravel or stone roofing |
8 | systems in the Florida Building Code, the Florida Building |
9 | Commission shall determine and document: |
10 | (a) Whether there is a scientific basis or reason for |
11 | eliminating this option; |
12 | (b) Whether there is an available alternative that is |
13 | equivalent in cost and durability; |
14 | (c) Whether eliminating this option will unnecessarily |
15 | restrict or eliminate business or consumer choice in roofing |
16 | systems; and |
17 | (d) In consultation with the Fish and Wildlife |
18 | Conservation Commission, whether eliminating this option will |
19 | negatively affect the nesting habitat of any species of nesting |
20 | bird. |
21 | (2) Notwithstanding s. 553.73, Florida Statutes, the |
22 | Florida Building Commission may adopt provisions to preserve the |
23 | use of gravel roof systems in future editions of the Florida |
24 | Building Code, if necessary to address the determination of the |
25 | issues addressed in this section. |
26 | Section 3. Paragraph (d) of subsection (7) of section |
27 | 468.609, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: |
28 | 468.609 Administration of this part; standards for |
29 | certification; additional categories of certification.-- |
30 | (7) |
31 | (d) A newly employed or hired person may perform the |
32 | duties of a plans examiner or building code inspector for 120 90 |
33 | days if a provisional certificate application has been submitted |
34 | if, provided such person is under the direct supervision of a |
35 | certified building code administrator who holds a standard |
36 | certification and who has found such person qualified for a |
37 | provisional certificate. However, Direct supervision and the |
38 | determination of qualifications under this paragraph may also be |
39 | provided by a building code administrator who holds a limited or |
40 | provisional certificate in a any county having with a population |
41 | of fewer less than 75,000 and in a any municipality located |
42 | within such a county. |
43 | Section 4. Subsection (7) of section 553.73, Florida |
44 | Statutes, as amended by section 7 of chapter 2007-1, Laws of |
45 | Florida, is amended to read: |
46 | 553.73 Florida Building Code.-- |
47 | (7) Upon the conclusion of a triennial update to the |
48 | Florida Building Code, Notwithstanding the provisions of |
49 | subsection (3) or subsection (6), the commission may address |
50 | issues identified in this subsection by amending the code |
51 | pursuant only to the rule adoption procedures contained in |
52 | chapter 120. Provisions of the Florida Building Code, including |
53 | those contained in referenced standards and criteria, relating |
54 | to wind resistance or the prevention of water intrusion may not |
55 | be amended pursuant to this subsection to diminish those |
56 | construction requirements; however, the commission may, subject |
57 | to conditions in this subsection, amend the provisions to |
58 | enhance those construction requirements. Following the approval |
59 | of any amendments to the Florida Building Code by the commission |
60 | and publication of the amendments on the commission's website, |
61 | authorities having jurisdiction to enforce the Florida Building |
62 | Code may enforce the amendments. The commission may approve |
63 | amendments that are needed to address: |
64 | (a) Conflicts within the updated code; |
65 | (b) Conflicts between the updated code and the Florida |
66 | Fire Prevention Code adopted pursuant to chapter 633; |
67 | (c) The omission of previously adopted Florida-specific |
68 | amendments to the updated code if such omission is not supported |
69 | by a specific recommendation of a technical advisory committee |
70 | or particular action by the commission; or |
71 | (d) Unintended results from the integration of previously |
72 | adopted Florida-specific amendments with the model code; or. |
73 | (e) Changes to federal or state law. |
74 | Section 5. Present paragraphs (d) through (g) of |
75 | subsection (3) of section 553.775, Florida Statutes, are |
76 | redesignated as paragraphs (e) through (h), respectively, and a |
77 | new paragraph (d) is added to that subsection, to read: |
78 | 553.775 Interpretations.-- |
79 | (3) The following procedures may be invoked regarding |
80 | interpretations of the Florida Building Code: |
81 | (d) Upon written application by any substantially affected |
82 | person, contractor, or designer, or a group representing a |
83 | substantially affected person, contractor, or designer, the |
84 | commission shall issue or cause to be issued a formal |
85 | interpretation of the Florida Building Code as prescribed by |
86 | paragraph (c). |
87 | Section 6. Subsections (1), (2), (4), (8), (9), (10), |
88 | (11), (13), (15), and (18) of section 553.791, Florida Statutes, |
89 | are amended to read: |
90 | 553.791 Alternative plans review and inspection.-- |
91 | (1) As used in this section, the term: |
92 | (a) "Applicable codes" means the Florida Building Code and |
93 | any local technical amendments to the Florida Building Code but |
94 | does not include the applicable minimum fire prevention and |
95 | firesafety codes adopted pursuant to chapter 633. |
96 | (b) "Audit" means the process to confirm that the building |
97 | code inspection services have been performed by the private |
98 | provider, including ensuring that the required affidavit for the |
99 | plan review has been properly completed and affixed to the |
100 | permit documents and that the minimum mandatory inspections |
101 | required under the building code have been performed and |
102 | properly recorded. The term does not mean that the local |
103 | building official is required to replicate the plan review or |
104 | inspection being performed by the private provider. |
105 | (c)(b) "Building" means any construction, erection, |
106 | alteration, demolition, or improvement of, or addition to, any |
107 | structure for which permitting by a local enforcement agency is |
108 | required. |
109 | (d)(c) "Building code inspection services" means those |
110 | services described in s. 468.603(6) and (7) involving the review |
111 | of building plans to determine compliance with applicable codes |
112 | and those inspections required by law of each phase of |
113 | construction for which permitting by a local enforcement agency |
114 | is required to determine compliance with applicable codes. |
115 | (e)(d) "Duly authorized representative" means an agent of |
116 | the private provider identified in the permit application who |
117 | reviews plans or performs inspections as provided by this |
118 | section and who is licensed as an engineer under chapter 471 or |
119 | as an architect under chapter 481 or who holds a standard |
120 | certificate under part XII of chapter 468. |
121 | (f) "Immediate threat to public safety and welfare" means |
122 | a building code violation that, if allowed to persist, |
123 | constitutes an immediate hazard that could result in death, |
124 | serious bodily injury, or significant property damage. This |
125 | paragraph does not limit the authority of the local building |
126 | official to issue a Notice of Corrective Action at any time |
127 | during the construction of a building project or any portion of |
128 | such project if the official determines that a condition of the |
129 | building or portion thereof may constitute a hazard when the |
130 | building is put into use following completion as long as the |
131 | condition cited is shown to be in violation of the building code |
132 | or approved plans. |
133 | (g)(e) "Local building official" means the individual |
134 | within the governing jurisdiction responsible for direct |
135 | regulatory administration or supervision of plans review, |
136 | enforcement, and inspection of any construction, erection, |
137 | alteration, demolition, or substantial improvement of, or |
138 | addition to, any structure for which permitting is required to |
139 | indicate compliance with applicable codes and includes any duly |
140 | authorized designee of such person. |
141 | (h)(f) "Permit application" means a properly completed and |
142 | submitted application for the requested building or construction |
143 | permit, including: |
144 | 1. The plans reviewed by the private provider. |
145 | 2. The affidavit from the private provider required under |
146 | pursuant to subsection (6). |
147 | 3. Any applicable fees. |
148 | 4. Any documents required by the local building official |
149 | to determine that the fee owner has secured all other government |
150 | approvals required by law. |
151 | (i)(g) "Private provider" means a person licensed as an |
152 | engineer under chapter 471 or as an architect under chapter 481. |
153 | For purposes of performing inspections under this section for |
154 | additions and alterations that are limited to 1,000 square feet |
155 | or less to residential buildings, the term "private provider" |
156 | also includes a person who holds a standard certificate under |
157 | part XII of chapter 468. |
158 | (j)(h) "Request for certificate of occupancy or |
159 | certificate of completion" means a properly completed and |
160 | executed application for: |
161 | 1. A certificate of occupancy or certificate of |
162 | completion. |
163 | 2. A certificate of compliance from the private provider |
164 | required under pursuant to subsection (11). |
165 | 3. Any applicable fees. |
166 | 4. Any documents required by the local building official |
167 | to determine that the fee owner has secured all other government |
168 | approvals required by law. |
169 | (k) "Stop-work order" means the issuance of any written |
170 | statement, written directive, or written order which states the |
171 | reason for the order and the conditions under which the cited |
172 | work will be permitted to resume. |
173 | (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of law or local |
174 | government ordinance or local policy, the fee owner of a |
175 | building or structure, or the fee owner's contractor upon |
176 | written authorization from the fee owner, may choose to use a |
177 | private provider to provide building code inspection services |
178 | with regard to such building or structure and may make payment |
179 | directly to the private provider for the provision of such |
180 | services. All such services shall be the subject of a written |
181 | contract between the private provider, or the private provider's |
182 | firm, and the fee owner or the fee owner's contractor, upon |
183 | written authorization of the fee owner. The fee owner may elect |
184 | to use a private provider to provide plans review or required |
185 | building inspections, or both. However, if the fee owner or the |
186 | fee owner's contractor uses a private provider to provide plans |
187 | review, the local building official, in his or her discretion |
188 | and pursuant to duly adopted policies of the local enforcement |
189 | agency, may require the fee owner or the fee owner's contractor |
190 | to use a private provider to also provide required building |
191 | inspections. |
192 | (4) A fee owner or the fee owner's contractor using a |
193 | private provider to provide building code inspection services |
194 | shall notify the local building official at the time of permit |
195 | application, or no less than 7 business days prior to the first |
196 | scheduled inspection by the local building official or building |
197 | code enforcement agency for a private provider performing |
198 | required inspections of construction under this section, on a |
199 | form to be adopted by the commission. This notice shall include |
200 | the following information: |
201 | (a) The services to be performed by the private provider. |
202 | (b) The name, firm, address, telephone number, and |
203 | facsimile number of each private provider who is performing or |
204 | will perform such services, his or her professional license or |
205 | certification number, qualification statements or resumes, and, |
206 | if required by the local building official, a certificate of |
207 | insurance demonstrating that professional liability insurance |
208 | coverage is in place for the private provider's firm, the |
209 | private provider, and any duly authorized representative in the |
210 | amounts required by this section. |
211 | (c) An acknowledgment from the fee owner in substantially |
212 | the following form: |
213 | I have elected to use one or more private providers to provide |
214 | building code plans review and/or inspection services on the |
215 | building or structure that is the subject of the enclosed permit |
216 | application, as authorized by s. 553.791, Florida Statutes. I |
217 | understand that the local building official may not review the |
218 | plans submitted or perform the required building inspections to |
219 | determine compliance with the applicable codes, except to the |
220 | extent specified in said law. Instead, plans review and/or |
221 | required building inspections will be performed by licensed or |
222 | certified personnel identified in the application. The law |
223 | requires minimum insurance requirements for such personnel, but |
224 | I understand that I may require more insurance to protect my |
225 | interests. By executing this form, I acknowledge that I have |
226 | made inquiry regarding the competence of the licensed or |
227 | certified personnel and the level of their insurance and am |
228 | satisfied that my interests are adequately protected. I agree to |
229 | indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the local government, the |
230 | local building official, and their building code enforcement |
231 | personnel from any and all claims arising from my use of these |
232 | licensed or certified personnel to perform building code |
233 | inspection services with respect to the building or structure |
234 | that is the subject of the enclosed permit application. |
235 |
236 | If the fee owner or the fee owner's contractor makes any changes |
237 | to the listed private providers or the services to be provided |
238 | by those private providers, the fee owner or the fee owner's |
239 | contractor shall, within 1 business day after any change, update |
240 | the notice to reflect such changes. A change of a duly |
241 | authorized representative named in the permit application does |
242 | not require a revision of the permit, and the building code |
243 | enforcement agency shall not charge a fee for making the change. |
244 | In addition, the fee owner or the fee owner's contractor shall |
245 | post at the project site, prior to the commencement of |
246 | construction and updated within 1 business day after any change, |
247 | on a form to be adopted by the commission, the name, firm, |
248 | address, telephone number, and facsimile number of each private |
249 | provider who is performing or will perform building code |
250 | inspection services, the type of service being performed, and |
251 | similar information for the primary contact of the private |
252 | provider on the project. |
253 | (8) A private provider performing required inspections |
254 | under this section shall inspect each phase of construction as |
255 | required by the applicable codes. The private provider shall be |
256 | permitted to send a duly authorized representative to the |
257 | building site to perform the required inspections, provided all |
258 | required reports and certifications are prepared by and bear the |
259 | signature of the private provider or the private provider's duly |
260 | authorized representative. The duly authorized representative |
261 | must be an employee of the private provider entitled to receive |
262 | unemployment compensation benefits under chapter 443. The |
263 | contractor's contractual or legal obligations are not relieved |
264 | by any action of the private provider. |
265 | (9) A private provider performing required inspections |
266 | under this section shall provide notice to the local building |
267 | official of the date and approximate time of any such inspection |
268 | no later than the prior business day by 2 p.m. local time or by |
269 | any later time permitted by the local building official in that |
270 | jurisdiction. The local building official may visit the |
271 | building site as often as necessary to verify that the private |
272 | provider is performing all required inspections. A deficiency |
273 | notice must be posted at the job site by the private provider, |
274 | the duly authorized representative of the private provider, or |
275 | the building department whenever a noncomplying item related to |
276 | the building code or the permitted documents is found. After |
277 | corrections are made, the item must be reinspected by the |
278 | private provider or representative before being concealed. |
279 | Reinspection or reaudit fees shall not be charged by the local |
280 | jurisdiction as a result of the local jurisdiction's audit |
281 | inspection occurring before the performance of the private |
282 | provider's inspection or for any other administrative matter not |
283 | involving the detection of a violation of the building code or a |
284 | permit requirement. |
285 | (10) Upon completing the required inspections at each |
286 | applicable phase of construction, the private provider shall |
287 | record such inspections on a form acceptable to the local |
288 | building official. The form must be signed by the provider or |
289 | the provider's duly authorized representative. These inspection |
290 | records shall reflect those inspections required by the |
291 | applicable codes of each phase of construction for which |
292 | permitting by a local enforcement agency is required. The |
293 | private provider, before leaving the project site, shall post |
294 | each completed inspection record, indicating pass or fail, at |
295 | the site and provide the record to the local building official |
296 | within 2 business days. The local building official may waive |
297 | the requirement to provide a record of each inspection within 2 |
298 | business days if the record is posted at the project site and |
299 | all such inspection records are submitted with the certificate |
300 | of compliance. Records of all required and completed inspections |
301 | shall be maintained at the building site at all times and made |
302 | available for review by the local building official. The private |
303 | provider shall report to the local enforcement agency any |
304 | condition that poses an immediate threat to public safety and |
305 | welfare. |
306 | (11) Upon completion of all required inspections, the |
307 | private provider shall prepare a certificate of compliance, on a |
308 | form acceptable to the local building official, summarizing the |
309 | inspections performed and including a written representation, |
310 | under oath, that the stated inspections have been performed and |
311 | that, to the best of the private provider's knowledge and |
312 | belief, the building construction inspected complies with the |
313 | approved plans and applicable codes. The statement required of |
314 | the private provider shall be substantially in the following |
315 | form and shall be signed and sealed by a private provider as |
316 | established in subsection (1): |
317 | To the best of my knowledge and belief, the building components |
318 | and site improvements outlined herein and inspected under my |
319 | authority have been completed in conformance with the approved |
320 | plans and the applicable codes. |
321 | (13) If the local building official determines that the |
322 | building construction or plans do not comply with the applicable |
323 | codes, the official may deny the permit or request for a |
324 | certificate of occupancy or certificate of completion, as |
325 | appropriate, or may issue a stop-work order for the project or |
326 | any portion thereof as provided by law, if the official |
327 | determines that the such noncompliance poses an immediate a |
328 | threat to public safety and welfare, subject to the following: |
329 | (a) The local building official shall be available to meet |
330 | with the private provider within 2 business days to resolve any |
331 | dispute after issuing a stop-work order or providing notice to |
332 | the applicant denying a permit or request for a certificate of |
333 | occupancy or certificate of completion. |
334 | (b) If the local building official and private provider |
335 | are unable to resolve the dispute, the matter shall be referred |
336 | to the local enforcement agency's board of appeals, if one |
337 | exists, which shall consider the matter at its next scheduled |
338 | meeting or sooner. Any decisions by the local enforcement |
339 | agency's board of appeals, or local building official if there |
340 | is no board of appeals, may be appealed to the commission as |
341 | provided by this chapter. |
342 | (c) Notwithstanding any provision of this section, any |
343 | decisions regarding the issuance of a building permit, |
344 | certificate of occupancy, or certificate of completion may be |
345 | reviewed by the local enforcement agency's board of appeals, if |
346 | one exists. Any decision by the local enforcement agency's board |
347 | of appeals, or local building official if there is no board of |
348 | appeals, may be appealed to the commission as provided by this |
349 | chapter, which shall consider the matter at the commission's |
350 | next scheduled meeting. |
351 | (15)(a) A No local enforcement agency, local building |
352 | official, or local government may not adopt or enforce any laws, |
353 | rules, procedures, policies, qualifications, or standards more |
354 | stringent than those prescribed by this section. |
355 | (b) A local enforcement agency, local building official, |
356 | or local government may establish, for private providers and |
357 | duly authorized representatives working within that |
358 | jurisdiction, a system of registration to verify compliance with |
359 | the licensure requirements of paragraph (1)(g) and the insurance |
360 | requirements of subsection (16). |
361 | (c) Nothing in This section does not limit limits the |
362 | authority of the local building official to issue a stop-work |
363 | order for a building project or any portion of the project such |
364 | order, as provided by law, if the official determines that a |
365 | condition on the building site constitutes an immediate threat |
366 | to public safety and welfare. |
367 | (18) Each local building code enforcement agency may audit |
368 | the performance of building code inspection services by private |
369 | providers operating within the local jurisdiction. Work on a |
370 | building or structure may proceed after inspection and approval |
371 | by a private provider if the provider has given notice of the |
372 | inspection pursuant to subsection (9) and, subsequent to such |
373 | inspection and approval, the work shall may not be delayed for |
374 | completion of an inspection audit by the local building code |
375 | enforcement agency. |
376 | Section 7. Section 553.841, Florida Statutes, is amended |
377 | to read: |
378 | 553.841 Building code compliance and mitigation program |
379 | education and outreach program.-- |
380 | (1) The Legislature finds that knowledge and understanding |
381 | by persons licensed in the design and construction industries of |
382 | the importance and need for complying with the Florida Building |
383 | Code is vital to the public health, safety, and welfare of this |
384 | state, especially for mitigating damage caused by hurricanes to |
385 | residents and visitors to the state. The Legislature further |
386 | finds that the Florida Building Code can be effective only if |
387 | all participants in the design and construction industries |
388 | maintain a thorough knowledge of the code and additions thereto |
389 | which improve construction standards to protect against storm |
390 | and other damage. Consequently, the Legislature finds that there |
391 | is a need for a program to provide ongoing education and |
392 | outreach activities concerning compliance with the Florida |
393 | Building Code and hurricane mitigation the effectiveness of the |
394 | building codes of this state depends on the performance of all |
395 | participants, as demonstrated through knowledge of the codes and |
396 | commitment to compliance with code directives, and that to |
397 | strengthen compliance by industry and enforcement by government, |
398 | a building code education and outreach program is needed. |
399 | (2) The Department of Community Affairs shall administer a |
400 | program, designated as the Florida Building Code Compliance and |
401 | Mitigation Program, to develop, coordinate, and maintain |
402 | education and outreach to persons required to comply with the |
403 | Florida Building Code and ensure consistent education, training, |
404 | and communication of the code's requirements, including, but not |
405 | limited to, methods for mitigation of storm-related damage. The |
406 | program shall also operate a clearinghouse through which design, |
407 | construction, and building code enforcement licensees, |
408 | suppliers, and consumers in this state may find others in order |
409 | to exchange information relating to mitigation and facilitate |
410 | repairs in the aftermath of a natural disaster. There is created |
411 | the Building Code Education and Outreach Council to coordinate, |
412 | develop, and maintain education and outreach to ensure |
413 | administration and enforcement of the Florida Building Code. |
414 | (3) All services and materials under the Florida Building |
415 | Code Compliance and Mitigation Program must be provided by a |
416 | private, nonprofit corporation under contract with the |
417 | department. The term of the contract shall be for 4 years, with |
418 | the option of one 4-year renewal at the end of the contract |
419 | term. The initial contract must be in effect no later than |
420 | November 1, 2007. The private, nonprofit corporation must be an |
421 | organization whose membership includes trade and professional |
422 | organizations whose members consist primarily of persons and |
423 | entities that are required to comply with the Florida Building |
424 | Code and that are licensed under part XII of chapter 468, |
425 | chapter 471, chapter 481, or chapter 489. When selecting the |
426 | private, nonprofit corporation for the program, the department |
427 | must give primary consideration to the corporation's |
428 | demonstrated experience and the ability to: |
429 | (a) Develop and deliver building code-related education, |
430 | training, and outreach; |
431 | (b) Directly access the majority of persons licensed in |
432 | the occupations of design, construction, and building code |
433 | enforcement individually and through established statewide trade |
434 | and professional association networks; |
435 | (c) Serve as a clearinghouse to deliver education and |
436 | outreach throughout the state. The clearinghouse must serve as a |
437 | focal point at which persons licensed to design, construct, and |
438 | enforce building codes and suppliers and consumers can find each |
439 | other in order to exchange information relating to mitigation |
440 | and facilitate repairs in the aftermath of a natural disaster; |
441 | (d) Accept input from the Florida Building Commission, |
442 | licensing regulatory boards, local building departments, and the |
443 | design and construction industries in order to improve its |
444 | education and outreach programs; and |
445 | (e) Promote design and construction techniques and |
446 | materials for mitigating hurricane damage at a Florida-based |
447 | trade conference that includes participants from the broadest |
448 | possible range of design and construction trades and |
449 | professions, including from those private and public-sector |
450 | entities having jurisdiction over building codes and design and |
451 | construction licensure. The Building Code Education and Outreach |
452 | Council shall be composed of the following members: |
453 | (a) Three representatives of the Florida Building |
454 | Commission, one of whom must be a member of a Florida-based |
455 | organization of persons with disabilities or a nationally |
456 | chartered organization of persons with disabilities having |
457 | chapters in this state, selected by the commission; |
458 | (b) One representative of the Florida Building Code |
459 | Administrators and Inspectors Board, selected by that board; |
460 | (c) One representative of the Construction Industry |
461 | Licensing Board, selected by that board; |
462 | (d) One representative of the Electrical Contractors' |
463 | Licensing Board, selected by that board; |
464 | (e) One representative of the Florida Board of |
465 | Professional Engineers, selected by that board; |
466 | (f) One architect representative of the Board of |
467 | Architecture and Interior Design, selected by that board; |
468 | (g) One interior designer representative of the Board of |
469 | Architecture and Interior Design, selected by that board; |
470 | (h) One representative of the Board of Landscape |
471 | Architecture, selected by that board; |
472 | (i) One representative from the office of the State Fire |
473 | Marshal, selected by that office; and |
474 | (j) One representative with experience and expertise in K- |
475 | 12 public school construction. |
476 |
477 | Each member of the board shall be appointed to a 2-year term and |
478 | may be reappointed at the discretion of the appointing body. A |
479 | chair shall be elected by majority vote of the council and shall |
480 | serve a term of 1 year. |
481 | (4) The Building Code Education and Outreach Council shall |
482 | meet in Tallahassee no more than semiannually. The council may |
483 | meet more often but not more than monthly, and such additional |
484 | meetings shall be by telephone conference call. Travel costs, if |
485 | any, shall be borne by the respective appointing entity. The |
486 | Department of Community Affairs shall provide administrative |
487 | support to the council; however, the department may contract |
488 | with an entity that has previous experience with building code |
489 | training, development, and coordination to provide |
490 | administrative support for the council. |
491 | (5) The Building Code Education and Outreach Council |
492 | shall: |
493 | (a) Consider and determine any policies or procedures |
494 | needed to administer ss. 489.109(3) and 489.509(3). |
495 | (b) Administer the provisions of this section. |
496 | (c) Determine the areas of priority for which funds should |
497 | be expended for education and outreach. |
498 | (d) Review all proposed subjects for advanced courses |
499 | concerning the Florida Building Code and recommend to the |
500 | commission any related subjects that should be approved for |
501 | advanced courses. |
502 | (4)(6) The department, in administering the Florida |
503 | Building Code Compliance and Mitigation Program, Building Code |
504 | Education and Outreach Council shall maintain, update, develop, |
505 | or cause to be developed: |
506 | (a) A core curriculum that is prerequisite to the advanced |
507 | module coursework. |
508 | (b) Advanced modules designed for use by each profession. |
509 | (c) The core curriculum developed under this subsection |
510 | must be approved by the commission and submitted to the |
511 | Department of Business and Professional Regulation for approval. |
512 | Advanced modules developed under this paragraph must be approved |
513 | by the commission and submitted to the respective boards for |
514 | approval. |
515 | (5)(7) The core curriculum shall cover the information |
516 | required to have all categories of participants appropriately |
517 | informed as to their technical and administrative |
518 | responsibilities in the effective execution of the code process |
519 | by all individuals currently licensed under part XII of chapter |
520 | 468, chapter 471, chapter 481, or chapter 489, except as |
521 | otherwise provided in s. 471.017. The core curriculum shall be |
522 | prerequisite to the advanced module coursework for all licensees |
523 | and shall be completed by individuals licensed in all categories |
524 | under part XII of chapter 468, chapter 471, chapter 481, or |
525 | chapter 489 within the first 2-year period after initial |
526 | licensure. Core course hours taken by licensees to complete this |
527 | requirement shall count toward fulfillment of required |
528 | continuing education units under part XII of chapter 468, |
529 | chapter 471, chapter 481, or chapter 489. |
530 | (6)(8) Each biennium, upon receipt of funds by the |
531 | Department of Community Affairs from the Construction Industry |
532 | Licensing Board and the Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board |
533 | provided under ss. 489.109(3) and 489.509(3), the department |
534 | council shall determine the amount of funds available for the |
535 | Florida Building Code Compliance and Mitigation Program |
536 | education and outreach projects from the proceeds of contractor |
537 | licensing fees and identify, solicit, and accept funds from |
538 | other sources for education and outreach projects. |
539 | (7)(9) If the funds collected for education and outreach |
540 | projects provided through the Florida Building Code Compliance |
541 | and Mitigation Program in any state fiscal year do not require |
542 | the use of all available funds, the unused funds shall be |
543 | carried forward and allocated for use during the following |
544 | fiscal year. |
545 | (8) The Florida Building Commission shall provide by rule |
546 | for the accreditation of courses related to the Florida Building |
547 | Code by accreditors approved by the commission. The commission |
548 | shall establish qualifications of accreditors and criteria for |
549 | the accreditation of courses by rule. The commission may revoke |
550 | the accreditation of a course by an accreditor if the |
551 | accreditation is demonstrated to violate this part or the rules |
552 | of the commission. |
553 | (9) This section does not prohibit or limit the subject |
554 | areas or development of continuing education or training on the |
555 | Florida Building Code by any qualified entity. |
556 | (10) The commission shall consider and approve or reject |
557 | the recommendations made by the council for subjects for |
558 | education and outreach concerning the Florida Building Code. Any |
559 | rejection must be made with specificity and must be communicated |
560 | to the council. |
561 | (11) The commission shall adopt rules for establishing |
562 | procedures and criteria for the approval of advanced courses. |
563 | This section does not modify or eliminate the continuing |
564 | education course requirements or authority of any licensing |
565 | board under part XII of chapter 468, chapter 471, chapter 481, |
566 | or chapter 489. |
567 | Section 8. Paragraph (a) of subsection (5) and subsection |
568 | (7) of section 553.842, Florida Statutes, are amended, and |
569 | subsection (16) is added to that section to read: |
570 | 553.842 Product evaluation and approval.-- |
571 | (5) Statewide approval of products, methods, or systems of |
572 | construction may be achieved by one of the following methods. |
573 | One of these methods must be used by the commission to approve |
574 | the following categories of products: panel walls, exterior |
575 | doors, roofing, skylights, windows, shutters, and structural |
576 | components as established by the commission by rule. |
577 | (a) Products for which the code establishes standardized |
578 | testing or comparative or rational analysis methods shall be |
579 | approved by submittal and validation of one of the following |
580 | reports or listings indicating that the product or method or |
581 | system of construction was evaluated to be in compliance with |
582 | the Florida Building Code and that the product or method or |
583 | system of construction is, for the purpose intended, at least |
584 | equivalent to that required by the Florida Building Code: |
585 | 1. A certification mark or listing of an approved |
586 | certification agency, which may be used only for products for |
587 | which the code designates standardized testing; |
588 | 2. A test report from an approved testing laboratory; |
589 | 3. A product evaluation report based upon testing or |
590 | comparative or rational analysis, or a combination thereof, from |
591 | an approved product evaluation entity; or |
592 | 4. A product evaluation report based upon testing or |
593 | comparative or rational analysis, or a combination thereof, |
594 | developed and signed and sealed by a professional engineer or |
595 | architect, licensed in this state. |
596 |
597 | A product evaluation report or a certification mark or listing |
598 | of an approved certification agency which demonstrates that the |
599 | product or method or system of construction complies with the |
600 | Florida Building Code for the purpose intended shall be |
601 | equivalent to a test report and test procedure as referenced in |
602 | the Florida Building Code. |
603 | (7) For state approvals, validation shall be performed by |
604 | validation entities approved by the commission. The commission |
605 | shall adopt by rule criteria for approval of validation |
606 | entities, which shall be third-party entities independent of the |
607 | product's manufacturer and which shall certify to the commission |
608 | the product's compliance with the code. The commission may adopt |
609 | by rule a schedule of penalties to be imposed against approved |
610 | validation entities that validate product applications in |
611 | violation of this section or rules adopted under this section. |
612 | (16) The commission may adopt a rule that identifies |
613 | standards that are equivalent to or more stringent than those |
614 | specifically adopted by the code, thereby allowing the use in |
615 | this state of the products that comply with the equivalent |
616 | standard. |
617 | Section 9. Subsections (2) and (6) of section 633.081, |
618 | Florida Statutes, are amended to read: |
619 | 633.081 Inspection of buildings and equipment; orders; |
620 | firesafety inspection training requirements; certification; |
621 | disciplinary action.--The State Fire Marshal and her or his |
622 | agents shall, at any reasonable hour, when the department has |
623 | reasonable cause to believe that a violation of this chapter or |
624 | s. 509.215, or a rule promulgated thereunder, or a minimum |
625 | firesafety code adopted by a local authority, may exist, inspect |
626 | any and all buildings and structures which are subject to the |
627 | requirements of this chapter or s. 509.215 and rules promulgated |
628 | thereunder. The authority to inspect shall extend to all |
629 | equipment, vehicles, and chemicals which are located within the |
630 | premises of any such building or structure. |
631 | (2) Every firesafety inspection conducted pursuant to |
632 | state or local firesafety requirements shall be by a person |
633 | certified as having met the inspection training requirements set |
634 | by the State Fire Marshal. Such person shall: |
635 | (a) Be a high school graduate or the equivalent as |
636 | determined by the department; |
637 | (b) Not have been found guilty of, or having pleaded |
638 | guilty or nolo contendere to, a felony or a crime punishable by |
639 | imprisonment of 1 year or more under the law of the United |
640 | States, or of any state thereof, which involves moral turpitude, |
641 | without regard to whether a judgment of conviction has been |
642 | entered by the court having jurisdiction of such cases; |
643 | (c) Have her or his fingerprints on file with the |
644 | department or with an agency designated by the department; |
645 | (d) Have good moral character as determined by the |
646 | department; |
647 | (e) Be at least 18 years of age a resident of Florida; |
648 | (f) Have satisfactorily completed the firesafety inspector |
649 | certification examination as prescribed by the department; and |
650 | (g)1. Have satisfactorily completed, as determined by the |
651 | department, a firesafety inspector training program of not less |
652 | than 200 hours, as established by the department and |
653 | administered by such agencies and institutions as approved by |
654 | the department for the purpose of providing basic certification |
655 | training for firesafety inspectors; or |
656 | 2. Have received in another state training which is |
657 | determined by the department to be at least equivalent to that |
658 | required by the department for approved firesafety inspector |
659 | education and training programs in this state. |
660 | (6) The State Fire Marshal may deny, refuse to renew, |
661 | suspend, or revoke the certificate of a firesafety inspector or |
662 | special state firesafety inspector if it finds that any of the |
663 | following grounds exist: |
664 | (a) Any cause for which issuance of a certificate could |
665 | have been refused had it then existed and been known to the |
666 | State Fire Marshal. |
667 | (b) Violation of any provision of this chapter or any rule |
668 | or order of the State Fire Marshal. |
669 | (c) Falsification of records relating to the certificate. |
670 | (d) Having been found guilty of or having pleaded guilty |
671 | or nolo contendere to a felony, whether or not a judgment of |
672 | conviction has been entered. |
673 | (e) Failure to meet any of the renewal requirements. |
674 | (f) Having been convicted of a crime in any jurisdiction |
675 | which directly relates to the practice of fire code inspection, |
676 | plan review, or administration. |
677 | (g) Making or filing a report or record that the |
678 | certificateholder knows to be false, or knowingly inducing |
679 | another to file a false report or record, or knowingly failing |
680 | to file a report or record required by state or local law, or |
681 | knowingly impeding or obstructing such filing, or knowingly |
682 | inducing another person to impede or obstruct such filing. |
683 | (h) Failing to properly enforce applicable fire codes or |
684 | permit requirements within this state which the |
685 | certificateholder knows are applicable by committing willful |
686 | misconduct, gross negligence, gross misconduct, repeated |
687 | negligence, or negligence resulting in a significant danger to |
688 | life or property. |
689 | (i) Accepting labor, services, or materials at no charge |
690 | or at a noncompetitive rate from any person who performs work |
691 | that is under the enforcement authority of the certificateholder |
692 | and who is not an immediate family member of the |
693 | certificateholder. For the purpose of this paragraph, the term |
694 | "immediate family member" means a spouse, child, parent, |
695 | sibling, grandparent, aunt, uncle, or first cousin of the person |
696 | or the person's spouse or any person who resides in the primary |
697 | residence of the certificateholder. |
698 | Section 10. Subsection (9) of section 633.521, Florida |
699 | Statutes, is amended, and subsection (11) is added to that |
700 | section, to read: |
701 | 633.521 Certificate application and issuance; permit |
702 | issuance; examination and investigation of applicant.-- |
703 | (9) It is the intent of the Legislature that the |
704 | inspections and testing of automatic fire sprinkler systems for |
705 | detached one-family dwellings, detached two-family dwellings, |
706 | and mobile homes be accomplished by the owner, who is |
707 | responsible for requesting service from a contractor when |
708 | necessary. It is further intended that the NFPA-25 inspection of |
709 | exposed underground piping and any attached appurtenances |
710 | supplying a fire protection system be conducted by a Contractor |
711 | I or Contractor II. |
712 | (11) It is intended that a certificateholder, or a |
713 | permitholder who is employed by a certificateholder, conduct |
714 | inspections required by this chapter. It is understood that |
715 | after July 1, 2008, employee turnover may result in a depletion |
716 | of personnel who are certified under the NICET Sub-field of |
717 | Inspection and Testing of Fire Protection Systems Level II which |
718 | is required for permitholders. The extensive training and |
719 | experience necessary to achieve NICET Level II certification is |
720 | recognized. A certificateholder may therefore obtain a |
721 | provisional permit with an endorsement for inspection, testing, |
722 | and maintenance of water-based fire extinguishing systems for an |
723 | employee if the employee has initiated procedures for obtaining |
724 | Level II certification from the National Institute for |
725 | Certification in Engineering Technologies Sub-field of |
726 | Inspection and Testing of Fire Protection Systems and achieved |
727 | Level I certification. After 2 years of provisional |
728 | certification, the employee must have achieved NICET Level II |
729 | certification or cease performing inspections requiring Level II |
730 | certification. The provisional permit is valid only for the 2 |
731 | calendar years after the date of issuance, may not be extended, |
732 | and is not renewable. After the initial 2-year provisional |
733 | permit expires, the certificateholder must wait 2 additional |
734 | years before a new provisional permit may be issued. The intent |
735 | is to prohibit the certificateholder from using employees who |
736 | never reach NICET Level II status by continuously obtaining |
737 | provisional permits. |
738 | Section 11. Subsection (4) of section 633.537, Florida |
739 | Statutes, is amended to read: |
740 | 633.537 Certificate; expiration; renewal; inactive |
741 | certificate; continuing education.-- |
742 | (4) The renewal period for the permit class is the same as |
743 | that for of the employing certificateholder. The continuing |
744 | education requirements for permitholders are what is required to |
745 | maintain NICET Sub-field of Inspection and Testing of Fire |
746 | Protection Systems Level II or higher certification plus 8 shall |
747 | be 8 contact hours by June 30, 2006. An additional 16 contact |
748 | hours of continuing education is required by June 30, 2008, and |
749 | during each biennial renewal period thereafter. The continuing |
750 | education curriculum from July 1, 2005, until July 1, 2008, |
751 | shall be the preparatory curriculum for NICET II certification; |
752 | after July 1, 2008, the technical curriculum is at the |
753 | discretion of the State Fire Marshal and may be used to meet the |
754 | maintenance of NICET Level II certification and 8 contact hours |
755 | of continuing education requirements. It is the responsibility |
756 | of the permitholder to maintain NICET II certification as a |
757 | condition of permit renewal after July 1, 2008. |
758 | Section 12. The Florida Building Commission shall review |
759 | modifications 2151, 2152, 2153 and 2492, reviewed by the |
760 | commission's technical advisory committee. The commission shall |
761 | take public comment on these modifications, including the need |
762 | for the modifications, how the modifications will affect the |
763 | health, safety, and welfare of the residents of this state, and |
764 | the continuing need for any Florida-specific requirement of the |
765 | code which the modifications seek to repeal. Notwithstanding s. |
766 | 553.73, Florida Statutes, the commission may adopt or modify the |
767 | modifications in response to the public comments subject only to |
768 | the rule-adoption procedures of chapter 120, Florida Statutes, |
769 | for inclusion in the next edition of the Florida Building Code. |
770 |
771 |
772 | ======= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ======= |
773 | On page 1, line 9, through page 3, line 20, |
774 | remove all of said lines, |
775 | and insert: National Electric Code; requiring the commission to |
776 | make certain determinations before eliminating gravel and stone |
777 | roofing systems; amending s. 468.609, F.S.; increasing the |
778 | number of days a newly employed person can be a plan examiner or |
779 | building inspector without certification; amending s. 553.73, |
780 | F.S.; authorizing the commission to approve certain amendments |
781 | to the code; amending s. 553.775, F.S.; providing that, upon |
782 | written application by substantially affected persons, the |
783 | Florida Building Commission must issue, or cause to be issued, a |
784 | formal interpretation of the code; amending s. 553.791, F.S.; |
785 | defining terms; requiring that certain forms be signed at the |
786 | completion of a required inspection; requiring that a deficiency |
787 | notice be posted at the job site whenever an element is found to |
788 | be not in conformance with the building code or the permitting |
789 | documents; providing for corrective actions; prohibiting the |
790 | charging of certain fees; amending s. 553.841, F.S.; providing |
791 | legislative intent regarding education and outreach for |
792 | understanding the Florida Building Code; requiring the |
793 | Department of Community Affairs to administer a compliance and |
794 | mitigation program; requiring that the compliance and mitigation |
795 | program be provided by a private, nonprofit corporation under |
796 | contract with the department; requiring the department to |
797 | consider certain criteria when selecting the corporation; |
798 | requiring the commission to provide certain courses to accredit |
799 | persons subject to the building code; authorizing the commission |
800 | to adopt rules; amending s. 553.842, F.S.; providing for |
801 | certification of products; authorizing the commission to impose |
802 | penalties for violation of the product validation process; |
803 | amending s. 633.081, F.S.; deleting the requirement that a |
804 | certified firesafety inspector be a resident of Florida; |
805 | requiring that a firesafety inspector be 18 years of age or |
806 | older; establishing grounds under which an inspector's license |
807 | may be suspended or revoked; amending s. 633.521, F.S.; |
808 | providing for provisional permits for inspectors of certain fire |
809 | protection systems; providing a time limitation for such |
810 | permits; amending s. 633.537, F.S.; revising continuing |
811 | education requirements; requiring the commission to review |
812 | certain modifications recommended by the commission's technical |
813 | advisory committee; authorizing the commission to adopt or |
814 | modify the modifications in response to public comments; |
815 | authorizing the commission to adopt |