Bill No. 0289
Amendment No. 326999
Senate House

1Representative(s) Flores offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Remove line(s) 46-94 and insert:
5promised, in exchange for requiring students to purchase a
6specific textbook for coursework or instruction.
7     (2)  An employee may receive:
8     (a)  Sample copies, instructor copies, or instructional
9materials. These materials may not to be sold.
10     (b)  Royalties or other compensation from sales of
11textbooks that include the instructor's own writing or work.
12     (c)  Honoraria for academic peer review of course
14     (d)  Fees associated with activities such as reviewing,
15critiquing, or preparing support materials for textbooks
16pursuant to guidelines adopted by the Board of Governors.
17     (3)  Community colleges and state universities shall post
18on their websites, as early as is feasible, but not less than 30
19days prior to the first day of class for each term, a list of
20each textbook required for each course offered at the
21institution during the upcoming term. The posted list shall
22include the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) for each
23textbook along with other relevant information necessary to
24identify the specific textbook or textbooks required for each
25course. The State Board of Education and the Board of Governors
26shall include in the policies, procedures, and guidelines
27adopted under subsection (4) certain limited exceptions to this
28notification requirement for classes added after the
29notification deadline.
30     (4)  By March 1, 2008, the State Board of Education and the
31Board of Governors each shall adopt policies, procedures, and
32guidelines for implementation by community colleges and state
33universities, respectively, that further efforts to minimize the
34cost of textbooks for students attending such institutions while
35maintaining the quality of education and academic freedom. The
36policies, procedures, and guidelines shall provide for the
38     (a)  That textbook adoptions are made with sufficient lead
39time to bookstores so as to confirm availability of the
40requested materials and, where possible, ensure maximum
41availability of used books.
42     (b)  That, in the textbook adoption process, the intent to
43use all items ordered, particularly each individual item sold as
44part of a bundled package, is confirmed by the course instructor
45or the academic department offering the course before the
46adoption is finalized.
47     (c)  That a course instructor or the academic department
48offering the course determines, before a textbook is adopted,
49the extent to which a new edition differs significantly and
50substantively from earlier versions.
51     (d)  That required textbooks be made available to students
52unable to afford the cost.
53     Section 2.  (1)  The Office of Program Policy Analysis and
54Government Accountability shall conduct a study of the rising
55costs of college textbooks and textbook purchasing practices of
56public postsecondary educational institutions in the state. When
57conducting the study, the Office of Program Policy Analysis and
58Government Accountability shall:
60======= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T =======
61     Remove lines 5-6 and insert:
62student purchase of required textbooks; authorizing receipt of
63certain instructional materials and compensation; requiring
64student notification of required textbooks; requiring adoption

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.