Bill No. 2968
Amendment No. 415385
Senate House

1Representative(s) Taylor offered the following:
3     Substitute Amendment for Amendment (340927) (with title
5On page 1, between lines 14 and 15, insert:
7     Section 1.  There is appropriated from the General Revenue
8Fund the sum of $1,250,000 to the Department of Financial
9Services under the conditions provided in sections 2-7 of this
11     Section 2.  The Chief Financial Officer is directed to draw
12a warrant in the sum of $1,250,000 for the purposes provided in
13sections 1, 3, 5, and 7 of this act.
14     Section 3.  The Department of Financial Services shall pay
15the funds appropriated under sections 1 and 2 of this act to an
16insurance company or other financial institution admitted and
17authorized to issue annuity contracts in this state and selected
18by Alan Jerome Crotzer for the purchase of an annuity. The
19Department of Financial Services shall execute all necessary
20agreements to implement sections 1-7 of this act.
21     Section 4.  Tuition and fees for Alan Jerome Crotzer shall
22be waived for up to a total of 120 hours of instruction at any
23career center established pursuant to s. 1001.44, Florida
24Statutes, at any community college established under part III of
25chapter 1004, Florida Statutes, or any state university. For any
26educational benefit made, Alan Jerome Crotzer shall meet and
27maintain the regular admission requirements of, and be
28registered at, such career center, community college, or state
29university and make satisfactory academic progress as defined by
30the educational institution in which the claimant is enrolled.
31     Section 5.  The Chief Financial Officer shall purchase the
32annuity as required by section 3 of this act upon delivery by
33Alan Jerome Crotzer to the Chief Financial Officer, the
34Department of Financial Services, the President of the Senate,
35and the Speaker of the House of Representatives of an executed
36release and waiver on behalf of Alan Jerome Crotzer and his
37heirs, successors, and assigns forever releasing the State of
38Florida and any agency, instrumentality, officer, employee, or
39political subdivision thereof or any other entity subject to the
40provisions of s. 768.28, Florida Statutes, from any and all
41present or future claims or declaratory relief that the
42claimant, or his heirs, successors, or assigns, may have against
43such enumerated entities and arising out of the factual
44situation in connection with the conviction for which
45compensation is awarded. However, declaratory action to obtain
46judicial expungement of Alan Jerome Crotzer's judicial and
47executive branch records as otherwise provided by law is not
48prohibited by sections 1-7 of this act.
49     Section 6.  The Legislature may not be deemed by sections
501-7 of this act to have waived any defense of sovereign immunity
51or to have increased the limits of liability on behalf of the
52state or any person or entity subject to the provisions of s.
53768.28, Florida Statutes, or any other law.
54     Section 7.  This award is intended to provide the sole
55compensation for any and all present and future claims arising
56out of the factual situation in connection with Alan Jerome
57Crotzer's conviction and imprisonment, and no part of the award
58shall be paid for attorney's fees, lobbying fees, costs, or
59other similar expenses.
62=========== T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ========
63     On page 1, lines 2 through 11,
64Remove: all of said lines
66and insert:
68An act relating to claims against the state; providing an
69appropriation to compensate Alan Jerome Crotzer for
70wrongful imprisonment and for being a victim of a
71miscarriage of justice; directing the Chief Financial
72Officer to draw a warrant; requiring the purchase of an
73annuity; providing for the waiver of specified tuition and
74fees; providing conditions for payment; providing
75legislative intent; providing an appropriation to
76compensate Gina Jones and Robert Anderson, parents and
77natural guardians of Martin Lee Anderson, jointly, for the
78wrongful death of Martin Lee Anderson, which was due to
79the negligence of the Bay County Sheriff's Office;
80providing conditions for payment; providing for attorney's
81fees and lobbying fees; providing an effective date.
83     WHEREAS, in 1982, Alan Jerome Crotzer was convicted in
84Hillsborough County, Florida, of rape, robbery, and kidnapping,
85and was sentenced to 130 years in prison, and
86     WHEREAS, Alan Jerome Crotzer may also be known as Allen
87Jerome Crotzer in the criminal pleadings of this case, and
88     WHEREAS, after serving more than 24 and 1/2 years in
89prison, during which time he diligently maintained his
90innocence, Alan Jerome Crotzer has been fully exonerated through
91DNA tests, and
92     WHEREAS, an order of the circuit court, entered on the
93motion of the state attorney, has judicially established the
94fact that Alan Jerome Crotzer should not have been incarcerated,
95as significant doubt exists as to his guilt, and
96     WHEREAS, DNA testing of evidence has excluded Alan Jerome
97Crotzer as the person who committed the crimes for which he was
98convicted, and
99     WHEREAS, the Legislature recognizes that no system of
100justice is impervious to human error, and
101     WHEREAS, United States v. Hasting, 461 U.S. 499 (1983),
102reads, in part, "Given the myriad safeguards provided to assure
103a fair trial, and taking into account the reality of the human
104fallibility of the participants, there can be no such thing as
105an error-free, perfect trial, and . . . the Constitution does
106not guarantee such a trial.", and
107     WHEREAS, the Legislature acknowledges that the state's
108system of justice infrequently yields imperfect results which
109may have tragic consequences, and
110     WHEREAS, sections 1 through 7 of this act are based on a
111moral desire to acknowledge those who are wrongfully convicted
112of a felony offense, incarcerated as a result of that
113conviction, and determined to be actually innocent and is not a
114recognition of a constitutional right or violation, and
115     WHEREAS, the Legislature intends that any compensation made
116pursuant to sections 1 through 7 of this act be the sole
117compensation to be provided by the state for any and all present
118and future claims arising out of the factual situation in
119connection with Alan Crotzer's conviction and imprisonment, and
120     WHEREAS, this preamble applies to sections 1 through 7 of
121this act, NOW, THEREFORE,

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.