Senate Bill sb2968e2
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
CS for SB 2968 Second Engrossed (ntc)
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to the Department of Juvenile
3 Justice; providing an appropriation to
4 compensate Gina Jones and Robert Anderson,
5 parents and natural guardians of Martin Lee
6 Anderson, jointly, for the wrongful death of
7 Martin Lee Anderson, which was due to the
8 negligence of the Bay County Sheriff's Office;
9 providing conditions for payment; providing for
10 attorney's fees and lobbying fees; providing an
11 effective date.
13 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
15 Section 1. There is appropriated from the General
16 Revenue Fund the sum of $4.8 million to the Department of
17 Financial Services under the conditions provided in this act.
18 Section 2. The Chief Financial Officer is directed to
19 draw a warrant in the sum of $4.8 million for the purposes
20 provided in this act. The Chief Financial Officer is directed
21 and authorized to pay the same out of such funds in the State
22 Treasury and to execute a qualified assignment within the
23 meaning of s. 130(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, with an
24 assignee acceptable to the estate of Martin Lee Anderson,
25 providing periodic payments to Gina Jones and Robert Anderson
26 as compensation for the personal injuries and death of the
27 decedent. The Department of Financial Services is authorized
28 to execute all necessary agreements to implement this act.
29 Section 3. The Chief Financial Officer shall execute
30 the qualified assignment agreement as required by this act
31 upon execution by the estate of Martin Lee Anderson and
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
CS for SB 2968 Second Engrossed (ntc)
1 delivery to the Department of Financial Services, with copies
2 to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of
3 Representatives, of a release and waiver on behalf of the
4 estate of Martin Lee Anderson and his parents, heirs,
5 successors, and assigns forever releasing the State of Florida
6 and any instrumentality, officer, employee, or political
7 subdivision thereof, or any other entity subject to the
8 provisions of s. 768.28, Florida Statutes, from any and all
9 present or future claims or declaratory relief the estate of
10 Martin Lee Anderson or any of his parents, heirs, successors,
11 or assigns may have against such enumerated entities and
12 arising out of the factual situation in connection or
13 associated with the death of Martin Lee Anderson.
14 Section 4. The Legislature shall not be deemed by this
15 act to have waived any defense of sovereign immunity or to
16 have increased the limits of liability on behalf of the state
17 or any person or entity subject to s. 768.28, Florida
18 Statutes, or any other law.
19 Section 5. This award is intended to provide the sole
20 compensation for any and all present and future claims arising
21 out of the factual situation in connection or associated with
22 the death of Martin Lee Anderson. Not more than $630,000 may
23 be paid by the estate of Martin Lee Anderson, Gina Jones, or
24 Robert Anderson for attorney's fees, lobbying fees, costs, or
25 other similar expenses.
26 Section 6. This act shall take effect upon becoming a
27 law.
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.