Senate Bill sb3056

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    Florida Senate - 2007        (NP)                      SB 3056

    By Senator Rich

    34-2267A-07                                        See HB 1137

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to Hillsboro Inlet District,

  3         Broward County; amending chapter 99-433, Laws

  4         of Florida; decreasing the number of members on

  5         the board of commissioners; revising the

  6         qualifications for appointment to the board of

  7         commissioners; providing an effective date.


  9  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


11         Section 1.  Section 4 of chapter 99-433, Laws of

12  Florida, is amended to read:

13         Section 4.  Board of commissioners.--

14         (1)  The governing body of the Hillsboro Inlet District

15  shall consist of eight nine commissioners, who shall serve

16  without compensation, except as provided for in section 11.

17  One representative on the governing body or Board of

18  Commissioners of the Hillsboro Inlet District shall be

19  appointed by each of the City Commissions Commissioners or

20  Town Councils of the following municipalities: the City Cities

21  of Deerfield Beach, Florida; the Town of Hillsboro Beach,

22  Florida; the City of Pompano Beach, Florida; the Town of

23  Lauderdale-By-The-Sea,; Florida; the City of Lighthouse Point,

24  Florida; the City of Fort Lauderdale, Florida; and, the

25  Village of Sea Ranch Lakes, Florida. The Board of County

26  Commissioners, and two representatives shall be appointed by

27  the County Commission of Broward County, Florida shall appoint

28  one representative to the Board of Commissioners of the

29  Hillsboro Inlet District. Each representative so appointed by

30  the aforementioned governmental entities municipalities shall

31  represent the respective governmental entity municipality


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    Florida Senate - 2007        (NP)                      SB 3056
    34-2267A-07                                        See HB 1137

 1  making such appointment, and the representatives appointed by

 2  the county commission shall represent the unincorporated

 3  areas. The duties, functions, and responsibilities of the

 4  district shall continue as provided for herein in the event

 5  that any municipality represented hereby is dissolved, merged,

 6  or fails to appoint representatives to the district board.

 7  Said representatives appointed by the respective

 8  municipalities shall be qualified electors, residing in the

 9  municipality district from which they are appointed for more

10  than six months prior to appointment. Effective October 1,

11  2007, any new representatives appointed to the district board

12  shall also reside within the district boundaries, as described

13  in section 3. Effective October 1, 2007, any new

14  representative appointed by the Board of County Commissioners

15  of Broward County shall be a qualified elector, shall reside

16  within Broward County, and shall reside within the district's

17  boundaries for more than 6 months prior to appointment.

18  Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection, any

19  representative on the district board as of October 1, 2006,

20  shall be exempt from the requirement that the representative

21  must reside within the district's boundaries.

22         (2)  A majority of the quorum at a regular or special

23  meeting shall be sufficient for any legal action to be taken

24  by the governing body of the district. Said commissioners

25  shall be known and designated as the "Board of Commissioners

26  of the Hillsboro Inlet District."

27         (3)  All members currently qualified and holding office

28  as commissioners shall continue in office until their terms

29  expire or as otherwise provided by law. The said commissioners

30  shall hold office for a term of 5 years from the date of their

31  respective appointments from the appointing municipality or


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2007        (NP)                      SB 3056
    34-2267A-07                                        See HB 1137

 1  until their successors are appointed and qualified. To the

 2  extent that any members of the board of commissioners are

 3  members at the time of the adoption of this act as appointees

 4  of the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County, such

 5  members shall continue as members until the expiration of

 6  their respective appointment. No later than October 1, 2007,

 7  the board of county commissioners shall determine which of its

 8  appointees shall continue to serve as the county

 9  representative. The Governor of the State of Florida shall

10  have the power to remove any member of said board of

11  commissioners for cause and shall fill any vacancies that may

12  at any time occur therein. Each member shall give bond to the

13  Governor of the State of Florida for the faithful performance

14  of his or her duties in the sum of $10,000 with a surety

15  company qualified to do business in the State of Florida, as

16  surety, which bond shall be approved and kept by the Clerk of

17  the Circuit Court of Broward County, Florida. The premiums on

18  said bonds shall be paid as part of the expenses of said

19  district.

20         Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

21  law.












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