Senate Bill sb3078
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Florida Senate - 2007 (NP) SB 3078
By Senator Bennett
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to the Manatee County Port
3 Authority; amending chapter 2003-351, Laws of
4 Florida; providing for the lease of sovereign
5 submerged lands adjacent to the Port
6 Authority's boundaries from the Board of
7 Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust
8 Fund; defining the territorial boundaries of
9 the submerged lands; providing for development
10 of a Port Master Plan; providing for acceptance
11 of the plan by the board of trustees; providing
12 for a determination that port projects within
13 the accepted plan are in the public interest;
14 providing an effective date.
16 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
18 Section 1. Subsection (15) is added to section 6 of
19 section 3 of chapter 2003-351, Laws of Florida, to read:
20 Section 3. The Manatee County Port Authority is
21 re-created and reenacted to read:
22 Section 6. Grant of powers.--The Port Authority, in
23 addition to any and all powers granted to it by section
24 315.03, Florida Statutes, other laws, general, local or
25 special, is hereby authorized and empowered:
26 (15) To lease from the Board of Trustees of the
27 Internal Improvement Trust Fund (Board of Trustees) for a
28 period of 99 years, and have right of entry upon, any and all
29 submerged lands belonging to the State of Florida contained
30 within the area described in this subsection. Said submerged
31 lands may be leased to the Port Authority, subject to the
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Florida Senate - 2007 (NP) SB 3078
1 riparian rights of the respective owners of the adjacent
2 uplands. Said submerged lands leased by the Port Authority may
3 not be subleased by the Port Authority to any party or parties
4 without authorization from the Board of Trustees and shall be
5 used only for proper public and Port Authority purposes.
6 (a) The submerged lands that may be leased to the Port
7 Authority comprise and include the territory described as
8 follows:
10 Commence at the northeast corner sec. 1,
11 township 33 south, range 17, east thence N 89°
12 30' 22" W along the common line between Manatee
13 and Hillsborough counties a distance of 1642.84
14 for a point of beginning, thence continue for
15 89° 30' 22" W along said line a distance of
16 162.63 to a point lying +/- 100 westerly of
17 shore line, thence S 68° 00' 00" W a distance
18 of 7680.0' to a point northwest of shore line
19 of spoil island, thence continue of said line a
20 distance of 1315.0', thence S 26° 00' 00" E a
21 distance of 2500.0', thence S 51° 00' 00" E a
22 distance of 4776.0' to the intersection of the
23 shore line, said point lying +/- 100.0
24 southerly of Red Fish Creek, thence continue
25 along +/- MHWL N 76° 03' 53" E a distance of
26 81.92', thence N 54° 37' 19" W distance of
27 79.60, thence S 66° 09' 45" E a distance of
28 51.92', thence S 68° 45' 58" E distance of
29 57.69', thence N 14° 29' 51" E distance or
30 101.11', thence N 06° 24' 26" W a distance of
31 195.98', thence N 48° 04' 53" W distance of
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Florida Senate - 2007 (NP) SB 3078
1 166.06', thence, N 28° 20' 57" W distance
2 194.77', thence N 66° 34' 24" W distance of
3 265.74', thence continue at MHWL entering site
4 7 N 34° 17' 49" W a distance of 50.72', thence
5 N 01° 08' 23" W a distance of 50.70', thence N
6 45° 10' 56" E a distance of 67.70', thence N
7 08° 24' 59" E a distance of 132.72', thence N
8 80° 06' 31" E a distance of 81.43', thence
9 cont. around site 7 at MHWL N 88° 25' 22" E a
10 distance of 64.00', thence S 78° 56' 03" E a
11 distance of 70.58', thence N 83° 46' 11" E a
12 distance of 57.51', thence S 87° 22' 25" E a
13 distance of 297.08', thence S 56° 16' 40" E a
14 distance of 43.65', thence along easterly side
15 of site 7 N 59° 11' 15" E a distance of 51.l7',
16 thence N 52° 01' 16" E a distance of 49.53',
17 thence N 58° 31' 03" E a distance of 83.27'
18 thence N 51° 53' 44" E a distance of 45.91',
19 thence N 39°56'18" E a distance of 59.62',
20 thence cont. along easterly side of site 7 N
21 13° 58' 29" E a distance of 185.39', thence N
22 08° 06' 21" E a distance of 56.47', thence N
23 06° 45' 56" E a distance of 121.48' to the
24 point of curve, thence N 40° 48' 46" W on a
25 chord bearing to the point of tangent having
26 chord distance of 312.39' and having radius of
27 195.0', thence continue along the northerly
28 side of site 7 at the MHWL S 85° 57' 43" W a
29 distance of 144.95', thence S 88° 44' 05" W a
30 distance of 83.76', thence, N 82° 56' 37" W a
31 distance of 52.85', thence N 53° 59' 27" W a
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Florida Senate - 2007 (NP) SB 3078
1 distance of 169.86', thence S 74° 09' 29" W a
2 distance of 38.95', thence S 42° 24' 26" W a
3 distance of 200.54', thence N 89° 54' 24" W a
4 distance of 37.22', thence N 32° 32' 32" W a
5 distance of 185.15', thence S 71° 34' 35" W a
6 distance of 201.21', thence S 47° 24' 18" W a
7 distance of 38.59', thence S 84° 04' 21" W a
8 distance of 103.95', thence N 25° 10' 43" E a
9 distance of 344.7', thence S 67° 41' 13" E a
10 distance of 200.79', thence N 47° 03' 32" E a
11 distance of 269.39', thence N 49° 21' 58" E a
12 distance 107.11', thence N 11° 16' 37" E a
13 distance of 174.34', thence N 14° 07' 20" E a
14 distance of 283.42', thence N 25° 20' 31" E a
15 distance of 176.78', thence N 45° 17' 17" E a
16 distance of 194.89', thence N 36° 45' 42" E a
17 distance of 89.68', thence N 08° 12' 15" W a
18 distance of 401.86', thence S 30° 59' 55" W a
19 distance of 29.34', thence N 89° 30' 00" W a
20 distance of 87.98', thence N 06° 15' 00" E a
21 distance of 653.29', thence S 89° 29' 57" E a
22 distance of 405.26', thence N 31° 00' 19" E a
23 distance of 928.40', thence N 89° 30' 00" W a
24 distance of 795.99', thence N 06° 15' 00" E a
25 distance of 1306.57', thence S 89° 30 '00"E a
26 distance of 245.24', thence S 41° 39' 46" E a
27 distance of 85.02', thence along MHWL N 84° 12'
28 36" E a distance of 75.70', thence N 84° 48'
29 41" E a distance of 60.12', thence N 85° 46'
30 08" E a distance of 31.01', thence N 81° 34'
31 07" E a distance of 124.11', thence N 71° 34'
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1 19" E a distance of 125.95', thence N 69° 34'
2 04" E a distance of 71.70', thence cont. along
3 said MHWL S 83° 58' 50" E a distance of 91.76',
4 thence S 77° 25' 10" E a distance of 66.90',
5 thence S 89° 35' 54" E a distance of 65.91',
6 thence N 74° 03' 21" E a distance of 85.96',
7 thence cont. along MHWL on northerly side of
8 Port Manatee S 87° 49' 54" E a distance of
9 256.55', thence N 64° 08' 51" E a distance of
10 118.68', thence N 58° 51' 27" E a distance of
11 106.97', thence N 90° 00' 00" E a distance of
12 32.45', thence N 44° 26' 47" E a distance of
13 64.36', thence cont. along said MHWL between
14 Port Manatee and Piney Point N 22° 59' 12" E
15 distance of 122.33', thence N 32° 49' 10" E a
16 distance of 129.72', thence N 12° 31 '40" E a
17 distance of 38.19', thence N 24° 48' 58" E a
18 distance of 118.12', thence N 16° 25' 47" E a
19 distance of 107.89', thence N 23° 40' 54" E a
20 distance of 85.84', thence N 20° 16' 13" E a
21 distance of 77.45', thence N 06° 36' 22" E a
22 distance of 81.77', thence N 18° 56' 55" E a
23 distance of 212.48', thence N 40° 41' 40" E a
24 distance of 109.25', thence N 42° 46' 34" W a
25 distance 71.88', thence N 61° 43' 42" W a
26 distance of 365.29', thence cont. along said
27 MHWL S 09° 23' 40" W a distance of 84.26',
28 thence S 12° 07' 20" E a distance of 55.20',
29 thence S 38° 44' 27" E a distance of 119.03',
30 thence S 32° 18' 23" E a distance of 32.76',
31 thence S 46° 26' 41" E a distance of 58.05',
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Florida Senate - 2007 (NP) SB 3078
1 thence cont. along said MHWL S 33° 22' 22" E a
2 distance of 28.20', thence S 11° 08' 57" E a
3 distance of 55.95', thence S 04° 05' 31" W a
4 distance of 47.24', thence S 81° 21' 03" W a
5 distance of 25.28', thence N 50° 01' 51" W a
6 distance of 21.98', thence N 03° 04' 16" E a
7 distance of 30.46', thence N 40° 52' 58" W a
8 distance of 24.28', thence N 73° 46' 50" E a
9 distance of 20.59', thence N 01° 23' 18" W a
10 distance of 28.79', thence N 44° 20' 10" W a
11 distance of 106.02', thence N 52° 53' 48" W a
12 distance of 63.82', thence N 42° 13' 45" W a
13 distance of 61.71', thence N 14° 03' 11" W a
14 distance of 58.45', thence continued along said
15 MHWL N 53° 00' 29" W a distance of 28.33',
16 thence N 05° 52' 34" W a distance of 25.83',
17 thence N 23° 39' 27" E distance of 15.75',
18 thence N 00° 42' 19" W a distance of 62.69',
19 thence N 21° 33' 24" W a distance of 51.13',
20 thence cont. along MHWL said point lying on the
21 southerly side of Piney Point N 61° 44' 16" W a
22 distance of 40.30', thence N 80° 09' 19" W a
23 distance of 37.06', thence S 80° 27' 42" W a
24 distance of 31.65', thence N 67° 45' 37" W a
25 distance of 23.24', thence N 02° 11' 39" W a
26 distance of 13.62', thence S 61° 27' 37" E a
27 distance of 22.30', thence cont. along MHWL,
28 thence N 70° 09' 07" E a distance of 25.52',
29 thence N 54° 29' 37" E a distance of 134.04',
30 thence cont. along said MHWL point being most
31 northerly side of Piney Point N 88° 28' 44" E a
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Florida Senate - 2007 (NP) SB 3078
1 distance of 48.18', thence S 80° 19' 03" E a
2 distance of 80.55', thence N 65° 09' 03" E a
3 distance of 35.10', thence S 58° 23' 58" E a
4 distance of 48.51', thence N 70° 36' 00" E a
5 distance of 41.20', thence S 57° 37' 44" E a
6 distance of 51.59', thence N 85° 40' 16" E a
7 distance of 42.39', thence N 63° 49' 06" E a
8 distance of 36.41', thence S 79° 53' 46" E a
9 distance of 23.46', thence S 67° 11' 50" E a
10 distance of 65.33', thence S 87° 49' 35" E a
11 distance of 78.78', thence N 87° 44' 29" E a
12 distance of 66.56', thence N 69° 02' 32" E a
13 distance of 47.64', thence cont. along said
14 MHWL N 77° 48' 22" E a distance of 57.21',
15 thence N 72° 35' 46" E a distance of 57.61',
16 thence N 67° 51' 14" E a distance of 51.28',
17 thence N 01° 58' 56" E a distance of 48.64',
18 thence N 38° 40' 23" E a distance of 39.12',
19 thence N 90° 00' 00" E a distance of 22.22',
20 thence S 49° 14' 59" E a distance of 21.27',
21 thence S 37° 59' 05" E a distance of 28.88',
22 thence S 00° 39' 05" W a distance of 48.87',
23 thence cont. on said MHWL N 59° 13' 40" E a
24 distance of 30.39', thence N 70° 30' 22" E for
25 a distance of 28.29', thence N 14° 47' 20" E
26 for a distance of 31.24', thence N 28° 41' 51"
27 E a distance of 42.12', thence N 10° 00' 00" W
28 a distance of 41.84', thence N 56° 13' 32" E a
29 distance of 29.03', thence N 90° 00' 00" E a
30 distance of 30.69', thence S 01° 08' 47" E a
31 distance of 34.86', thence N 47° 30' 11" E a
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Florida Senate - 2007 (NP) SB 3078
1 distance of 56.76', thence N 33° 53' 58" E a
2 distance of 56.27', thence N 70° 21' 17" E a
3 distance of 31.10', thence cont. along said
4 MHWL N 29° 48' 31" E a distance of 255.11',
5 thence N 27° 27' 03" E a distance of 208.93',
6 thence N 33° 23' 54" E a distance of 214.28',
7 thence N 33° 17' 14" E a distance of 136.49',
8 thence N 76° 02' 27" E a distance of 135.64',
9 to the point of beginning.
10 (b) Prior to obtaining a lease, the Port Authority
11 shall develop a Port Master Plan for the future development of
12 its upland facilities and use of the adjacent submerged lands.
13 The master plan shall be developed in coordination with the
14 Board of Trustees' staff and submitted to the Board of
15 Trustees within 6 months after the effective date of this act.
16 Upon acceptance of the master plan by the Board of Trustees,
17 port projects contained within the plan shall be deemed to be
18 in the public interest and the Board of Trustees shall process
19 any application by the Port Authority for a lease of the
20 submerged lands. Any lease application must otherwise comply
21 with all applicable provisions of chapter 253, Florida
22 Statutes, and rules adopted thereunder.
23 Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a
24 law.
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