HB 523

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to the tax on tobacco products; amending
3s. 210.25, F.S.; revising definitions; amending s. 210.30,
4F.S.; providing a separate rate for taxing moist snuff;
5amending s. 951.22, F.S.; conforming a cross-reference;
6providing an effective date.
8Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
10     Section 1.  Section 210.25, Florida Statutes, is amended to
12     210.25  Definitions.--As used in this part:
13     (1)  "Business" means any trade, occupation, activity, or
14enterprise engaged in for the purpose of selling or distributing
15tobacco products in this state.
16     (2)  "Consumer" means any person who has title to or
17possession of tobacco products in storage for use or other
18consumption in this state.
19     (3)  "Division" means the Division of Alcoholic Beverages
20and Tobacco of the Department of Business and Professional
22     (4)  "Distributor" means:
23     (a)  Any person engaged in the business of selling tobacco
24products in this state who brings, or causes to be brought, into
25this state from outside the state any tobacco products for sale;
26     (b)  Any person who makes, manufactures, or fabricates
27tobacco products in this state for sale in this state; or
28     (c)  Any person engaged in the business of selling tobacco
29outside this state who ships or transports tobacco products to
30retailers in this state to be sold by those retailers.
31     (5)  "Manufacturer" means any person who manufactures and
32sells tobacco products.
33     (6)  "Moist snuff" means any finely cut, ground, or
34powdered tobacco that is not intended to be smoked but does not
35include any finely cut, ground, or powdered tobacco that is
36intended to be placed in the nasal cavity.
37     (7)(6)  "Place of business" means any place where tobacco
38products are sold, manufactured, stored or kept for the purpose
39of sale or consumption, including any vessel, vehicle, airplane,
40train, or vending machine.
41     (8)(7)  "Retail outlet" means each place of business from
42which tobacco products are sold to consumers.
43     (9)(8)  "Retailer" means any person engaged in the business
44of selling tobacco products to ultimate consumers.
45     (10)(9)  "Sale" means any transfer, exchange, or barter for
46a consideration. The term "sale" includes a gift by a person
47engaged in the business of selling tobacco products for
48advertising or as a means of evading this part or for any other
50     (11)(10)  "Storage" means any keeping or retention of
51tobacco products for use or consumption in this state.
52     (12)(11)  "Tobacco products" means loose tobacco suitable
53for smoking; snuff; snuff flour; cavendish; plug and twist
54tobacco; fine cuts and other chewing tobaccos; shorts; refuse
55scraps; clippings, cuttings, and sweepings of tobacco, and other
56kinds and forms of tobacco prepared in such manner as to be
57suitable for chewing; but "tobacco products" does not include
58cigarettes, as defined by s. 210.01(1), or cigars.
59     (13)(12)  "Use" means the exercise of any right or power
60incidental to the ownership of tobacco products.
61     (14)(13)  "Wholesale sales price" means the established
62price for which a manufacturer sells a tobacco product to a
63distributor, exclusive of any diminution by volume or other
65     Section 2.  Section 210.30, Florida Statutes, is amended to
67     210.30  Tax on tobacco products; exemptions.--
68     (1)  A tax is hereby imposed upon all tobacco products in
69this state and upon any person engaged in business as a
70distributor thereof at the following rates:
71     (a)  On each can or package of moist snuff, at the rate of
7244 cents per ounce, plus a proportionate tax at the same rate on
73all fractional parts of an ounce, of moist snuff, provided that
74cans or packages of moist snuff with a net weight of less than
751.2 ounces shall be taxed at the equivalent rate of cans or
76packages of moist snuff weighing 1.2 ounces. The tax shall be
77computed on the net weight as listed by the manufacturer.
78     (b)  On all tobacco products other than moist snuff, at the
79rate of 25 percent of the wholesale sales price of such tobacco
81     (2)  Such tax shall be imposed at the time the distributor:
82     (a)  Brings or causes to be brought into this state from
83without the state tobacco products for sale;
84     (b)  Makes, manufactures, or fabricates tobacco products in
85this state for sale in this state; or
86     (c)  Ships or transports tobacco products to retailers in
87this state, to be sold by those retailers.
88     (3)(2)  A tax is hereby imposed upon the use or storage by
89consumers of tobacco products in this state and upon such
90consumers at the following rates:
91     (a)  On each can or package of moist snuff, at the rate of
9244 cents per ounce, plus a proportionate tax at the same rate on
93all fractional parts of an ounce, of moist snuff, provided that
94cans or packages of moist snuff with a net weight of less than
951.2 ounces shall be taxed at the equivalent rate of cans or
96packages of moist snuff weighing 1.2 ounces. The tax shall be
97computed on the net weight as listed by the manufacturer.
98     (b)  On all tobacco products other than moist snuff, at the
99rate of 25 percent of the cost of such tobacco products.
101The tax imposed by this subsection shall not apply if the tax
102imposed by subsection (1) on such tobacco products has been
103paid. This tax shall not apply to the use or storage of tobacco
104products in quantities of less than 1 pound in the possession of
105any one consumer.
106     (4)(3)  Any tobacco product with respect to which a tax has
107once been imposed under this part shall not again be subject to
108tax under this part.
109     (5)(4)  No tax shall be imposed by this part upon tobacco
110products not within the taxing power of the state under the
111Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution.
112     (6)(5)  The exemptions provided for cigarettes under s.
113210.04(4) shall also apply to tobacco products under this part.
114     Section 3.  Subsection (1) of section 951.22, Florida
115Statutes, is amended to read:
116     951.22  County detention facilities; contraband articles.--
117     (1)  It is unlawful, except through regular channels as
118duly authorized by the sheriff or officer in charge, to
119introduce into or possess upon the grounds of any county
120detention facility as defined in s. 951.23 or to give to or
121receive from any inmate of any such facility wherever said
122inmate is located at the time or to take or to attempt to take
123or send therefrom any of the following articles which are hereby
124declared to be contraband for the purposes of this act, to wit:
125Any written or recorded communication; any currency or coin; any
126article of food or clothing; any tobacco products as defined in
127s. 210.25(12)(11); any cigarette as defined in s. 210.01(1); any
128cigar; any intoxicating beverage or beverage which causes or may
129cause an intoxicating effect; any narcotic, hypnotic, or
130excitative drug or drug of any kind or nature, including nasal
131inhalators, sleeping pills, barbiturates, and controlled
132substances as defined in s. 893.02(4); any firearm or any
133instrumentality customarily used or which is intended to be used
134as a dangerous weapon; and any instrumentality of any nature
135that may be or is intended to be used as an aid in effecting or
136attempting to effect an escape from a county facility.
137     Section 4.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2007.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.