Bill No. 0645
Amendment No. 033591
Senate House

1Representative(s) Pickens offered the following:
3     Amendment to Senate Amendment (710484) (title amendment)
4     On page 1, remove lines 17-23, and insert:
6Section 2.  Subsection (5) is added to section 1013.738,
7Florida Statutes, to read:
8     1013.738  High Growth District Capital Outlay Assistance
9Grant Program.--
10     (5)  For the purpose of calculating district allocations
11under paragraph (3)(c) for the districts determined eligible
12under subsection (2):
13     (a)  The district's growth capital outlay full-time
14equivalent membership in paragraph (3)(c) shall be multiplied by
15a factor of 1.25 for districts with average growth greater than
16or equal to 4 percent and less than 4.5 percent in capital
17outlay FTE students over the prior 3 fiscal years as determined
18in paragraph (2)(c).
19     (b)  The district's growth capital outlay full-time
20equivalent membership in paragraph (3)(c) shall be multiplied by
21a factor of 1.5 for districts with average growth greater than
22or equal to 4.5 percent and less than 5 percent in capital
23outlay FTE students over the prior 3 fiscal years as determined
24in paragraph (2)(c).
25     (c)  The district's growth capital outlay full-time
26equivalent membership in paragraph (3)(c) shall be multiplied by
27a factor of 1.75 for districts with average growth greater than
28or equal to 5 percent and less than 6 percent in capital outlay
29FTE students over the prior 3 fiscal years as determined in
30paragraph (2)(c).
31     (d)  The district's growth capital outlay full-time
32equivalent membership in paragraph (3)(c) shall be multiplied by
33a factor of 2.0 for districts with average growth greater than
34or equal to 6 percent in capital outlay FTE students over the
35prior 3 fiscal years as determined in paragraph (2)(c).
36     Section 3.  The sum of $30 million is appropriated for the
372007-2008 fiscal year from nonrecurring funds from the Public
38Education Capital Outlay and Debt Service Trust Fund to the
39Department of Education for the High Growth District Capital
40Outlay Assistance Grant Program established in s. 1013.738,
41Florida Statutes.
44======= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T =========
45     On page 2, remove line 2, and insert:
47amending s. 1013.738, F.S.; providing requirements for the
48calculation of district allocations under the High Growth
49District Capital Outlay Assistance Grant Program; providing an

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.