Bill No. 7005
Amendment No. 271475
Senate House

1Representative Rivera offered the following:
3     Amendment
4     Remove lines 410-433 and insert:
5integrated case management systems over secure networks. Once
6the integrated system becomes operational, counties may reject
7requests to purchase communication services included in this
8subparagraph not in compliance with standards, protocols, or
9processes adopted by the board established pursuant to former s.
11     3.  Courier messenger and subpoena services.
12     4.  Auxiliary aids and services for qualified individuals
13with a disability which are necessary to ensure access to the
14courts. Such auxiliary aids and services include, but are not
15limited to, sign language interpretation services required under
16the federal Americans with Disabilities Act other than services
17required to satisfy due-process requirements and identified as a
18state funding responsibility pursuant to ss. 29.004, 29.005,
1929.006, and 29.007, real-time transcription services for
20individuals who are hearing impaired, and assistive listening
21devices and the equipment necessary to implement such
24Reviser's note.--Amended to conform to the expiration
25of s. 29.0086, effective July 1, 2006; that expiration
26is confirmed by this act.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.