Florida Senate - 2007
The Committee on General Government Appropriations (Aronberg)
recommended the following amendment:
Section: 05 On Page: 036
Spec App: 1907
| EXPLANATION: Provides funding for Recycling Coordinator Training and Stateside Expanded Polystyrene Collection and Densification project.
NET IMPACT ON: Total Funds General Revenue Trust Funds
Recurring - 675,000 0 675,000
Non-Recurring - 0 0 0
Positions & Amounts Positions & Amounts
Program: Waste Management
Waste Control 37450200
In Section 05 On Page 036
1907 Grants And Aids To Local Governments And 140134
Nonstate Entities - Fixed Capital Outlay
Solid Waste Management IOEM
2644 From Solid Waste Management Trust 9,941,932 10,616,932
CA 675,000 FSI1 675,000
At the end of existing proviso language, following Specific
Appropriation 1907, INSERT:
; $175,000 for Recycling Coordinator Training; and $500,000 for
Stateside Expanded Polystyrene Collection and Densification project.
Line item amendments are accepted as part of the amendatory process. However, due to the necessity of using computerized systems this may entail a different placement within a budget entity or the renumbering of the specific appropriation items. Items printed in italics are computer codes and are not a part of the official text of this amendment. |
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