Florida Senate - 2007 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS/HB 7123, 1st Eng.
Barcode 655072
Senate House
1 . C
. 05/03/2007 18:08:30
2 .
3 Floor: 1/AD/3R .
05/03/2007 01:59 PM .
4 ______________________________________________________________
10 ______________________________________________________________
11 Senators Bennett and Constantine moved the following amendment
12 :
14 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
15 On line 215,
17 insert:
18 Section 1. The Legislature finds that it is in the
19 public interest to promote alternative and renewable energy
20 technologies in this state, including alternative fuels and
21 technologies for electric power plants and motor vehicles,
22 energy conservation, distributed generation, advanced
23 transmission methods, and pollution and greenhouse gas
24 control. Both Florida and the United States in general are
25 overly dependent on foreign oil to meet the energy needs of
26 buildings and motor vehicles. Alternative and renewable energy
27 and energy conservation technologies have the potential to
28 decrease this dependency, minimize volatility of fuel cost,
29 and improve environmental conditions. In-state research,
30 development, deployment, and use of these technologies can
31 make the state a leader in new and innovative technologies and
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Florida Senate - 2007 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS/HB 7123, 1st Eng.
Barcode 655072
1 encourage investment and economic development in this state.
2 (1) The Energy Policy Governance Task Force is created
3 to recommend a unified approach to state energy policy
4 including energy conservation and research, development, and
5 the deployment of alternative and renewable energy technology.
6 The task force shall review the programs and policies of the
7 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the
8 Department of Environmental Protection, the State University
9 System, the Public Service Commission, and other relevant
10 public and private-sector entities in preparing its
11 recommendations.
12 (2) The task force shall be composed of the following
13 members:
14 (a) Two members appointed by the President of the
15 Senate;
16 (b) Two members appointed by the Speaker of the House
17 of Representative;
18 (c) Two members appointed by the Governor;
19 (d) The Commissioner of Agriculture or a designee;
20 (e) The Secretary of the Department of Environmental
21 Protection or a designee;
22 (f) A vice-president for research designated by the
23 Council of Vice-Presidents for State University Research;
24 (g) The Chair of the Florida Energy Commission or a
25 designee;
26 (h) The Chair of the Florida Public Service Commission
27 or a designee;
28 (i) The Public Counsel.
29 (3) Task force members shall be appointed no later
30 than August 1, 2007. Members shall choose a chair and
31 vice-chair from the membership of the task force.
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Florida Senate - 2007 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS/HB 7123, 1st Eng.
Barcode 655072
1 (4) In developing its recommendations, the task force
2 shall determine the appropriate approach to provide a
3 coordinated statewide effort to:
4 (a) Promote the state as a leader in new and
5 innovative technologies and, in cooperation with Enterprise
6 Florida, Inc., as a location for businesses having operations
7 related to alternative and renewable energy technologies;
8 (b) Promote alternative and renewable energy
9 technologies, including alternative fuels and technologies for
10 electric power plants and motor vehicles, energy conservation,
11 distributed generation, advance transmission methods, and
12 pollution and greenhouse gas control.
13 (c) Administer funding of matching grants for
14 demonstration, commercialization, research, and development of
15 projects relating to bioenergy and renewable energy
16 technologies;
17 (d) Assist the state universities and the private
18 sector in determining the areas on which to focus research in
19 alternative and renewable energy technology and assist in
20 coordinating research projects among the universities and
21 relevant private-sector entities; and
22 (e) Assist universities, other state entities, and
23 private-sector entities in raising funds from all available
24 public or private-sector sources for projects concerning
25 research, development, or deployment of alternative and
26 renewable energy technology, including projects that involve
27 the production of, improvements in, or use of alternative and
28 renewable energy technology in this state.
29 (5) The task force shall be jointly staffed by staff
30 assigned by the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the
31 Speaker of the House of Representatives.
1:15 PM 05/03/07 h7123.seg1.0aa
Florida Senate - 2007 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS/HB 7123, 1st Eng.
Barcode 655072
1 (6) No later than February 1, 2008, the task force
2 shall submit its recommendations to the Governor, the
3 President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of
4 Representatives.
5 (7) The task force shall expire on June 30, 2008.
7 (Redesignate subsequent sections.)
10 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ===============
11 And the title is amended as follows:
12 On page 1, line 2, after the first semicolon,
14 insert:
15 creating the Energy Policy Governance Task
16 Force; providing for appointment of members,
17 for responsibilities, and for operations;
18 providing that the task force expires June 30,
19 2008;
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