HB 7141

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to improving graduation rates; amending s.
31003.21, F.S.; revising provisions relating to school
4district responsibilities with respect to exit interviews
5when a student seeks to terminate school enrollment;
6creating s. 1003.4935, F.S.; creating the Transition
7Success Program to ease school transitions, reduce dropout
8rates, and provide information regarding certain
9opportunities; providing requirements and suggested
10practices; requiring the Department of Education to
11develop criteria and standards for Transition Success
12Programs; amending s. 1008.34, F.S.; adding graduation
13rate and dropout rate to the evaluation criteria for
14school grades for certain schools; amending s. 1008.36,
15F.S.; including Transition Success Programs as potential
16recipients of Florida School Recognition Program awards;
17providing an effective date.
19Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
21     Section 1.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section
221003.21, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
23     1003.21  School attendance.--
24     (1)
25     (c)  A student who attains the age of 16 years during the
26school year is not subject to compulsory school attendance
27beyond the date upon which he or she attains that age if the
28student files a formal declaration of intent to terminate school
29enrollment with the district school board. Public school
30students who have attained the age of 16 years and who have not
31graduated are subject to compulsory school attendance until the
32formal declaration of intent is filed with the district school
33board. The declaration must acknowledge that terminating school
34enrollment is likely to reduce the student's earning potential
35and must be signed by the student and the student's parent. The
36school district must notify the student's parent of receipt of
37the student's declaration of intent to terminate school
38enrollment. The student's guidance counselor or other school
39personnel must conduct an exit interview with the student to
40determine the reasons for the student's decision to terminate
41school enrollment and actions that could be taken to keep the
42student in school. The student must be informed of opportunities
43to continue his or her education in a different environment,
44including, but not limited to, participation in a vocational
45program, job training program, ready to work certification
46program under s. 1004.99, adult education, or and GED test
47preparation. The school district shall maintain records on the
48exit interview, including the specific recommendations made for
49participation in available educational programs and the
50student's actions in response to the recommendations.
51Additionally, the student must complete a survey in a format
52prescribed by the Department of Education to provide data on
53student reasons for seeking to terminate terminating enrollment
54and actions taken by schools to keep students enrolled.
55     Section 2.  Section 1003.4935, Florida Statutes, is created
56to read:
57     1003.4935  Transition Success Program.--
58     (1)  The Transition Success Program is created to ease the
59transition from elementary school to middle school and middle
60school to high school, to reduce dropout rates caused by the
61difficulty with transition, and to provide students with
62extensive self-awareness opportunities concerning career goals
63and interests.
64     (2)  A Transition Success Program may be a school-within-a-
65school, pursuant to s. 1003.02(4), that is organized to have
66small teams of interdisciplinary teachers who share the same
67group of students, have flexible scheduling with common planning
68time, and use team planning concepts and curricular and
69instructional innovation in working with groups of students in
70grades 6-9.
71     (3)  Each Transition Success Program must:
72     (a)  Require close monitoring of student attendance and
73behavior and provide early intervention and support for students
74at risk of dropping out.
75(b)  Require that each student receive intensive career
76exploration and counseling.
77     (c)  Provide detailed information to students regarding the
78opportunities available in the district for major areas of
79interest and career academies.
80     (4)  By the 2008-2009 school year, the department shall
81develop criteria and standards for the establishment of
82Transition Success Programs in public schools where appropriate,
83design model programs, and provide technical assistance to
84school districts and public schools establishing Transition
85Success Programs.
86     Section 3.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section
871008.34, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
88     1008.34  School grading system; school report cards;
89district grade.--
90     (3)  DESIGNATION OF SCHOOL GRADES.--Each school that has
91students who are tested and included in the school grading
92system, except an alternative school that receives a school
93improvement rating pursuant to s. 1008.341, shall receive a
94school grade; however, an alternative school may choose to
95receive a school grade under this section in lieu of a school
96improvement rating. Additionally, a school that serves any
97combination of students in kindergarten through grade 3 which
98does not receive a school grade because its students are not
99tested and included in the school grading system shall receive
100the school grade designation of a K-3 feeder pattern school
101identified by the Department of Education and verified by the
102school district. A school feeder pattern exists if at least 60
103percent of the students in the school serving a combination of
104students in kindergarten through grade 3 are scheduled to be
105assigned to the graded school. School grades itemized in
106subsection (2) shall be based on the following:
107     (a)  Criteria.--A school's grade shall be based on a
108combination of:
109     1.  Student achievement scores, including achievement
110scores for students seeking a special diploma.
111     2.  Student learning gains as measured by annual FCAT
112assessments in grades 3 through 10; learning gains for students
113seeking a special diploma, as measured by an alternate
114assessment tool, shall be included not later than the 2009-2010
115school year.
116     3.  Improvement of the lowest 25th percentile of students
117in the school in reading, math, or writing on the FCAT, unless
118these students are exhibiting satisfactory performance.
119     4.  A satisfactory or measured rising graduation rate and a
120satisfactory or measured decreasing dropout rate as defined by
121State Board of Education rule for schools that include grade 9
122or higher.
124The State Board of Education shall adopt appropriate criteria
125for each school grade. The criteria must also give added weight
126to student achievement in reading. Schools designated with a
127grade of "C," making satisfactory progress, shall be required to
128demonstrate that adequate progress has been made by students in
129the school who are in the lowest 25th percentile in reading,
130math, or writing on the FCAT, including Florida Writes, unless
131these students are exhibiting satisfactory performance.
132     Section 4.  Subsection (3) of section 1008.36, Florida
133Statutes, is amended to read:
134     1008.36  Florida School Recognition Program.--
135     (3)  All public schools, including charter schools, that
136receive a school grade pursuant to s. 1008.34 are eligible to
137participate in the program. Additionally, a Transition Success
138Program that operates as a school-within-a-school and meets the
139requirements of this section may be eligible for an award even
140if the school within which the program is operated does not
141qualify for an award.
143Notwithstanding statutory provisions to the contrary, incentive
144awards are not subject to collective bargaining.
145     Section 5.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2007.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.