1 | Representative(s) Vana offered the following: |
2 |
3 | Amendment to Senate Amendment (911178) |
4 |
5 | On page 27, line 21 through page 28, line 4, remove all of |
6 | said lines, and insert: |
7 |
8 | 1. Under the Opportunity Scholarship Program, the parent |
9 | of a student in a failing public school may request and receive |
10 | an opportunity scholarship for the student to attend a private |
11 | school in accordance with the provisions of s. 1002.38. |
12 | 1.2. Under the McKay Scholarships for Students with |
13 | Disabilities Program, the parent of a public school student with |
14 | a disability who is dissatisfied with the student's progress may |
15 | request and receive a McKay Scholarship for the student to |
16 | attend a private school in accordance with the provisions of s. |
17 | 1002.39. |
18 | 2.3. Under the corporate income tax credit scholarship |