1 | Representative(s) Flores offered the following: |
2 |
3 | Amendment (with title amendment) |
4 | Remove line(s) 663-666 and insert: |
5 | Section 14. Paragraph (a) of subsection (2), subsection |
6 | (7), and paragraph (a) of subsection (8) of section 1003.428, |
7 | Florida Statutes, are amended to read: |
8 | 1003.428 General requirements for high school graduation; |
9 | revised.-- |
10 | (2) The 24 credits may be earned through applied, |
11 | integrated, and combined courses approved by the Department of |
12 | Education and shall be distributed as follows: |
13 | (a) Sixteen core curriculum credits: |
14 | 1. Four credits in English, with major concentration in |
15 | composition, reading for information, and literature. |
16 | 2. Four credits in mathematics, one of which must be |
17 | Algebra I, a series of courses equivalent to Algebra I, or a |
18 | higher-level mathematics course. School districts are encouraged |
19 | to set specific goals to increase enrollments in, and successful |
20 | completion of, geometry and Algebra II. |
21 | 3. Three credits in science, two of which must have a |
22 | laboratory component. |
23 | 4. Three credits in social studies as follows: one credit |
24 | in American history; one credit in world history; one-half |
25 | credit in economics; and one-half credit in American government. |
26 | 5. One credit in visual or performing fine arts, which may |
27 | include speech and debate. |
28 | 6. One credit in physical education to include integration |
29 | of health. |
30 |
31 | ======= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ======= |
32 | Remove line(s) 27 and insert: |
33 | Standards; amending s. 1003.428, F.S.; revising provisions |
34 | governing credits required for high school graduation; |
35 | conforming provisions; requiring school |