HB 7199

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to homestead exemption for permanent
3residence renters; amending s. 196.011, F.S.; providing an
4additional application requirement for permanent residence
5renters; amending s. 196.015, F.S.; providing an
6additional factor for determination of permanent rental
7residency by property appraisers; creating s. 196.105,
8F.S.; providing for a homestead exemption for permanent
9residence renters; providing criteria, requirements,
10procedures, and limitations for applying for and granting
11the exemption; providing procedures for appeals of
12disapprovals of exempt status; requiring lessors to
13provide rental statements to lessees for certain purposes;
14providing notice requirements for lessees; providing a
15methodology for determining the amount of the exemption;
16requiring property appraisers to certify taxes on the
17exemptions to tax collectors; requiring tax collectors to
18issue warrant to permanent rental residents under certain
19circumstances; creating s. 196.106, F.S.; providing
20procedures for property appraisers to determine exemption
21amounts in subsequent years; providing legislative
22declarations; providing for application; providing an
23effective date.
25Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
27     Section 1.  Subsection (5) of section 196.011, Florida
28Statutes, is amended to read:
29     196.011  Annual application required for exemption.--
30     (5)  The owner of property that received an exemption in
31the prior year, or a property owner who filed an original
32application that was denied in the prior year solely for not
33being timely filed, may reapply on a short form as provided by
34the department. The short form shall require the applicant to
35affirm that the use of the property and his or her status as a
36permanent resident have not changed since the initial
37application. In the case of a permanent residence renter
38reapplying for an exemption, the resident shall make an
39additional affirmation that the resident paid rent for all 12
40months during the prior year and the landlord did not recover
41possession of the dwelling unit based upon nonpayment of rent.
42     Section 2.  Subsection (9) is added to section 196.015,
43Florida Statutes, to read:
44     196.015  Permanent residency; factual determination by
45property appraiser.--Intention to establish a permanent
46residence in this state is a factual determination to be made,
47in the first instance, by the property appraiser. Although any
48one factor is not conclusive of the establishment or
49nonestablishment of permanent residence, the following are
50relevant factors that may be considered by the property
51appraiser in making his or her determination as to the intent of
52a person claiming a homestead exemption to establish a permanent
53residence in this state:
54     (9)  The rental agreement for a residential dwelling unit,
55as defined in s. 83.43, as the result of a written instrument
56signed by the lessor and having a tenancy of no less than month
57to month and a duration of at least 1 year.
58     Section 3.  Section 196.105, Florida Statutes, is created
59to read:
60     196.105  Homestead exemption for permanent residence
61renters.--Every permanent resident of this state who, on January
621, has possession of a residential dwelling unit, as defined in
63s. 83.43, as the result of rent paid in money or checks, or the
64electronic equivalent of money or checks, pursuant to an
65instrument in writing signed by the lessor and having a tenancy
66of no less than month to month and a duration of at least 1 year
67shall have the right to an exemption from ad valorem taxation
68levied by the governing bodies of counties, municipalities, and
69special districts up to the assessed valuation of $15,000 on the
70dwelling unit, subject to the following actual exemption
71descriptions and limitations:
72     (1)  Every permanent resident may file a notice of
73permanent residency with the property appraiser in accordance
74with s. 196.015, at any time. The property appraiser shall
75consider all the applications for permanent residency status
76within 60 days after receiving the completed request.
77     (a)  If, upon investigation, the property appraiser finds
78that the resident is entitled to permanent resident status under
79the law, the property appraiser shall make such entries upon the
80tax rolls of the county as are necessary to allow the exemption
81to the resident and notify the resident by first class mail.
82     (b)  If, after due consideration, the property appraiser
83finds that the resident is not entitled under the law to
84permanent resident status, the property appraiser shall
85immediately provide a notice of such disapproval, giving the
86reasons for such disapproval, a copy of which notice shall be
87served upon the resident by the property appraiser by personal
88delivery or by registered mail to the post office address given
89by the resident. The resident may appeal to the value adjustment
90board the decision of the property appraiser refusing to allow
91the permanent resident status, and the board shall review the
92application and evidence presented to the property appraiser
93upon which the resident based the claim for permanent resident
94status and shall hear the resident in person or by agent on
95behalf of the resident's right to such status. The value
96adjustment board shall reverse the decision of the property
97appraiser in the cause and grant exemption to the resident if in
98the board's judgment the resident is entitled to the exemption
99or shall affirm the decision of the property appraiser. The
100action of the board is final in the cause unless the resident
101files, within 15 days after the date of refusal of the
102application by the board, in the circuit court of the county in
103which the resident is requesting permanent resident status a
104proceeding against the property appraiser for a declaratory
105judgment as is provided by chapter 86 or other appropriate
107     (2)(a)  Each resident who seeks an initial permanent
108residence renter's exemption shall notify the resident's lessors
109for the previous year of their need for a rental payment
110certification no later than January 10 of the year in which
111initial exemption is requested. The lessors of the permanent
112resident in the previous year shall furnish to the lessee a
113statement signed under penalty of perjury concerning the number
114of months for which rent was paid in the prior year no later
115than February 1 of the year for which initial exemption is
116claimed. This notice shall be sent by certified mail to the
117permanent resident, unless the notice is personally delivered to
118and received by the permanent resident.
119     (b)  If the permanent resident is unable to secure the
120certification of rents paid, the property appraiser shall
121request the information in writing by first class mail from the
122lessor owner. Failure by the lessor to supply the requisite
123information to the property appraiser within 14 days after the
124request constitutes breach of a declared duty, enforceable by
125civil action by the permanent resident. Court costs and
126attorney's fees shall be awarded to the permanent residents if
127they prevail in enforcement actions.
128     (c)  Each permanent resident who seeks an initial permanent
129residence renter's exemption shall file a notice with the
130property appraiser no later than March 1 of the year for which
131the exemption is claimed. The permanent resident shall attach to
132the application for exemption the permanent resident status
133notification, copies of the lease or leases which cover the
134prior year and the current year, as well as the rent
135certifications required by this subsection.
136     (3)  The initial exemption from ad valorem taxation shall
137be for 0.083 of the amount of the exemption for each month of
138residential tenancy at a dwelling unit or units for the previous
139year for which rent was paid and certified by lessors. When a
140dwelling unit is occupied and rent is paid for a partial month
141consisting of 15 days or more, an exemption shall be granted for
142the entire month, provided that no single calendar month is
143counted more than once in a calendar year. The amount of the
144exemption for permanent residents shall be carefully considered
145and computed by the property appraiser as soon as practicable
146after March 1 of each current year and completed before July 1
147of that year for which exemption is claimed.
148     (a)  If, upon investigation, the property appraiser finds
149that the permanent resident is entitled to the full tax
150exemption applied for under the law, the property appraiser
151shall make such entries upon the tax rolls of the county as are
152necessary to allow the exemption to the permanent resident and
153notify the resident of the approved exemption amount by first
154class mail no later than 10 days following determination of the
155exemption amount.
156     (b)  If, after due consideration, the property appraiser
157finds that the permanent resident is not entitled under the law
158to all or any portion of the exemption amount requested, the
159property appraiser shall immediately provide a notice of such
160disapproval, giving the reasons for such disapproval, a copy of
161which notice shall be served upon the permanent resident by the
162property appraiser by personal delivery or by registered mail to
163the post office address given by the permanent resident. The
164permanent resident may appeal to the value adjustment board the
165decision of the property appraiser refusing to allow all or any
166portion of the exemption for which application was made, and the
167board shall review the application and evidence presented to the
168property appraiser upon which the permanent resident based the
169claim for exemption and shall hear the permanent resident in
170person or by agent on behalf of his or her right to such
171exemption. The value adjustment board shall reverse the decision
172of the property appraiser in the cause and grant the exemption
173to the permanent resident if in the board's judgment the
174permanent resident is entitled to the exemption or shall affirm
175the decision of the property appraiser. The action of the board
176is final in the cause unless the permanent resident files,
177within 15 days from the date of refusal of the application by
178the board, in the circuit court of the county in which the
179homestead is situated a proceeding against the property
180appraiser for a declaratory judgment as is provided by chapter
18186 or other appropriate proceeding.
182     (4)  The taxes on the exemption shall be certified by the
183property appraiser to the tax collector no later than:
184     (a)  Fifteen days following a final determination of
185permanent resident status and exemption amount in the case of
186contested determinations; or
187     (b)  July 30 of the year for which exemption is claimed.
188     (5)  The tax collector shall issue a warrant to the
189permanent resident in the amount of the computed exemption
190within 30 days after certification by the property appraiser.
191     Section 4.  Section 196.106, Florida Statutes, is created
192to read:
193     196.106  Procedures for property appraisers to determine
194exemption amounts in subsequent years.--If the initial exemption
195was for 100 percent, a property appraiser may, in subsequent
196years, notify persons previously entitled to permanent residence
197renter's homestead exemption in the manner set forth in s.
198196.011. If the initial exemption was for less than 100 percent,
199the exemption amount in the second year shall also be determined
200in the manner set forth in s. 196.105.
201     Section 5.  The Legislature declares that it is a proper
202and legitimate state purpose to provide ad valorem tax relief to
203permanent residence renters of this state. The Legislature
204intends, in implementing the provisions of section 6(e), Article
205VII of the State Constitution, that such ad valorem tax relief
206be structured in a manner as to ensure that permanent residence
207renters directly receive the benefit of the exemption. Pursuant
208to section 18, Article VII of the State Constitution, the
209Legislature hereby determines and declares that the provisions
210of this legislation fulfill an important state interest.
211     Section 6.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law
212and the exemption from ad valorem taxation granted to permanent
213residence renters shall be available for years beginning January
2141, 2008.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.