Bill No. 7215
Amendment No. 825745
Senate House

1Representative Simmons offered the following:
3     Substitute Amendment for Amendment (170133) (with title
5Remove everything after the enacting clause and insert:
6     Section 1.  By October 1, 2010, the Department of Financial
7Services and the Office of Insurance Regulation, in consultation
8with auto insurers, plaintiff's attorneys, hospitals, and health
9care providers, shall conduct a comprehensive review of the
10Florida Motor Vehicle No-Fault Law and its effect on insurance
11rates, auto insurance policyholders, health care providers, and
12the trial court system. The Legislature may not reenact the
13Florida Motor Vehicle No-Fault Law after the 2011 regular
14legislative session if significant reforms are not made to solve
15the issues identified by the review. The report shall be
16provided to the Executive Office of the Governor, the President
17of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
18     Section 2.  (1)  By January 1 of each year, the state
19attorney in each judicial circuit receiving funds from the
20Department of Financial Services for the purposes of enforcing
21compliance with the Florida Motor Vehicle No-Fault Law shall
22provide to the department in a uniform manner the number of
23referrals, convictions, victims, and amount of restitution
24ordered and collected for cases prosecuted during the prior
25state fiscal year. In addition, for persons who are adjudicated
26guilty, the information must include the number of months of
27confinement and associated months of probation to which such
28persons were sentenced.
29     (2)  The Department of Financial Services shall collect
30information relating to cases of insurance fraud occurring
31during the prior state fiscal year which involve the Florida
32Motor Vehicle No-Fault Law, including, but not limited to, the
33total number of initial referrals received, cases opened, cases
34presented for prosecution, cased closed, and convictions
35resulting from cases presented for prosecution by the Division
36of Insurance Fraud.
37     (3)  By February 15, 2008, and each year thereafter, the
38Department of Financial Services shall provide a report
39containing the information described in subsections (1) and (2)
40to the Executive Office of the Governor, the President of the
41Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
42     Section 3.  Effective January 1, 2008, sections 627.730,
43627.731, 627.732, 627.733, 627.734, 627.736, 627.737, 627.739,
44627.7401, 627.7403, and 627.7405, Florida Statutes, constituting
45the Florida Motor Vehicle No-Fault Law, are repealed unless
46reviewed and reenacted by the Legislature before that date.
47     Section 4.  Section 19 of chapter 2003-411, Laws of
48Florida, is repealed, and sections 627.730, 627.731, 627.732,
49627.733, 627.734, 627.736, 627.737, 627.739, 627.7401, 627.7403,
50and 627.7405, Florida Statutes, are reenacted and shall not
51stand repealed on October 1, 2007, as provided for in that
53     Section 5.  The sum of $2,398,278 is appropriated from the
54Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund to the Department of Financial
55Services and 30 full-time equivalent positions with 1,387,860 in
56associated salary rate are authorized as senior insurance fraud
57investigators in the Division of Insurance Fraud of the
58Department of Financial Services. Personnel appointed to these
59positions must be certified law enforcement officers. These
60positions shall be included within the certified law enforcement
61collective bargaining unit and shall have a minimum annual
62salary of $46,262.
63     Section 6.  The sum of $408,000 is appropriated from the
64Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund to the Department of Financial
65Services for purposes of enforcing the Florida Motor Vehicle No-
66Fault Law in Miami, Orlando, and Tampa. These funds shall be
67transferred to the Justice Administration Commission.
68     Section 7.  The sum of $408,000 is appropriated from the
69Grants and Donations Trust Fund to the Justice Administration
70Commission and six full-time equivalent positions with 270,000
71in associated salary rate are authorized for purposes of
72enforcing the Florida Motor Vehicle No-Fault Law in Miami,
73Orlando, and Tampa.
74     Section 8.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2007.
76=========== T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ========
77     Remove the entire title and insert:
A bill to be entitled
79An act relating to motor vehicle insurance; requiring the
80Department of Financial Services and the Office of Insurance
81Regulation to conduct a comprehensive review of the Florida
82Motor Vehicle No-Fault Law; requiring a report to the Governor
83and the Legislature; requiring the state attorneys in certain
84judicial circuits to provide information to the department
85concerning violations of the Florida Motor Vehicle No-Fault Law;
86requiring the department to collect information relating to
87cases of insurance fraud with respect to such law; requiring
88that the department report such information to the Governor and
89the Legislature; repealing s. 19 of chapter 2003-411, Laws of
90Florida; abrogating the repeal of the Florida Motor Vehicle No-
91Fault Law as provided for in that section; reenacting ss.
92627.730, 627.731, 627.732, 627.733, 627.734, 627.736, 627.737,
93627.739, 627.7401, 627.7403, and 627.7405, F.S., the Florida
94Motor Vehicle No-Fault Law, and providing for future review and
95repeal; providing appropriations and authorizing additional
96positions; providing an effective date.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.