Florida Senate - 2007                      COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
    Bill No. PCS (713468) for CS for SB's 752 & 1192
                        Barcode 234290
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1           Comm: WD              .                    
       04/27/2007 12:48 PM         .                    
 2                                 .                    
 3                                 .                    
 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  The Committee on General Government Appropriations (Baker)
12  recommended the following amendment:
14         Senate Amendment (with directory and title amendments) 
15         On page 6, between lines 17 and 18,
17  insert:  
18         (13)  TAXES AND OTHER PAYMENTS.--
19         (h)  One-quarter Of the moneys deposited into the
20  Pari-mutuel Wagering Trust Fund pursuant to paragraph (g)
21  shall, by October 1 of each year:,
22         1.  Twenty percent shall be distributed to counties in
23  which the cardrooms are located; however, if two or more
24  pari-mutuel racetracks are located within the same
25  incorporated municipality, the cardroom funds shall be
26  distributed to the municipality.  If a pari-mutuel facility is
27  situated in such a manner that it is located in more than one
28  county, the site of the cardroom facility shall determine the
29  location for purposes of disbursement of tax revenues under
30  this paragraph. The division shall, by September 1 of each
31  year, determine:  the amount of taxes deposited into the
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Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. PCS (713468) for CS for SB's 752 & 1192 Barcode 234290 1 Pari-mutuel Wagering Trust Fund pursuant to this section from 2 each cardroom licensee; the location by county of each 3 cardroom; whether the cardroom is located in the 4 unincorporated area of the county or within an incorporated 5 municipality; and, the total amount to be distributed to each 6 eligible county and municipality. 7 2. Forty-two percent shall be transferred to the 8 Grants and Donations Trust Fund established within the 9 Department of Education for the purpose of funding programs 10 established by the Transition Service Integration Model Grant 11 Program. 12 Section 2. Transition Service Integration Model Grant 13 Program.-- 14 (1) The Transition Service Integration Model Grant 15 Program is established within the Department of Education to 16 provide startup grants to offset the cost of formal service 17 agreements between district school boards and not-for-profit 18 employment services providers to provide a seamless 19 transition, through customized employment, for students with 20 severe disabilities who are eligible for developmental 21 disability services. As used in this section, the term 22 "developmental disability" has the same meaning as in s. 23 393.063, Florida Statutes. The purpose of the program is to 24 assist students in moving from school to integrated 25 direct-hire employment and postsecondary education and provide 26 inclusive access to a wide range of preferred community 27 activities and settings. 28 (2) The project shall fund staff development required 29 to support the program and a third-party evaluation of program 30 results for the duration of the program. The Bureau of 31 Exceptional Education and Student Services shall administer 2 9:03 PM 04/23/07 s0752c1c-ga20-c02
Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. PCS (713468) for CS for SB's 752 & 1192 Barcode 234290 1 the grants. The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and the 2 Agency for Persons with Disabilities shall provide leadership 3 to their field offices for supporting collaborative efforts 4 with local school districts and provide training in the area 5 of customized employment. 6 (3) A school district may apply to the Bureau of 7 Exceptional Education and Student Services for a grant. Grants 8 must be awarded through a competitive process and may be used 9 only to fund contractual agreements between district school 10 boards and employment services providers to provide customized 11 employment for the student population described in subsection 12 (1). 13 (4) To be eligible for funding, an applicant must use 14 the Transition Service Integration Model. Specifically, an 15 applicant must: 16 (a) Create programs that are designed to provide for 17 the seamless transition of students from school to integrated 18 direct-hire employment and postsecondary education and that 19 provide inclusive access to a wide range of preferred 20 community activities and settings; 21 (b) Enter into a formal service arrangement with a 22 not-for-profit agency that is a services provider within both 23 the rehabilitation and developmental disability systems for 24 the purpose of working with pending graduates before and after 25 graduation; 26 (c) Dedicate staff members to share responsibility 27 with the not-for-profit agency for developing preferred 28 work-related and outside activities for pending graduates; 29 (d) Develop partnerships and collaborative 30 relationships with entities within the rehabilitation system 31 and the developmental disability system, postsecondary 3 9:03 PM 04/23/07 s0752c1c-ga20-c02
Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. PCS (713468) for CS for SB's 752 & 1192 Barcode 234290 1 institutions, families, student advocacy groups, and local 2 workforce one-stop career centers; 3 (e) Identify locations outside high school campuses 4 where the program will be housed and determine how instruction 5 will take place in the community settings in which the skills 6 being acquired will be used; 7 (f) Ensure representation from a student with a 8 developmental disability and a family member of a student with 9 a developmental disability in program planning; 10 (g) Commit to customized employment and training in 11 the Transition Service Integration Model for staff members of 12 the district, the nonprofit agency, the rehabilitation system, 13 and the developmental disability system; 14 (h) Specify measurable goals and objectives; and 15 (i) Submit to third-party evaluation for the duration 16 of the project. 17 (5) Applicants must specify how they will sustain and 18 expand the program after the grant period has ended. 19 (6) Each grant shall be implemented to the extent 20 funded over a period of 4 years. The program shall serve 21 approximately 200 students each year in up to 10 district 22 pilot program sites. 23 (7) From funds allocated under s. 849.086(13)(h)2., 24 Florida Statutes, the Bureau of Contract Grants and 25 Procurement shall annually distribute half of the funds to 26 providers who specialize in the postsecondary vocational 27 training of at-risk students and students with disabilities. 28 To qualify for these funds, a provider must be licensed and 29 have a demonstrated ability to: 30 (a) Provide postsecondary vocational training programs 31 for male and female juveniles placed in a residential 4 9:03 PM 04/23/07 s0752c1c-ga20-c02
Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. PCS (713468) for CS for SB's 752 & 1192 Barcode 234290 1 commitment facility designated by the Department of Juvenile 2 Justice; and 3 (b) Provide vocational training to juveniles in a 4 program certified pursuant to s. 985.19, Florida Statutes. A 5 provider must be able to provide participating juveniles with 6 occupational completion points. 7 Section 3. If any provision of this act or the 8 application thereof to any person or circumstance is held 9 invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or 10 applications of the act which can be given effect without the 11 invalid provision or application and, to this end, the 12 provisions of this act are severable. 13 14 (Redesignate subsequent sections.) 15 16 17 ==== D I R E C T O R Y C L A U S E A M E N D M E N T ==== 18 And the directory clause is amended as follows: 19 On page 1, line 19 and 20, delete those lines 20 21 and insert: (4), paragraph (d) of subsection (5), subsections 22 (7) and (8), and paragraph (h) of subsection (13) of that 23 section are amended, to read: 24 25 26 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 27 And the title is amended as follows: 28 On page 1, lines 11-13, delete those lines 29 30 and insert: 31 revising the portion of moneys deposited into 5 9:03 PM 04/23/07 s0752c1c-ga20-c02
Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. PCS (713468) for CS for SB's 752 & 1192 Barcode 234290 1 the Pari-mutuel Wagering Trust Fund which is 2 distributed to counties in which cardrooms are 3 located; requiring that 42 percent of the 4 moneys be transferred to the Grants and 5 Donations Trust Fund for the purpose of funding 6 programs established by the Transition Service 7 Integration Model Grant Program; establishing 8 the Transition Service Integration Model Grant 9 Program within the Department of Education; 10 providing purposes of the program; specifying 11 the type of student for whom the program is 12 intended; defining the term "developmental 13 disability"; providing for the administration 14 of grants; requiring the project to fund staff 15 development and an ongoing third-party 16 evaluation of results; requiring that the 17 Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and the 18 Agency for Persons with Disabilities provide 19 support to the program; requiring that grants 20 be awarded through a competitive process; 21 limiting the use of grants to certain 22 contractual agreements; requiring that all 23 applicants use the Transition Service 24 Integration Model; providing requirements for 25 eligibility for a grant; requiring that 26 applicants provide a statement of how they plan 27 to sustain or expand the program after the end 28 of the grant period; specifying a grant period; 29 specifying an approximate number of students to 30 participate in the program; specifying a number 31 of district pilot sites that will participate 6 9:03 PM 04/23/07 s0752c1c-ga20-c02
Florida Senate - 2007 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. PCS (713468) for CS for SB's 752 & 1192 Barcode 234290 1 in the program; providing for severability; 2 providing an appropriation and authorizing 3 additional positions; providing an effective 4 date. 5 6 WHEREAS, cardroom operations of pari-mutuel facilities 7 offer an opportunity to raise needed revenues for underserved 8 state program areas, and 9 WHEREAS, persons with disabilities represent a portion 10 of our population whose employment opportunities are not being 11 maximized under current programs, and 12 WHEREAS, vocational education is critical to providing 13 an adequate and effective workforce in this state, and 14 WHEREAS, revenues raised from cardroom operations at 15 pari-mutuel facilities can provide the source of funding 16 needed for new programs that assist persons with disabilities 17 and provide at-risk juveniles with an opportunity for training 18 and vocational education so that they may become productive 19 members of Florida's workforce, NOW, THEREFORE, 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 7 9:03 PM 04/23/07 s0752c1c-ga20-c02