HB 821

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to retirement; amending s. 121.021, F.S.;
3revising definitions; amending s. 121.051, F.S.;
4conforming provisions relating to dual employment;
5amending s. 121.0511, F.S.; revising procedure by which a
6municipality or independent special district may revoke
7its election to participate in the Florida Retirement
8System; creating s. 121.0517, F.S.; providing legislative
9intent; creating the Qualifying Injured Special Risk Class
10of membership within the Florida Retirement System;
11providing eligibility requirements for membership;
12providing medical certification requirements; defining
13"qualifying injury"; prohibiting the grant or creation of
14additional rights; amending s. 121.052, F.S.; authorizing
15sheriffs to remain or elect membership in the class;
16amending s. 121.055, F.S.; authorizing a person appointed
17to a position in the Senior Management Service Class who
18is a member of the Qualifying Injured Special Risk Class
19to remain in the latter class; amending s. 121.091, F.S.;
20providing an average final compensation formula for
21members of the Qualifying Injured Special Risk Class;
22providing for computation of benefits payable for dual
23normal retirement ages and early retirement benefits;
24providing for DROP participation; amending s. 121.23,
25F.S.; providing applicability to proceedings in which the
26administrator has made written final edits on the merits
27respecting applications for qualifying injured special
28risk membership; amending s. 121.4501, F.S.; providing the
29benefit commencement age for members of the Qualifying
30Injured Special Risk Class; amending s. 121.71, F.S.;
31providing for employer retirement contribution rates for
32the Qualifying Injured Special Risk Class; amending ss.
33121.72 and 121.73, F.S.; providing gross compensation
34percentages for the Qualifying Injured Special Risk Class
35for allocations from the Florida Retirement System
36Contributions Clearing Trust Fund for optional retirement
37program participant accounts and participant disability
38coverage; providing an effective date.
40Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
42     Section 1.  Subsection (12) and paragraph (b) of subsection
43(29) of section 121.021, Florida Statutes, are amended, and
44paragraph (f) is added to subsection (15) of that section, to
46     121.021  Definitions.--The following words and phrases as
47used in this chapter have the respective meanings set forth
48unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context:
49     (12)  "Member" means any officer or employee who is covered
50or who becomes covered under this system in accordance with this
51chapter. On and after December 1, 1970, all new members and
52those members transferring from existing systems shall be
53divided into the following classes: "Special Risk Class," as
54provided in s. 121.0515(2); "Special Risk Administrative Support
55Class," as provided in s. 121.0515(7); "Qualifying Injured
56Special Risk Class," as provided in s. 121.0517; "Elected
57Officers' Class," as provided in s. 121.052; "Senior Management
58Service Class," as provided in s. 121.055; and "Regular Class,"
59which consists of all members who are not in the Special Risk
60Class, Special Risk Administrative Support Class, Qualifying
61Injured Special Risk Class, Elected Officers' Class, or Senior
62Management Service Class.
63     (15)
64     (f)  Effective July 1, 2007, "qualifying injured special
65risk member" or "qualifying injured special risk employee"
66includes any member who is employed as a law enforcement
67officer, as a firefighter, or in a criminal detention position
68and meets the criteria set forth in s. 121.0517.
69     (29)  "Normal retirement date" means the first day of any
70month following the date a member attains one of the following
72     (b)  If a Special Risk Class or Qualifying Injured Special
73Risk Class member, the member:
74     1.  Completes 6 or more years of creditable service in the
75Special Risk Class, the Qualifying Injured Special Risk Class,
76or a combination of the two and attains age 55;
77     2.  Completes 25 years of creditable service in the Special
78Risk Class, the Qualifying Injured Special Risk Class, or a
79combination of the two, regardless of age; or
80     3.  Completes 25 years of creditable service and attains
81age 52, which service may include a maximum of 4 years of
82military service credit as long as such credit is not claimed
83under any other system and the remaining years are in the
84Special Risk Class, the Qualifying Injured Special Risk Class,
85or a combination of the two.
87"Normal retirement age" is attained on the "normal retirement
89     Section 2.  Subsection (9) of section 121.051, Florida
90Statutes, is amended to read:
91     121.051  Participation in the system.--
92     (9)  DUAL EMPLOYMENT.--A member may not participate in more
93than one state-administered retirement system, plan, or class of
94membership simultaneously. Pursuant thereto:
95     (a)  With respect to any member who is not eligible to
96participate in the Elected Officers' Class, but who is
97simultaneously employed in two or more positions covered by
98different Florida Retirement System classes:
99     1.  The member must participate in the membership class for
100the position in which he or she is employed the majority of the
101time: the Regular Class, Senior Management Service Class,
102Special Risk Class, Qualifying Injured Special Risk Class, or
103Special Risk Administrative Support Class; or
104     2.  If the employment is split equally between or among
105positions, the member may choose any single class of membership
106for which he or she is eligible, whether or not the positions
107are full-time positions. The member's choice must be made in
108writing and remains in effect as long as the member is employed
109equally in two or more positions.
110     (b)  Contributions shall be made and creditable service
111shall be determined as follows:
112     1.  If the member is participating in the Regular Class,
113retirement contributions shall be made on the total salary the
114member has received for all covered employment, and at
115retirement the member's average final compensation shall be
116calculated on the total salary received from all covered
118     2.  If the member is participating in the Senior Management
119Service Class, Special Risk Class, Qualifying Injured Special
120Risk Class, or Special Risk Administrative Support Class,
121retirement contributions shall be made only on the salary
122received in the designated class of membership. At retirement,
123the member's average final compensation shall be based only on
124the salary received in the designated class of membership for
125any period, including any period of dual employment.
126     Section 3.  Subsection (4) of section 121.0511, Florida
127Statutes, is amended to read:
128     121.0511  Revocation of election and alternative plan.--The
129governing body of any municipality or independent special
130district that has elected to participate in the Florida
131Retirement System may revoke its election in accordance with the
132following procedure:
133     (4)  A copy of the proposed alternative plan and report
134must be given to each representative of each certified
135bargaining unit before adoption of a revocation resolution under
136subsection (5). A municipality or independent special district
137that has a collective bargaining agreement with a certified
138bargaining agent may not exercise the right of revocation for
139future members of any covered class within the unit without
140negotiating such revocation and proposed alternative plan, as
141provided in chapter 447, with each bargaining unit covering such
142classes of employees. If more than one bargaining unit exists,
143each unit must negotiate independently. The new retirement plan
144for special risk employees or qualifying injured special risk
145employees must provide benefits which meet or exceed the minimum
146benefits contained in chapter plans under chapter 175 or chapter
147185, as appropriate. For purposes of this subsection, "chapter
148plans" means those plans having minimum benefits required
149generally under these chapters, and not local law plans having
150variant benefits permissible under s. 175.351 or s. 185.35.
151     Section 4.  Section 121.0517, Florida Statutes, is created
152to read:
153     121.0517  Qualifying injured special risk membership.--
154     (1)  In creating the Qualifying Injured Special Risk Class
155of membership within the Florida Retirement System, it is the
156intent and purpose of the Legislature to recognize that persons
157employed in the categories of law enforcement, firefighting, and
158criminal detention positions are required as one of the
159essential functions of their positions to perform work that is
160unusually dangerous, that is physically demanding or arduous, or
161that requires extraordinary agility. The Legislature further
162recognizes that such persons, because their jobs expose them to
163such risk, may suffer a disability in line of duty, as defined
164in s. 121.021(13), that requires them to work in a new position
165to continue to work for the same employer. It is the intent of
166the Legislature that if such disability in line of duty is a
167qualifying injury as defined in subsection (3), a special risk
168member may be reclassified as a qualifying injured special risk
169member. The purpose of the Qualifying Injured Special Risk Class
170is to rectify situations in which a special risk member is not
171receiving disability retirement benefits but, due to a
172qualifying injury, will suffer a severe economic deprivation due
173to the loss of future benefit accruals at the special risk
174membership rate. Therefore, as a means of recognizing the
175peculiar and special risk of this class of employees, it is the
176intent and purpose of the Legislature to establish a class of
177retirement membership that continues to award retirement
178benefits at the special risk membership rate for those public
179servants identified in this section who sustain qualifying
180injuries in line of duty and to avoid penalizing them because of
181qualifying injuries for which the members do not receive
182disability retirement benefits. Nothing contained in this
183section shall require ineligibility for qualifying injured
184special risk membership or special risk membership upon reaching
185age 55.
186     (2)  To be eligible for qualifying injured special risk
187membership under this section:
188     (a)  The member must have already qualified for and be
189actively participating in special risk membership under s.
190121.0515 at the time of the qualifying injury and must not be
191receiving disability retirement benefits as provided in s.
193     (b)  Two licensed medical physicians, one of whom is a
194primary treating physician of the member, must certify the
195existence of the physical injury and medical condition that
196constitute a qualifying injury as defined in subsection (3) and
197that the member has reached Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI)
198after July 1, 2007. The certifications from the licensed medical
199physicians must include, at a minimum, all of the following:
200     1.  That the injury to the special risk member has resulted
201in a physical loss, or loss of use, of one or both arms, legs,
202hands, or feet.
203     2.  That this physical loss or loss of use is total and
204permanent, except in the event of a physical injury to the
205member's brain, in which event the loss of use is:
206     a.  Permanent and total with respect to at least one hand
207or foot; or
208     b.  Permanent with at least 75-percent loss of motor
209function with respect to at least one arm or leg.
210     3.  That this physical loss or loss of use renders the
211member physically unable to perform the essential job functions
212of his or her special risk position.
213     4.  That, notwithstanding this physical loss or loss of
214use, the individual is able to perform the essential job
215functions required by the member's new position.
216     5.  That use of artificial limbs is either not possible or
217does not alter the member's ability to perform the essential job
218functions of the member's position.
219     6.  That the physical loss or loss of use of one or both
220arms, legs, hands, or feet is a direct result of a physical
221injury and not of any mental, psychological, or emotional
223     (3)  For the purposes of this section, "qualifying injury"
224means an injury in line of duty, as certified by the member's
225employing agency, to a special risk member that does not result
226in total and permanent disability as defined in s.
227121.091(4)(b). An injury is not a qualifying injury unless the
228injury is a physical injury to the member's physical body
229resulting in a physical loss, or loss of use, of one or both
230arms, legs, hands, or feet. Notwithstanding anything in this
231section to the contrary, an injury that would otherwise qualify
232as a qualifying injury shall not be considered a qualifying
233injury if and when the member ceases employment with the
234employer for whom he or she was providing special risk services
235on the date the injury occurred.
236     (4)  Nothing in this section shall grant or create
237additional rights for any individual to continued employment, to
238be hired, or to be rehired with his or her employer that are not
239already provided within the Florida Statutes, the State
240Constitution, the Americans with Disabilities Act, if
241applicable, or any other applicable state or federal law.
242     Section 5.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section
243121.052, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
244     121.052  Membership class of elected officers.--
246July 1, 1990, participation in the Elected Officers' Class shall
247be compulsory for elected officers listed in paragraphs (2)(a)-
248(d) and (f) assuming office on or after said date, unless the
249elected officer elects membership in another class or withdraws
250from the Florida Retirement System as provided in paragraphs
252     (b)  Upon assuming office, any sheriff shall have a period
253of 6 months to notify the administrator of his or her decision
254to remain or elect membership in the Special Risk Class or the
255Qualifying Injured Special Risk Class in lieu of membership in
256the Elected Officers' Class.
257     Section 6.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (6) of section
258121.055, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
259     121.055  Senior Management Service Class.--There is hereby
260established a separate class of membership within the Florida
261Retirement System to be known as the "Senior Management Service
262Class," which shall become effective February 1, 1987.
263     (6)
264     (c)  Participation.--
265     1.  Any eligible employee who is employed on or before
266February 1, 1987, may elect to participate in the optional
267annuity program in lieu of participation in the Senior
268Management Service Class. Such election shall be made in writing
269and filed with the department and the personnel officer of the
270employer on or before May 1, 1987. Any eligible employee who is
271employed on or before February 1, 1987, and who fails to make an
272election to participate in the optional annuity program by May
2731, 1987, shall be deemed to have elected membership in the
274Senior Management Service Class.
275     2.  Any employee who becomes eligible to participate in the
276optional annuity program by reason of initial employment
277commencing after February 1, 1987, may, within 90 days after the
278date of commencement of employment, elect to participate in the
279optional annuity program. Such election shall be made in writing
280and filed with the personnel officer of the employer. Any
281eligible employee who does not within 90 days after commencement
282of such employment elect to participate in the optional annuity
283program shall be deemed to have elected membership in the Senior
284Management Service Class.
285     3.  A person who is appointed to a position in the Senior
286Management Service Class and who is a member of an existing
287retirement system or the Special Risk Class, Qualifying Injured
288Special Risk Class, or Special Risk Administrative Support Class
289Classes of the Florida Retirement System may elect to remain in
290such system or class in lieu of participation in the Senior
291Management Service Class or optional annuity program. Such
292election shall be made in writing and filed with the department
293and the personnel officer of the employer within 90 days after
294of such appointment. Any eligible employee who fails to make an
295election to participate in the existing system, the Special Risk
296Class of the Florida Retirement System, the Qualifying Injured
297Special Risk Class of the Florida Retirement System, the Special
298Risk Administrative Support Class of the Florida Retirement
299System, or the optional annuity program shall be deemed to have
300elected membership in the Senior Management Service Class.
301     4.  Except as provided in subparagraph 5., an employee's
302election to participate in the optional annuity program is
303irrevocable as long as such employee continues to be employed in
304an eligible position and continues to meet the eligibility
305requirements set forth in this paragraph.
306     5.  Effective from July 1, 2002, through September 30,
3072002, any active employee in a regularly established position
308who has elected to participate in the Senior Management Service
309Optional Annuity Program has one opportunity to choose to move
310from the Senior Management Service Optional Annuity Program to
311the Florida Retirement System defined benefit program.
312     a.  The election must be made in writing and must be filed
313with the department and the personnel officer of the employer
314before October 1, 2002, or, in the case of an active employee
315who is on a leave of absence on July 1, 2002, within 90 days
316after the conclusion of the leave of absence. This election is
318     b.  The employee will receive service credit under the
319defined benefit program of the Florida Retirement System equal
320to his or her years of service under the Senior Management
321Service Optional Annuity Program. The cost for such credit shall
322be an amount representing the present value of that employee's
323accumulated benefit obligation for the affected period of
325     c.  The employee must transfer the total accumulated
326employer contributions and earnings on deposit in his or her
327Senior Management Service Optional Annuity Program account. If
328the transferred amount is not sufficient to pay the amount due,
329the employee must pay a sum representing the remainder of the
330amount due. In no case may the employee retain any employer
331contributions or earnings thereon from the Senior Management
332Service Optional Annuity Program account.
333     Section 7.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1), subsection
334(2), paragraph (a) of subsection (3), and paragraphs (a) and (b)
335of subsection (13) of section 121.091, Florida Statutes, are
336amended to read:
337     121.091  Benefits payable under the system.--Benefits may
338not be paid under this section unless the member has terminated
339employment as provided in s. 121.021(39)(a) or begun
340participation in the Deferred Retirement Option Program as
341provided in subsection (13), and a proper application has been
342filed in the manner prescribed by the department. The department
343may cancel an application for retirement benefits when the
344member or beneficiary fails to timely provide the information
345and documents required by this chapter and the department's
346rules. The department shall adopt rules establishing procedures
347for application for retirement benefits and for the cancellation
348of such application when the required information or documents
349are not received.
350     (1)  NORMAL RETIREMENT BENEFIT.--Upon attaining his or her
351normal retirement date, the member, upon application to the
352administrator, shall receive a monthly benefit which shall begin
353to accrue on the first day of the month of retirement and be
354payable on the last day of that month and each month thereafter
355during his or her lifetime. The normal retirement benefit,
356including any past or additional retirement credit, may not
357exceed 100 percent of the average final compensation. The amount
358of monthly benefit shall be calculated as the product of A and
359B, subject to the adjustment of C, if applicable, as set forth
361     (a)1.  For creditable years of Regular Class service, A is
3621.60 percent of the member's average final compensation, up to
363the member's normal retirement date. Upon completion of the
364first year after the normal retirement date, A is 1.63 percent
365of the member's average final compensation. Following the second
366year after the normal retirement date, A is 1.65 percent of the
367member's average final compensation. Following the third year
368after the normal retirement date, and for subsequent years, A is
3691.68 percent of the member's average final compensation.
370     2.  For creditable years of special risk service or,
371effective July 1, 2007, qualifying injured special risk service,
372A is:
373     a.  Two percent of the member's average final compensation
374for all creditable years prior to October 1, 1974;
375     b.  Three percent of the member's average final
376compensation for all creditable years after September 30, 1974,
377and before October 1, 1978;
378     c.  Two percent of the member's average final compensation
379for all creditable years after September 30, 1978, and before
380January 1, 1989;
381     d.  Two and two-tenths percent of the member's final
382monthly compensation for all creditable years after December 31,
3831988, and before January 1, 1990;
384     e.  Two and four-tenths percent of the member's average
385final compensation for all creditable years after December 31,
3861989, and before January 1, 1991;
387     f.  Two and six-tenths percent of the member's average
388final compensation for all creditable years after December 31,
3891990, and before January 1, 1992;
390     g.  Two and eight-tenths percent of the member's average
391final compensation for all creditable years after December 31,
3921991, and before January 1, 1993;
393     h.  Three percent of the member's average final
394compensation for all creditable years after December 31, 1992;
396     i.  Three percent of the member's average final
397compensation for all creditable years of service after September
39830, 1978, and before January 1, 1993, for any special risk
399member who retires after July 1, 2000, or any member of the
400Special Risk Administrative Support Class entitled to retain the
401special risk normal retirement date who was a member of the
402Special Risk Class during the time period and who retires after
403July 1, 2000.
404     3.  For creditable years of Senior Management Service Class
405service after January 31, 1987, A is 2 percent;
406     4.  For creditable years of Elected Officers' Class service
407as a Supreme Court Justice, district court of appeal judge,
408circuit judge, or county court judge, A is 31/3 percent of the
409member's average final compensation, and for all other
410creditable service in such class, A is 3 percent of average
411final compensation;
413a member accumulates retirement benefits to commence at
414different normal retirement ages by virtue of having performed
415duties for an employer which would entitle him or her to
416benefits as both a member of the Special Risk Class or the
417Qualifying Injured Special Risk Class and a member of either the
418Regular Class, Senior Management Service Class, or Elected
419Officers' Class, the amount of benefits payable shall be
420computed separately with respect to each such age and the sum of
421such computed amounts shall be paid as provided in this section.
422     (3)  EARLY RETIREMENT BENEFIT.--Upon retirement on his or
423her early retirement date, the member shall receive an immediate
424monthly benefit that shall begin to accrue on the first day of
425the month of the retirement date and be payable on the last day
426of that month and each month thereafter during his or her
427lifetime. Such benefit shall be calculated as follows:
428     (a)  The amount of each monthly payment shall be computed
429in the same manner as for a normal retirement benefit, in
430accordance with subsection (1), but shall be based on the
431member's average monthly compensation and creditable service as
432of the member's early retirement date. The benefit so computed
433shall be reduced by five-twelfths of 1 percent for each complete
434month by which the early retirement date precedes the normal
435retirement date of age 62 for a member of the Regular Class,
436Senior Management Service Class, or the Elected Officers' Class,
437and age 55 for a member of the Special Risk Class or the
438Qualifying Injured Special Risk Class, or age 52 if a Special
439Risk member or Qualifying Injured Special Risk member has
440completed 25 years of creditable service in accordance with s.
442     (13)  DEFERRED RETIREMENT OPTION PROGRAM.--In general, and
443subject to the provisions of this section, the Deferred
444Retirement Option Program, hereinafter referred to as the DROP,
445is a program under which an eligible member of the Florida
446Retirement System may elect to participate, deferring receipt of
447retirement benefits while continuing employment with his or her
448Florida Retirement System employer. The deferred monthly
449benefits shall accrue in the System Trust Fund on behalf of the
450participant, plus interest compounded monthly, for the specified
451period of the DROP participation, as provided in paragraph (c).
452Upon termination of employment, the participant shall receive
453the total DROP benefits and begin to receive the previously
454determined normal retirement benefits. Participation in the DROP
455does not guarantee employment for the specified period of DROP.
456Participation in the DROP by an eligible member beyond the
457initial 60-month period as authorized in this subsection shall
458be on an annual contractual basis for all participants.
459     (a)  Eligibility of member to participate in the DROP.--All
460active Florida Retirement System members in a regularly
461established position, and all active members of either the
462Teachers' Retirement System established in chapter 238 or the
463State and County Officers' and Employees' Retirement System
464established in chapter 122 which systems are consolidated within
465the Florida Retirement System under s. 121.011, are eligible to
466elect participation in the DROP provided that:
467     1.  The member is not a renewed member of the Florida
468Retirement System under s. 121.122, or a member of the State
469Community College System Optional Retirement Program under s.
470121.051, the Senior Management Service Optional Annuity Program
471under s. 121.055, or the optional retirement program for the
472State University System under s. 121.35.
473     2.  Except as provided in subparagraph 6., election to
474participate is made within 12 months immediately following the
475date on which the member first reaches normal retirement date,
476or, for a member who reaches normal retirement date based on
477service before he or she reaches age 62, or age 55 for Special
478Risk Class members or Qualifying Injured Special Risk Class
479members, election to participate may be deferred to the 12
480months immediately following the date the member attains 57, or
481age 52 for Special Risk Class members or Qualifying Injured
482Special Risk Class members. For a member who first reached
483normal retirement date or the deferred eligibility date
484described above prior to the effective date of this section,
485election to participate shall be made within 12 months after the
486effective date of this section. A member who fails to make an
487election within such 12-month limitation period shall forfeit
488all rights to participate in the DROP. The member shall advise
489his or her employer and the division in writing of the date on
490which the DROP shall begin. Such beginning date may be
491subsequent to the 12-month election period, but must be within
492the 60-month or, with respect to members who are instructional
493personnel employed by the Florida School for the Deaf and the
494Blind and who have received authorization by the Board of
495Trustees of the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind to
496participate in the DROP beyond 60 months, or who are
497instructional personnel as defined in s. 1012.01(2)(a)-(d) in
498grades K-12 and who have received authorization by the district
499school superintendent to participate in the DROP beyond 60
500months, the 96-month limitation period as provided in
501subparagraph (b)1. When establishing eligibility of the member
502to participate in the DROP for the 60-month or, with respect to
503members who are instructional personnel employed by the Florida
504School for the Deaf and the Blind and who have received
505authorization by the Board of Trustees of the Florida School for
506the Deaf and the Blind to participate in the DROP beyond 60
507months, or who are instructional personnel as defined in s.
5081012.01(2)(a)-(d) in grades K-12 and who have received
509authorization by the district school superintendent to
510participate in the DROP beyond 60 months, the 96-month maximum
511participation period, the member may elect to include or exclude
512any optional service credit purchased by the member from the
513total service used to establish the normal retirement date. A
514member with dual normal retirement dates shall be eligible to
515elect to participate in DROP within 12 months after attaining
516normal retirement date in either class.
517     3.  The employer of a member electing to participate in the
518DROP, or employers if dually employed, shall acknowledge in
519writing to the division the date the member's participation in
520the DROP begins and the date the member's employment and DROP
521participation will terminate.
522     4.  Simultaneous employment of a participant by additional
523Florida Retirement System employers subsequent to the
524commencement of participation in the DROP shall be permissible
525provided such employers acknowledge in writing a DROP
526termination date no later than the participant's existing
527termination date or the 60-month limitation period as provided
528in subparagraph (b)1.
529     5.  A DROP participant may change employers while
530participating in the DROP, subject to the following:
531     a.  A change of employment must take place without a break
532in service so that the member receives salary for each month of
533continuous DROP participation. If a member receives no salary
534during a month, DROP participation shall cease unless the
535employer verifies a continuation of the employment relationship
536for such participant pursuant to s. 121.021(39)(b).
537     b.  Such participant and new employer shall notify the
538division on forms required by the division as to the identity of
539the new employer.
540     c.  The new employer shall acknowledge, in writing, the
541participant's DROP termination date, which may be extended but
542not beyond the original 60-month or, with respect to members who
543are instructional personnel employed by the Florida School for
544the Deaf and the Blind and who have received authorization by
545the Board of Trustees of the Florida School for the Deaf and the
546Blind to participate in the DROP beyond 60 months, or who are
547instructional personnel as defined in s. 1012.01(2)(a)-(d) in
548grades K-12 and who have received authorization by the district
549school superintendent to participate in the DROP beyond 60
550months, the 96-month period provided in subparagraph (b)1.,
551shall acknowledge liability for any additional retirement
552contributions and interest required if the participant fails to
553timely terminate employment, and shall be subject to the
554adjustment required in sub-subparagraph (c)5.d.
555     6.  Effective July 1, 2001, for instructional personnel as
556defined in s. 1012.01(2), election to participate in the DROP
557shall be made at any time following the date on which the member
558first reaches normal retirement date. The member shall advise
559his or her employer and the division in writing of the date on
560which the Deferred Retirement Option Program shall begin. When
561establishing eligibility of the member to participate in the
562DROP for the 60-month or, with respect to members who are
563instructional personnel employed by the Florida School for the
564Deaf and the Blind and who have received authorization by the
565Board of Trustees of the Florida School for the Deaf and the
566Blind to participate in the DROP beyond 60 months, or who are
567instructional personnel as defined in s. 1012.01(2)(a)-(d) in
568grades K-12 and who have received authorization by the district
569school superintendent to participate in the DROP beyond 60
570months, the 96-month maximum participation period, as provided
571in subparagraph (b)1., the member may elect to include or
572exclude any optional service credit purchased by the member from
573the total service used to establish the normal retirement date.
574A member with dual normal retirement dates shall be eligible to
575elect to participate in either class.
576     (b)  Participation in the DROP.--
577     1.  An eligible member may elect to participate in the DROP
578for a period not to exceed a maximum of 60 calendar months or,
579with respect to members who are instructional personnel employed
580by the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind and who have
581received authorization by the Board of Trustees of the Florida
582School for the Deaf and the Blind to participate in the DROP
583beyond 60 months, or who are instructional personnel as defined
584in s. 1012.01(2)(a)-(d) in grades K-12 and who have received
585authorization by the district school superintendent to
586participate in the DROP beyond 60 calendar months, 96 calendar
587months immediately following the date on which the member first
588reaches his or her normal retirement date or the date to which
589he or she is eligible to defer his or her election to
590participate as provided in subparagraph (a)2. However, a member
591who has reached normal retirement date prior to the effective
592date of the DROP shall be eligible to participate in the DROP
593for a period of time not to exceed 60 calendar months or, with
594respect to members who are instructional personnel employed by
595the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind and who have
596received authorization by the Board of Trustees of the Florida
597School for the Deaf and the Blind to participate in the DROP
598beyond 60 months, or who are instructional personnel as defined
599in s. 1012.01(2)(a)-(d) in grades K-12 and who have received
600authorization by the district school superintendent to
601participate in the DROP beyond 60 calendar months, 96 calendar
602months immediately following the effective date of the DROP,
603except a member of the Special Risk Class or the Qualifying
604Injured Special Risk Class who has reached normal retirement
605date prior to the effective date of the DROP and whose total
606accrued value exceeds 75 percent of average final compensation
607as of his or her effective date of retirement shall be eligible
608to participate in the DROP for no more than 36 calendar months
609immediately following the effective date of the DROP.
610     2.  Upon deciding to participate in the DROP, the member
611shall submit, on forms required by the division:
612     a.  A written election to participate in the DROP;
613     b.  Selection of the DROP participation and termination
614dates, which satisfy the limitations stated in paragraph (a) and
615subparagraph 1. Such termination date shall be in a binding
616letter of resignation with the employer, establishing a deferred
617termination date. The member may change the termination date
618within the limitations of subparagraph 1., but only with the
619written approval of his or her employer;
620     c.  A properly completed DROP application for service
621retirement as provided in this section; and
622     d.  Any other information required by the division.
623     3.  The DROP participant shall be a retiree under the
624Florida Retirement System for all purposes, except for paragraph
625(5)(f) and subsection (9) and ss. 112.3173, 112.363, 121.053,
626and 121.122. However, participation in the DROP does not alter
627the participant's employment status and such employee shall not
628be deemed retired from employment until his or her deferred
629resignation is effective and termination occurs as provided in
630s. 121.021(39).
631     4.  Elected officers shall be eligible to participate in
632the DROP subject to the following:
633     a.  An elected officer who reaches normal retirement date
634during a term of office may defer the election to participate in
635the DROP until the next succeeding term in that office. Such
636elected officer who exercises this option may participate in the
637DROP for up to 60 calendar months or a period of no longer than
638such succeeding term of office, whichever is less.
639     b.  An elected or a nonelected participant may run for a
640term of office while participating in DROP and, if elected,
641extend the DROP termination date accordingly, except, however,
642if such additional term of office exceeds the 60-month
643limitation established in subparagraph 1., and the officer does
644not resign from office within such 60-month limitation, the
645retirement and the participant's DROP shall be null and void as
646provided in sub-subparagraph (c)5.d.
647     c.  An elected officer who is dually employed and elects to
648participate in DROP shall be required to satisfy the definition
649of termination within the 60-month or, with respect to members
650who are instructional personnel employed by the Florida School
651for the Deaf and the Blind and who have received authorization
652by the Board of Trustees of the Florida School for the Deaf and
653the Blind to participate in the DROP beyond 60 months, or who
654are instructional personnel as defined in s. 1012.01(2)(a)-(d)
655in grades K-12 and who have received authorization by the
656district school superintendent to participate in the DROP beyond
65760 months, the 96-month limitation period as provided in
658subparagraph 1. for the nonelected position and may continue
659employment as an elected officer as provided in s. 121.053. The
660elected officer will be enrolled as a renewed member in the
661Elected Officers' Class or the Regular Class, as provided in ss.
662121.053 and 121.122, on the first day of the month after
663termination of employment in the nonelected position and
664termination of DROP. Distribution of the DROP benefits shall be
665made as provided in paragraph (c).
666     Section 8.  Section 121.23, Florida Statutes, is amended to
668     121.23  Disability retirement, and special risk membership,
669and qualifying injured special risk membership applications;
670Retirement Commission; powers and duties; judicial review.--The
671provisions of this section apply to all proceedings in which the
672administrator has made a written final decision on the merits
673respecting applications for disability retirement, reexamination
674of retired members receiving disability benefits, applications
675for special risk membership and qualifying injured special risk
676membership, and reexamination of special risk members in the
677Florida Retirement System. The jurisdiction of the State
678Retirement Commission under this section shall be limited to
679written final decisions of the administrator on the merits.
680     (1)  In accordance with the rules of procedure adopted by
681the Department of Management Services, the administrator shall:
682     (a)  Give reasonable notice of his or her proposed action,
683or decision to refuse action, together with a summary of the
684factual, legal, and policy grounds therefor.
685     (b)  Give affected members, or their counsel, an
686opportunity to present to the division written evidence in
687opposition to the proposed action or refusal to act or a written
688statement challenging the grounds upon which the administrator
689has chosen to justify his or her action or inaction.
690     (c)  If the objections of the member are overruled, provide
691a written explanation within 21 days.
692     (2)  A member shall be entitled to a hearing before the
693State Retirement Commission pursuant to ss. 120.569 and
694120.57(1) on the merits of any written adverse decision of the
695administrator, if he or she files with the commission a written
696request for such hearing within 21 days after receipt of such
697written decision from the administrator. For the purpose of such
698hearings, the commission shall be an "agency head" as defined by
699s. 120.52.
700     (a)  The commission shall have the authority to issue
701orders as a result of a hearing that shall be binding on all
702parties to the dispute. The commission may order any action that
703it deems appropriate. Any disability retirement order of the
704commission issued pursuant to this subsection which sustains the
705application of the member may include an amount, to be
706determined by the commission, for reasonable attorney's fees and
707taxable costs, which shall be calculated in accordance with the
708statewide uniform guidelines for taxation of costs in civil
709actions. The amount of the attorney's fee may not exceed 50
710percent of the initial yearly benefit awarded under s.
711121.091(4). In cases involving disability retirement, the State
712Retirement Commission shall require the member to present
713competent medical evidence and may require vocational evidence
714before awarding disability retirement benefits.
715     (b)  Any person who fails to appear in response to a
716subpoena, answer any question, or produce any evidence pertinent
717to any hearing or who knowingly gives false testimony therein
718commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as
719provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
720     (3)  The exercise by the State Retirement Commission of the
721powers, duties, and functions prescribed by this section shall
722be reviewable by the district court of appeal.
723     (4)  The exercise by the State Retirement Commission of the
724powers, duties, and functions prescribed by this section shall
725be reviewable by the judiciary on the grounds that:
726     (a)  The commission did not afford a fair and equitable
727hearing in accordance with chapter 120;
728     (b)  The decision of the commission was not in accordance
729with existing statutes or rules and regulations promulgated
730thereunder; or
731     (c)  The decision of the commission was not based on
732substantial evidence.
734The court shall not, however, substitute its judgment for that
735of the commission as to the weight of the evidence on any
736disputed finding of fact where the decision of the commission
737was supported by substantial evidence; nor shall the court
738substitute its judgment for that of the commission on an issue
739of discretion.
740     Section 9.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (3) of section
741121.4501, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
742     121.4501  Public Employee Optional Retirement Program.--
744     (c)1.  Notwithstanding paragraph (b), each eligible
745employee who elects to participate in the Public Employee
746Optional Retirement Program and establishes one or more
747individual participant accounts under the optional program may
748elect to transfer to the optional program a sum representing the
749present value of the employee's accumulated benefit obligation
750under the defined benefit retirement program of the Florida
751Retirement System. Upon such transfer, all service credit
752previously earned under the defined benefit program of the
753Florida Retirement System shall be nullified for purposes of
754entitlement to a future benefit under the defined benefit
755program of the Florida Retirement System. A participant is
756precluded from transferring the accumulated benefit obligation
757balance from the defined benefit program upon the expiration of
758the period afforded to enroll in the optional program.
759     2.  For purposes of this subsection, the present value of
760the member's accumulated benefit obligation is based upon the
761member's estimated creditable service and estimated average
762final compensation under the defined benefit program, subject to
763recomputation under subparagraph 3. For state employees
764enrolling under subparagraph (4)(a)1., initial estimates will be
765based upon creditable service and average final compensation as
766of midnight on June 30, 2002; for district school board
767employees enrolling under subparagraph (4)(b)1., initial
768estimates will be based upon creditable service and average
769final compensation as of midnight on September 30, 2002; and for
770local government employees enrolling under subparagraph
771(4)(c)1., initial estimates will be based upon creditable
772service and average final compensation as of midnight on
773December 31, 2002. The dates respectively specified above shall
774be construed as the "estimate date" for these employees. The
775actuarial present value of the employee's accumulated benefit
776obligation shall be based on the following:
777     a.  The discount rate and other relevant actuarial
778assumptions used to value the Florida Retirement System Trust
779Fund at the time the amount to be transferred is determined,
780consistent with the factors provided in sub-subparagraphs b. and
782     b.  A benefit commencement age, based on the member's
783estimated creditable service as of the estimate date. The
784benefit commencement age shall be the younger of the following,
785but shall not be younger than the member's age as of the
786estimate date:
787     (I)  Age 62; or
788     (II)  The age the member would attain if the member
789completed 30 years of service with an employer, assuming the
790member worked continuously from the estimate date, and
791disregarding any vesting requirement that would otherwise apply
792under the defined benefit program of the Florida Retirement
794     c.  For members of the Special Risk Class and the
795Qualifying Injured Special Risk Class and for members of the
796Special Risk Administrative Support Class entitled to retain
797special risk normal retirement date, the benefit commencement
798age shall be the younger of the following, but shall not be
799younger than the member's age as of the estimate date:
800     (I)  Age 55; or
801     (II)  The age the member would attain if the member
802completed 25 years of service with an employer, assuming the
803member worked continuously from the estimate date, and
804disregarding any vesting requirement that would otherwise apply
805under the defined benefit program of the Florida Retirement
807     d.  The calculation shall disregard vesting requirements
808and early retirement reduction factors that would otherwise
809apply under the defined benefit retirement program.
810     3.  For each participant who elects to transfer moneys from
811the defined benefit program to his or her account in the
812optional program, the division shall recompute the amount
813transferred under subparagraph 2. not later than 60 days after
814the actual transfer of funds based upon the participant's actual
815creditable service and actual final average compensation as of
816the initial date of participation in the optional program. If
817the recomputed amount differs from the amount transferred under
818subparagraph 2. by $10 or more, the division shall:
819     a.  Transfer, or cause to be transferred, from the Florida
820Retirement System Trust Fund to the participant's account in the
821optional program the excess, if any, of the recomputed amount
822over the previously transferred amount together with interest
823from the initial date of transfer to the date of transfer under
824this subparagraph, based upon effective annual interest equal to
825the assumed return on the actuarial investment which was used in
826the most recent actuarial valuation of the system, compounded
828     b.  Transfer, or cause to be transferred, from the
829participant's account to the Florida Retirement System Trust
830Fund the excess, if any, of the previously transferred amount
831over the recomputed amount, together with interest from the
832initial date of transfer to the date of transfer under this
833subparagraph, based upon 6 percent effective annual interest,
834compounded annually, pro rata based on the participant's
835allocation plan.
836     4.  As directed by the participant, the board shall
837transfer or cause to be transferred the appropriate amounts to
838the designated accounts. The board shall establish transfer
839procedures by rule, but the actual transfer shall not be later
840than 30 days after the effective date of the member's
841participation in the optional program unless the major financial
842markets for securities available for a transfer are seriously
843disrupted by an unforeseen event which also causes the
844suspension of trading on any national securities exchange in the
845country where the securities were issued. In that event, such
84630-day period of time may be extended by a resolution of the
847trustees. Transfers are not commissionable or subject to other
848fees and may be in the form of securities or cash as determined
849by the state board. Such securities shall be valued as of the
850date of receipt in the participant's account.
851     5.  If the board or the division receives notification from
852the United States Internal Revenue Service that this paragraph
853or any portion of this paragraph will cause the retirement
854system, or a portion thereof, to be disqualified for tax
855purposes under the Internal Revenue Code, then the portion that
856will cause the disqualification does not apply. Upon such
857notice, the state board and the division shall notify the
858presiding officers of the Legislature.
859     Section 10.  Subsection (3) of section 121.71, Florida
860Statutes, is amended to read:
861     121.71  Uniform rates; process; calculations; levy.--
862     (3)  Required employer retirement contribution rates for
863each membership class and subclass of the Florida Retirement
864System for both retirement plans are as follows:
Membership ClassPercentage of Gross Compensation,Effective July 1, 2006Percentage of Gross Compensation,Effective July 1, 2007
Regular Class8.69%9.55%
Special Risk Class and Qualifying Injured Special Risk Class19.76%21.96%
Special Risk Administrative   Support Class11.39%12.65%
Elected Officers' Class -   Legislators, Governor,   Lt. Governor,   Cabinet Officers,   State Attorneys,   Public Defenders13.32%14.80%
Elected Officers' Class -  Justices, Judges18.40%20.44%
Elected Officers' Class -  County Elected Officers15.37%17.08%
Senior Management Class11.96%13.29%
875     Section 11.  Subsection (4) of section 121.72, Florida
876Statutes, is amended to read:
877     121.72  Allocations to optional retirement program
878participant accounts; percentage amounts.--
879     (4)  Effective July 1, 2002, and effective July 1, 2007,
880for the Qualifying Injured Special Risk Class, allocations from
881the Florida Retirement System Contributions Clearing Trust Fund
882to optional retirement program participant accounts shall be as
Membership ClassPercentage of Gross Compensation
Regular Class9.00%
Special Risk Class and Qualifying Injured Special Risk Class20.00%
Special Risk Administrative Support Class11.35%
Elected Officers' Class -   Legislators, Governor,   Lt. Governor, Cabinet Officers,   State Attorneys, Public Defenders13.40%
Elected Officers' Class -   Justices, Judges18.90%
Elected Officers' Class -   County Elected Officers16.20%
Senior Management Service Class10.95%
893     Section 12.  Subsection (3) of section 121.73, Florida
894Statutes, is amended to read:
895     121.73  Allocations for optional retirement program
896participant disability coverage; percentage amounts.--
897     (3)  Effective July 1, 2002, and effective July 1, 2007,
898for the Qualifying Injured Special Risk Class, allocations from
899the Florida Retirement System Contributions FRS Contribution
900Clearing Trust Fund to provide disability coverage for
901participants in the optional retirement program, and to offset
902the costs of administering said coverage, shall be as follows:
Membership ClassPercentage of Gross Compensation
Regular Class0.25%
Special Risk Class and Qualifying Injured Special Risk Class1.33%
Special Risk Administrative Support Class0.45%
Elected Officers' Class -   Legislators, Governor,   Lt. Governor, Cabinet Officers,   State Attorneys, Public Defenders0.41%
Elected Officers' Class -   Justices, Judges0.73%
Elected Officers' Class -   County Elected Officers0.41%
Senior Management Service Class0.26%
912     Section 13.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2007.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.