HB 853

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to public records; amending s. 267.1736,
3F.S.; providing an exemption from public records
4requirements for certain donor and prospective donor
5information involving state-owned properties in a historic
6district in the City of St. Augustine; providing for
7future legislative review and repeal under the Open
8Government Sunset Review Act; providing a statement of
9public necessity; providing a contingent effective date.
11Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
13     Section 1.  Subsection (9) is added to section 267.1736,
14Florida Statutes, as created by HB 851, 2007 Regular Session, to
16     267.1736  Direct-support organization.--
17     (9)(a)  The identity of a donor or prospective donor to the
18direct-support organization who desires to remain anonymous, and
19all information identifying such donor or prospective donor, is
20confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1) and
21s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution; and that anonymity
22must be maintained in the auditor's report. The university and
23the Auditor General shall have access to all records of the
24direct-support organization upon request.
25     (b)  This subsection is subject to the Open Government
26Sunset Review Act in accordance with s. 119.15 and shall stand
27repealed on October 2, 2012, unless reviewed and saved from
28repeal through reenactment by the Legislature.
29     Section 2.  The Legislature finds a public necessity in
30protecting the identity of donors and prospective donors to the
31direct-support organization authorized to assist the University
32of Florida in carrying out its dual historic preservation and
33historic preservation education purposes and responsibilities
34for the various state-owned properties within the historic
35district currently subleased by the Department of State to the
36City of St. Augustine for management. This protection will
37enable the direct-support organization to effectively and
38efficiently administer the promotion, preservation, and public
39education efforts related to these state-owned properties. The
40purpose of the exemption is to honor the request for anonymity
41of donors or prospective donors to the not-for-profit
42corporation and thereby encourage donations from individuals and
43entities that might otherwise decline to contribute. Without the
44exemption, potential donors may be dissuaded from contributing
45to the direct-support organization because such donors fear
46being harmed by the release of sensitive financial information.
47Difficulty in soliciting donations would hamper the ability of
48the direct-support organization to carry out its marketing,
49promotion, education, and preservation activities and would
50hinder fulfillment of the goal of the state in maintaining these
51state-owned properties and in preserving, promoting, and
52advancing historic preservation of these properties through
53funding by both the public sector and the private sector.
54     Section 3.  This act shall take effect on the same date
55that HB 851 or similar legislation takes effect, if such
56legislation is adopted in the same legislative session or an
57extension thereof and becomes law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.