HR 9055

House Resolution
2A resolution commending the Florida Psychological
3Association on its 60th anniversary and recognizing March
427, 2007, as "Florida Psychology Day" in Florida.
6     WHEREAS, for the past 60 years, the Florida Psychological
7Association has worked to advance psychology as both a science
8and a profession and as a means of promoting public health and
9welfare, and
10     WHEREAS, the Florida Psychological Association has helped
11increase the usefulness of psychologists to the public through
12its establishment and promotion of high standards of ethics,
13conduct, education, and achievement for the profession, and
14     WHEREAS, the Florida Psychological Association continuously
15strives to increase public awareness of psychological conditions
16and their treatments through public meetings, professional
17contacts, and reports, papers, and other publications, and
18     WHEREAS, the Florida Psychological Association continues to
19promote the advancement of scientific interest and inquiry in
20the field of psychology and the application of promising
21research findings to help alleviate human suffering and pain,
24Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
27     That the House of Representatives commend Florida's
28psychologists and the Florida Psychological Association for
29their contributions to the field of psychology in this state and
30recognizes March 27, 2007, as "Florida Psychology Day" in

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.