HR 9061

House Resolution
2A resolution recognizing April 11, 2007, as "Hillsborough
3County Day."
5     WHEREAS, Hillsborough County has been home to the Tocogaga
6Indians, Spanish conquistadors, English colonists, Seminole
7Indians, runaway slaves, settlers seeking farmland, and
8ultimately those embarking on careers in business and industry,
10     WHEREAS, Florida's designation as a United States territory
11in 1821 marked the beginning of Hillsborough County's "pioneer"
12era, a significant historical period that continued until the
13arrival of Henry B. Plant's railroad in 1884, which connected
14Tampa to the rest of the state, and
15     WHEREAS, Hillsborough County was created by the Florida
16Legislature in 1834 and covered an area of approximately 14,600
17square miles - all or part of 24 present-day counties in an area
18larger than eight states at that time, and
19     WHEREAS, the discovery of phosphate and the development of
20the shipping and cigar industries brought immigrants from Cuba,
21Italy, Spain, Puerto Rico, and other areas around the world with
22mechanization and industrialization rapidly following, and
23     WHEREAS, Hillsborough County now consists of 1,050 square
24miles with a population density of about 1,177 people per square
25mile; is home to the 8th largest public school district in the
26nation; has excelled in the area of education, with 84.1 percent
27of its residents over the age of 25 having earned a high school
28diploma and 27 percent having earned a bachelor's degree or
29higher; and offers excellent postsecondary educational
30opportunities and other unmatched amenities conducive to making
31Hillsborough County an outstanding place to work and to raise
32family, NOW, THEREFORE,
34Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
37     That April 11, 2007, is recognized as "Hillsborough County
38Day" as the House of Representatives celebrates "Flavors of
39Hillsborough" at the State Capitol.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.