HR 9063

House Resolution
2A resolution designating April 16, 2007, as "Florida
3Fragile X Research and Awareness Day."
5     WHEREAS, Fragile X is the most common inherited cause of
6mental retardation and serves as a research model for other
7neuropsychiatric disorders, and
8     WHEREAS, it is estimated there are currently approximately
990,000 individuals in the United States who suffer from Fragile
10X, and
11     WHEREAS, research to establish benefits of available
12treatments and intervention along with the potential for the
13development of a cure to Fragile X has also had a profound
14effect on related disorder research, particularly autism, and
15     WHEREAS, Floridians are in a position to help raise public
16awareness about the need for increased funding for research and
17early diagnosis and treatment for the disorder known as Fragile
20Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
23     That the House of Representatives designates April 16th,
242007, as "Florida Fragile X Research and Awareness Day".

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.