HR 9095

House Resolution
2A resolution designating April 12, 2007, as "Virtual
3Education Day" in Florida.
5     WHEREAS, the Florida Virtual Education Program is a quality
6accredited educational choice for Florida's students and is a
7permanent part of the public education system in the State of
8Florida, and
9     WHEREAS, founded in 1997 as a grant-based project between
10two Florida school districts, the Florida Virtual Education
11Program was created as a pilot program that led to Florida's
12first Internet-based public high school, and
13     WHEREAS, in 2006, the Florida Legislature passed
14legislation that removed the remaining vestiges of pilot status
15and made the entire Florida Virtual Education Program a
16permanent part of Florida's K-20 education system, and
17     WHEREAS, the Florida Virtual Education Program has grown
18phenomenally, allowing students to learn at any time, in any
19place, down any path, and at any pace, and
20     WHEREAS, the Florida Virtual Education Program now includes
21K-8 programs and three virtual education schools, including the
22Florida Virtual School, the Florida Virtual Academy, and
23Connections Academy, all of which serve the educational needs of
24thousands of Florida's students, and
25     WHEREAS, parents and students have expanded access to
26courses through the Florida Virtual Education Program, and
27school districts have options to ease overcrowding and to
28provide their students with additional courses and acceleration
29opportunities, and
30     WHEREAS, the Florida Virtual Education Program has allowed
31families across Florida to strengthen the family bond by
32enjoying the learning process together, NOW, THEREFORE,
34Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
37     That April 12, 2007, is designated as "Virtual Education
38Day" in Florida in the hopes that support will continue to be
39extended to keep the Florida Virtual Education Program an
40educational choice for parents and students in this great state.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.