HR 9103

House Resolution
2A resolution supporting education, screening, and
3aggressive medical treatment to help prevent diabetes.
5     WHEREAS, diabetes is a chronic and serious disease for
6which there is currently no cure, and
7     WHEREAS, individuals who have type 1 diabetes are most
8often children or young adults who are unable to produce or
9properly use insulin, and
10     WHEREAS, individuals having type 2 diabetes, or adult-onset
11diabetes, cannot produce enough insulin or properly use insulin
12and often do not exhibit symptoms in the early stages of the
13disease, and
14     WHEREAS, patients suffering from diabetes have long-term
15complications, including high blood sugar levels, blindness,
16lower extremity amputation, heart disease, kidney failure, and
17premature death, and
18     WHEREAS, in recent years, the number of individuals
19diagnosed with diabetes has increased dramatically, and
20     WHEREAS, 9 out of 10 individuals who are newly diagnosed
21with adult-onset diabetes also suffer from obesity, and
22     WHEREAS, America faces a diabetic epidemic wherein an
23estimated 20.8 million Americans nationwide live with diabetes,
25     WHEREAS, diabetes is the sixth leading cause of death in
26Florida, with the highest concentration of deaths located in the
27panhandle of Florida and central Florida, and
28     WHEREAS, research has shown that some ethnic groups are
29disproportionately affected by diabetes compared to the general
30population, which is of great concern in Florida because more
31than one-third of the state's population is African-American,
32Hispanic, or Native American, and
33     WHEREAS, the earlier that a person is diagnosed with
34diabetes and receives treatment, the better the person's chances
35are for avoiding the complications of the disease, and
36     WHEREAS, the first line of treatment recommended by health
37care standards is diet and exercise, and a healthful diet and
38loss of excess weight can have a positive effect on the human
39body's ability to fight the disease, and
40     WHEREAS, traditionally those persons who are at the highest
41risk include older individuals, those who have a family history
42of the disease, and those who are overweight, and
43     WHEREAS, in recent years there has been an alarming
44increase in the growing number of younger people who are being
45diagnosed with diabetes, which is attributed to lifestyle and
46excessive body mass, NOW, THEREFORE,
48Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
51     That health care providers in this state are encouraged to
52adopt generally recognized clinical practice guidelines to help
53manage diabetes.
54     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that health care providers are
55strongly encouraged to inform patients that proper nutrition and
56exercise may reduce their chances of contracting diabetes.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.