Florida Senate - 2007 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for SB 94
Barcode 253178
Senate House
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3 Floor: 1/AD/2R .
05/02/2007 05:40 PM .
4 ______________________________________________________________
10 ______________________________________________________________
11 Senators Baker and Dockery moved the following amendment:
13 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
14 On page 8, between lines 16 and 17,
16 and insert:
17 Section 6. Subsection (13) of section 259.1053,
18 Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
19 259.1053 Babcock Ranch Preserve; Babcock Ranch, Inc.;
20 creation; membership; organization; meetings.--
22 (a) Except for the powers of the commissioner provided
23 in this section, and the powers of the commission provided in
24 s. 9, Art. IV of the State Constitution, the preserve shall be
25 managed by Babcock Ranch, Inc.
26 (b) Officers and employees of Babcock Ranch, Inc., are
27 private employees. At the request of the board of directors,
28 the commission and the department may provide state employees
29 for the purpose of implementing this section. Any state
30 employees provided to assist the directors in implementing
31 this section for more than 30 days shall be provided on a
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Florida Senate - 2007 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for SB 94
Barcode 253178
1 reimbursable basis. Reimbursement to the commission and the
2 department shall be made from the corporation's operating fund
3 provided under this section and not from any funds
4 appropriated to the corporation by the Legislature.
5 (c) Notwithstanding the prohibition or restrictions
6 contained in the management agreement, areas of the ranch
7 historically used for tenant farming may continue to be leased
8 out by Babcock Ranch Management, LLC. Such leases, extensions
9 or renewal periods shall be for a term of not less than one
10 year or more than four years, and shall not exceed the total
11 amount of acreage covered by the tenant leases in existence on
12 July 31, 2006.
13 (d) Until the management plan developed pursuant to s.
14 253.034 and s. 259.032, is adopted, hunting for the purposes
15 of reasonable wildlife population and habitat management shall
16 be allowed on the preserve. Such purposes shall include
17 prevention of overgrazing, disease, and overpopulation. All
18 hunting shall be conducted pursuant to the rules and
19 regulations of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation
20 Commission; however, Babcock Ranch Management, LLC., shall
21 have the authority to charge reasonable access fees to the
22 general public. Special opportunity hunts for persons with
23 disabilities and those under 18 years of age shall be a
24 priority. Until the management plan required by the
25 management agreement is adopted, hunting for the purposes of
26 reasonable wildlife population and habitat management shall be
27 equivalent in purpose to any other recreational use on the
28 preserve.
29 (e) The provisions of paragraphs (c) and (d) shall be
30 contingent upon Babcock Ranch Management, LLC., meeting the
31 requirements of s. 259.1053(11)(d). The Board of Trustees
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Florida Senate - 2007 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for SB 94
Barcode 253178
1 shall order an audit pursuant to section 27, part V of the
2 management agreement.
3 (f) For the purposes of paragraphs (c) and (d) the
4 management agreement is that document attached as Exhibit "E"
5 to that certain agreement for sale and purchase approved by
6 the Board of Trustees on November 22, 2005, and by Lee County
7 on November 20, 2005
9 (Redesignate subsequent sections.)
12 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ===============
13 And the title is amended as follows:
14 On page 1, line 20, after the semicolon
16 and insert:
17 amending s.259.1053; extending leases;
18 providing for hunting; providing conditions;
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