Florida Senate - 2007 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 2-B
Barcode 320494
Senate House
1 .
2 .
3 Floor: WD/2R .
06/14/2007 02:03 PM .
4 ______________________________________________________________
10 ______________________________________________________________
11 Senator Geller moved the following amendment:
13 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
14 On page 26, between lines 27 and 28,
16 insert:
17 Section 12. Subsection (4) of section 30.49, Florida
18 Statutes, is amended to read:
19 30.49 Budgets.--
20 (4)(a) The board of county commissioners or the budget
21 commission, as the case may be, may require the sheriff to
22 correct mathematical, mechanical, factual, and clerical errors
23 and errors as to form in the proposed budget. At the hearings
24 held pursuant to s. 200.065, the board or commission, as the
25 case may be, may amend, modify, increase, or reduce any or all
26 items of expenditure in the proposed budget and shall approve
27 such budget, as amended, modified, increased, or reduced. It
28 must give written notice of its action to the sheriff and
29 specify in such notice the specific items amended, modified,
30 increased, or reduced. The budget shall include the salaries
31 and expenses of the sheriff's office, cost of operation of the
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Florida Senate - 2007 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 2-B
Barcode 320494
1 county jail, purchase, maintenance and operation of equipment,
2 including patrol cars, radio systems, transporting prisoners,
3 court duties, and all other salaries, expenses, equipment, and
4 investigation expenditures of the entire sheriff's office for
5 the previous year. The sheriff, within 30 days after receiving
6 written notice of such action by the board or commission,
7 either in person or in his or her office, may file an appeal
8 to the Administration Commission. Such appeal shall be by
9 petition to the Administration Commission. The petition shall
10 set forth the budget proposed by the sheriff, in the form and
11 manner prescribed by the Executive Office of the Governor and
12 approved by the Administration Commission, and the budget as
13 approved by the board of county commissioners or the budget
14 commission, as the case may be, and shall contain the reasons
15 or grounds for the appeal. Such petition shall be filed with
16 the Executive Office of the Governor, and a copy of the
17 petition shall be served upon the board or commission from the
18 decision of which appeal is taken by delivering the same to
19 the chair or president thereof or to the clerk of the circuit
20 court. The board of county commissioners or the budget
21 commission, as the case may be, shall have 5 days from
22 delivery of a copy of any such petition to file with the
23 Executive Office of the Governor a reply thereto, and it shall
24 deliver a copy of such reply to the sheriff.
25 (b) If the sheriff of a county files an appeal with
26 the Administration Commission under paragraph (a) disputing
27 the budget approved by the board of county commissioners or
28 the budget commission, as the case may be, the board or
29 commission may, by a majority vote, increase the millage rate
30 by an amount sufficient to cover the amount disputed by the
31 sheriff. Such increase shall be added to the maximum millage
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Florida Senate - 2007 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 2-B
Barcode 320494
1 rate and considered a part of the maximum millage rate that
2 may be levied under s. 200.065(5)(a), s. 200.185(2)(b), or
3 s.200.186(1)(a). Funds collected as the result of such
4 increase shall be held in reserve as provided in subsection
5 (6) until the Administration Commission determines the final
6 budget for the sheriff, and such funds may be used to the
7 extent necessary to comply with any increase in appropriations
8 for the sheriff's office which is approved by the
9 Administration Commission.
11 (Redesignate subsequent sections.)
14 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ===============
15 And the title is amended as follows:
16 On page 3, line 11, after the semicolon,
18 insert:
19 amending s. 30.49, F.S.; authorizing the board
20 of county commissioners or the budget
21 commission to increase, by a majority vote, the
22 millage rate by an amount sufficient to cover a
23 budget appeal submitted by the sheriff to the
24 Administration Commission; providing for moneys
25 collected as a result of such increase to be
26 held in reserve and used to comply with any
27 increase in appropriations approved by the
28 Administration Commission;
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