Bill No. 0022C
Amendment No. 489953
Senate House

1Representative Mayfield offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Remove everything after the enacting clause and insert:
6     Section 1.  Section 585.155, Florida Statutes, is amended
7to read:
8     585.155  Brucellosis Whole-herd and calf vaccination.--
9     (1)  All female calves born in the state that are to be
10used for dairy breeding purposes shall be vaccinated with an
11approved Brucella abortus vaccine by state or federal regulatory
12officials or licensed, accredited veterinarians.
13     (1)(2)(a)  All female cattle calves officially vaccinated
14with Brucella abortus vaccine shall be permanently identified at
15the time of vaccination in accordance with 9 C.F.R. part 78 with
16the official shield tattoo "V," registered by the United States
17Department of Agriculture, in the right ear, preceded by the
18numeral of the quarter of the year and followed by the last
19numeral of the year.
20     (b)  In addition, all female cattle each calf shall be
21individually identified at the time of vaccination, if not
22already identified by tattoo, electronic identification device,
23or brand, by an official vaccination ear tag in the right ear.
24The tag shall include the designated state prefix, followed by
25the letter "V," two additional letters, and four numerals.
26Registration tattoos, electronic identification devices, or
27individual brand numbers may be substituted for the official ear
28tags. This identification shall be accurately recorded on the
29official vaccination record.
30     (c)  Duplicate reports covering these vaccinations shall be
31immediately furnished to the department and shall constitute the
32official record of vaccination.
33     (3)  Each owner of a herd of cattle in this state shall
34enroll the herd in a program to determine whether the herd is
35infected with brucellosis. When reactors or suspects are
36disclosed in a herd, the department and the owner must develop a
37plan to eliminate the infection in accordance with the Uniform
38Methods and Rules for Brucellosis Eradication and the rules of
39this state. The plan shall include the required testing, removal
40of reactor animals, calfhood vaccination and whole-herd
41vaccination to clear the herd of infection. The department shall
42provide for the establishment of low brucellosis incidence areas
43and brucellosis free areas which can be recognized by the United
44States Department of Agriculture as having Class "Free," Class
45"A," or Class "B" status under the Uniform Methods and Rules for
46Brucellosis Eradication.
47     (2)(4)  Only an approved vaccine produced under license of
48the United States Department of Agriculture shall qualify for
49vaccination purposes under this section.
50     Section 2.  Section 585.105, Florida Statutes, is repealed.
51     Section 3.  Section 501.95, Florida Statutes, is amended to
53     501.95  Gift certificates and credit memos.--
54     (1)  As used in this section, the term:
55     (a)  "Credit memo" means a certificate, card, stored value
56card, or similar instrument issued in exchange for returned
57merchandise when the certificate, card, or similar instrument is
58redeemable for merchandise, food, or services regardless of
59whether any cash may be paid to the owner of the certificate,
60card, or instrument as part of the redemption transaction.
61     (b)  "Gift certificate" means a certificate, gift card,
62stored value card, or similar instrument purchased issued in
63exchange for monetary consideration when the certificate, card,
64or similar instrument is redeemable for merchandise, food, or
65services regardless of whether any cash may be paid to the owner
66of the certificate, card, or instrument as part of the
67redemption transaction, but this term shall not include tickets
68as specified in s. 717.1355 or manufacturer or retailer
69discounts and coupons.
70     (2)(a)  A gift certificate purchased or credit memo sold or
71issued for consideration in this state may not have an
72expiration date, expiration period, or any type of postsale
73charge or fee imposed on the gift certificate or credit memo,
74including, but not limited to, service charges, dormancy fees,
75account maintenance fees, or cash-out fees. However, a gift
76certificate may have an expiration date of not less than 3 years
77if it is provided as a charitable contribution when no
78consideration is given to the issuer by the consumer, or not
79less than 1 year if it is provided as a benefit pursuant to an
80employee-incentive program, consumer-loyalty program, or
81promotional program when no consideration is given to the issuer
82by the consumer, and the expiration date is prominently
83disclosed in writing to the consumer at the time it is provided.
84In addition, a gift certificate may have an expiration date if
85it the monetary consideration for the gift certificate it is
86provided to the recipient through a loyalty program, or
87promotional program, or if it is provided in conjunction with as
88part of a larger package related to a convention, conference,
89vacation, or sporting or fine arts event having a limited
90duration so long as the majority of the value paid by the
91recipient is attributable to the convention, conference,
92vacation, or event. An issuer may honor a gift certificate that
93has expired on or before the effective date of this act.
94     (b)  Paragraph (a) does not apply to a gift certificate or
95credit memo sold or issued by a financial institution, as
96defined in s. 655.005, or by a money transmitter, as defined in
97s. 560.103, if the gift certificate or credit memo is redeemable
98by multiple unaffiliated merchants.
99     (c)  Enforcement of this section shall be as provided in s.
100501.142(3), (4), and (5) for violations of this section.
101     Section 4.  Subsections (3), (4), and (5) of section
102501.142, Florida Statutes, read:
103     501.142  Retail sales establishments; preemption; notice of
104refund policy; exceptions; penalty.--
105     (3)  The department may enter an order doing one or more of
106the following if the department finds that a person has violated
107or is operating in violation of any of the provisions of this
108section or the rules or orders issued under this section:
109     (a)  Issue a notice of noncompliance pursuant to s.
111     (b)  Impose an administrative fine not to exceed $100 for
112each violation.
113     (c)  Direct the person to cease and desist specified
115     (4)  The administrative proceedings that could result in
116the entry of an order imposing any of the penalties specified in
117subsection (3) are governed by chapter 120.
118     (5)  Any moneys recovered by the Department of Agriculture
119and Consumer Services as a penalty under this section shall be
120deposited in the General Inspection Trust Fund.
121     Section 5.  The amendment of section 501.95, Florida
122Statutes, by this act shall apply to all gift cards purchased
123and credit memos issued on or after June 28, 2007.
124     Section 6.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.
126========= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T =========
127     Remove the entire title and insert:
A bill to be entitled
130An act relating to the Department of Agriculture and
131Consumer Services; amending s. 585.155, F.S.; requiring
132that all female cattle vaccinated with the Brucella
133abortus vaccine be identified according to federal
134regulations; repealing s. 585.105, F.S., relating to the
135purchase, distribution, and administration of approved
136brucella vaccine; amending s. 501.95, F.S., relating to
137gift certificates and credit memos; limiting application
138of prohibitions to purchased instruments; providing for
139enforcement by the department; providing certain
140retroactive applicability; providing an effective date.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.