Senate Bill sb0022Cc1

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    Florida Senate - 2007                           CS for SB 22-C

    By the Committee on General Government Appropriations; and
    Senator Alexander


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Department of

  3         Agriculture and Consumer Services; amending s.

  4         487.041, F.S.; increasing the annual fees to

  5         register each brand of pesticide in order to

  6         defray the expenses of the department; amending

  7         s. 500.12, F.S.; increasing the fee to

  8         accompany an application for a food permit to

  9         be issued by the department; amending s.

10         501.95, F.S.; redefining the term "gift

11         certificate"; providing circumstances in which

12         a gift certificate may have an expiration date;

13         amending s. 576.041, F.S.; increasing the fee

14         paid by persons receiving a license to

15         distribute fertilizer; amending s. 580.041,

16         F.S.; increasing the fees paid by distributors

17         of commercial feed for animals which

18         accompanies an application for registration as

19         a distributor; amending s. 585.155, F.S.;

20         requiring that all female cattle vaccinated

21         with the Brucella abortus vaccine be identified

22         according to federal regulations; repealing s.

23         585.105, F.S., relating to the purchase,

24         distribution, and administration of Brucella

25         vaccine; providing for retroactive application;

26         providing an effective date.


28  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:





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    Florida Senate - 2007                           CS for SB 22-C

 1         Section 1.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) and

 2  paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section 487.041, Florida

 3  Statutes, are amended to read:

 4         487.041  Registration.--

 5         (b)  For the purpose of defraying expenses of the

 6  department in connection with carrying out the provisions of

 7  this part, each person shall pay an annual registration fee of

 8  $350 $250 for each registered brand of pesticide. The annual

 9  registration fee for each special local need label and

10  experimental use permit is $100. All registrations expire on

11  December 31 of each year. If the renewal of a brand of

12  pesticide, including the special local need label and

13  experimental use permit, is not filed by January 31 of the

14  renewal year, an additional fee of $25 per brand of pesticide

15  shall be assessed per month and added to the original fee.

16  This additional fee may not exceed $250 per brand of

17  pesticide. The additional fee must be paid by the registrant

18  before the renewal certificate for the registration of the

19  brand of pesticide is issued.

20         (c)  Each registration issued by the department to a

21  registrant for a period beginning in an odd-numbered year

22  shall be assessed a fee of $700 $500 per brand of pesticide

23  and a fee of $200 for each special local need label and

24  experimental use permit, and the registration shall expire on

25  December 31 of the following year. Each registration issued by

26  the department to a registrant for a period beginning in an

27  even-numbered year shall be assessed a fee of $350 $250 per

28  brand of pesticide and fee of $100 for each special local need

29  label and experimental use permit, and the registration shall

30  expire on December 31 of that year.



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 1         Section 2.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section

 2  500.12, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 3         500.12  Food permits; building permits.--

 4         (b)  An application for a food permit from the

 5  department must be accompanied by a fee in an amount

 6  determined by department rule, which may not exceed $650 $500

 7  and shall be used solely for the recovery of costs for the

 8  services provided, except that the fee accompanying an

 9  application for a food permit for operating a bottled water

10  plant may not exceed $1,000 and the fee accompanying an

11  application for a food permit for operating a packaged ice

12  plant may not exceed $250.  The fee for operating a bottled

13  water plant or a packaged ice plant shall be set by rule of

14  the department. Food permits must be renewed annually on or

15  before January 1. If an application for renewal of a food

16  permit is not received by the department within 30 days after

17  its due date, a late fee, in an amount not exceeding $100,

18  must be paid in addition to the food permit fee before the

19  department may issue the food permit. The moneys collected

20  shall be deposited in the General Inspection Trust Fund.

21         Section 3.  Section 501.95, Florida Statutes, is

22  amended to read:

23         501.95  Gift certificates and credit memos.--

24         (1)  As used in this section, the term:

25         (a)  "Credit memo" means a certificate, card, stored

26  value card, or similar instrument issued in exchange for

27  returned merchandise when the certificate, card, or similar

28  instrument is redeemable for merchandise, food, or services

29  regardless of whether any cash may be paid to the owner of the

30  certificate, card, or instrument as part of the redemption

31  transaction.


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    Florida Senate - 2007                           CS for SB 22-C

 1         (b)  "Gift certificate" means a certificate, gift card,

 2  stored value card, or similar instrument purchased issued in

 3  exchange for monetary consideration when the certificate,

 4  card, or similar instrument is redeemable for merchandise,

 5  food, or services regardless of whether any cash may be paid

 6  to the owner of the certificate, card, or instrument as part

 7  of the redemption transaction, but this term shall not include

 8  tickets as specified in s. 717.1355 or manufacturer or

 9  retailer discounts and coupons.

10         (2)

11         (a)  A gift certificate purchased or credit memo sold

12  or issued for consideration in this state may not have an

13  expiration date, expiration period, or any type of postsale

14  charge or fee imposed on the gift certificate or credit memo,

15  including, but not limited to, service charges, dormancy fees,

16  account maintenance fees, or cash-out fees. However, a gift

17  certificate may have an expiration date of not less than 3

18  years if it is provided as a charitable contribution when no

19  consideration is given to the issuer by the consumer, or not

20  less than 1 year if it is provided as a benefit pursuant to an

21  employee-incentive program, consumer-loyalty program, or

22  promotional program when no consideration is given to the

23  issuer by the consumer, and the expiration date is prominently

24  disclosed in writing to the consumer at the time it is

25  provided. In addition, a gift certificate may have an

26  expiration date if it is provided as part of a loyalty program

27  or promotional program, or if it is provided in conjunction

28  with a larger package related to a convention, conference,

29  vacation, or sporting or fine arts event having a limited

30  duration so long as the majority of the value paid by the

31  recipient is attributable to the convention, conference,


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 1  vacation, or event. An issuer may honor a gift certificate

 2  that has expired on or before the effective date of this act.

 3         (b)  Paragraph (a) does not apply to a gift certificate

 4  or credit memo sold or issued by a financial institution, as

 5  defined in s. 655.005, or by a money transmitter, as defined

 6  in s. 560.103, if the gift certificate or credit memo is

 7  redeemable by multiple unaffiliated merchants.

 8         (c)  This section shall be enforced as provided in s.

 9  501.142(3), (4), and (5).

10         Section 4.  Subsection (1) of section 576.041, Florida

11  Statutes, is amended to read:

12         576.041  Inspection fees; records; bond.--

13         (1)  Every licensee shall pay to the department an

14  inspection fee in the amount of $1 75 cents per ton for

15  fertilizer sold in the state, except raw ground phosphate

16  rock, soft phosphate, colloidal phosphate, phosphatic clays

17  and all other untreated phosphatic materials, gypsum, hydrated

18  lime, limestone, and dolomite when sold or used for

19  agricultural purposes, on which the inspection fee shall be 30

20  cents per ton.  All fees paid to the department under this

21  section shall be deposited into the State Treasury to be

22  placed in the General Inspection Trust Fund to be used for the

23  sole purpose of funding the fertilizer inspection program.

24         Section 5.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section

25  580.041, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

26         580.041  Master registration; fee; refusal or

27  cancellation of registration.--

28         (1)

29         (b)  The registration form shall be accompanied by a

30  fee that shall be based on tons of feed distributed in this

31  state during the previous year. If a distributor has been in


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    Florida Senate - 2007                           CS for SB 22-C

 1  business less than 1 year, the tonnage shall be estimated by

 2  the distributor for the first year and based on actual tonnage

 3  thereafter. These fees shall be as follows:


 5         SALES IN TONS                                       FEE


 7         Zero, up to and including 25....................$40 $25

 8         More than 25, up to and including 50............$75 $50

 9         More than 50, up to and including 100.........$150 $100

10         More than 100, up to and including 300........$375 $300

11         More than 300, up to and including 600........$600 $500

12         More than 600, up to and including 1,000......$900 $750

13         More than 1,000, up to and including 2,000.......$1,250

14  $1,000

15         More than 2,000, up to and including 5,000.......$2,000

16  $1,500

17         More than 5,000...........................$3,500 $2,500


19         Section 6.  Section 585.155, Florida Statutes, is

20  amended to read:

21         585.155  Brucellosis Whole-herd and calf vaccination.--

22         (1)  All female calves born in the state that are to be

23  used for dairy breeding purposes shall be vaccinated with an

24  approved Brucella abortus vaccine by state or federal

25  regulatory officials or licensed, accredited veterinarians.

26         (1)(2)(a)  All female cattle calves officially

27  vaccinated with Brucella abortus vaccine shall be permanently

28  identified at the time of vaccination in accordance with Title

29  9, part 78, Code of Federal Regulations with the official

30  shield tattoo "V," registered by the United States Department

31  of Agriculture, in the right ear, preceded by the numeral of


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    Florida Senate - 2007                           CS for SB 22-C

 1  the quarter of the year and followed by the last numeral of

 2  the year.

 3         (b)  In addition, all female cattle each calf shall be

 4  individually identified at the time of vaccination, if not

 5  already identified by tattoo, electronic identification

 6  device, or brand, by an official vaccination ear tag in the

 7  right ear.  The tag shall include the designated state prefix,

 8  followed by the letter "V," two additional letters, and four

 9  numerals. Registration tattoos, electronic identification

10  devices, or individual brand numbers may be substituted for

11  the official ear tags.  This identification shall be

12  accurately recorded on the official vaccination record.

13         (c)  Duplicate reports covering these vaccinations

14  shall be immediately furnished to the department and shall

15  constitute the official record of vaccination.

16         (3)  Each owner of a herd of cattle in this state shall

17  enroll the herd in a program to determine whether the herd is

18  infected with brucellosis. When reactors or suspects are

19  disclosed in a herd, the department and the owner must develop

20  a plan to eliminate the infection in accordance with the

21  Uniform Methods and Rules for Brucellosis Eradication and the

22  rules of this state. The plan shall include the required

23  testing, removal of reactor animals, calfhood vaccination and

24  whole-herd vaccination to clear the herd of infection. The

25  department shall provide for the establishment of low

26  brucellosis incidence areas and brucellosis free areas which

27  can be recognized by the United States Department of

28  Agriculture as having Class "Free," Class "A," or Class "B"

29  status under the Uniform Methods and Rules for Brucellosis

30  Eradication.



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    Florida Senate - 2007                           CS for SB 22-C

 1         (2)(4)  Only an approved vaccine produced under license

 2  of the United States Department of Agriculture shall qualify

 3  for vaccination purposes under this section.

 4         Section 7.  Section 585.105, Florida Statutes, is

 5  repealed.

 6         Section 8.  Section 3 of this act applies to all gift

 7  cards purchased and credit memos issued on or after June 28,

 8  2007.

 9         Section 9.  This act shall take effect November 1,

10  2007, or upon becoming a law, whichever occurs later; however,

11  if this act becomes a law after November 1, 2007, it shall

12  operate retroactively to November 1, 2007.





















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