Senate Bill sb0004Cer
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
2007 Legislature SB 4-C, 1st Engrossed
2 An act implementing the 2007-2008 special
3 appropriations act; providing legislative
4 intent; requiring state agencies to submit to
5 the Executive Office of the Governor requests
6 for revisions, additions, or deletions to
7 approved performance measures and standards
8 related to implementing the reductions and
9 other changes in appropriations for the
10 2007-2008 fiscal year; requiring the judicial
11 branch to submit to the Legislature requests
12 for revisions, additions, or deletions to
13 approved performance measures and standards
14 related to implementing the reductions and
15 other changes in appropriations for the
16 2007-2008 fiscal year; requiring the Office of
17 the Inspector General in each agency to review
18 policies and procedures for the assignment and
19 use of motor vehicles by agency employees in
20 order to determine compliance with certain
21 criteria and rules of the Department of
22 Management Services; requiring each agency to
23 update the information in the Equipment
24 Management Information System; requiring a
25 report to the Governor, the Legislature, and
26 the Office of Program Policy Analysis and
27 Government Accountability by a specified date;
28 requiring that agencies adopt policies and
29 procedures to maximize the efficient use of
30 motor vehicles; amending s. 570.957, F.S.;
31 redefining the term "bioenergy" for purposes of
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
2007 Legislature SB 4-C, 1st Engrossed
1 the Farm-to-Fuel Grants Program; providing for
2 the effect of a veto of one or more specific
3 appropriations or proviso to which implementing
4 language refers; providing for severability;
5 providing an effective date.
7 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
9 Section 1. It is the intent of the Legislature that
10 the implementing and administering provisions of this act
11 apply to the act making appropriations and reductions in
12 appropriations for the 2007-2008 fiscal year.
13 Section 2. (1) Pursuant to s. 216.1827, Florida
14 Statutes, executive agencies shall submit by January 15, 2008,
15 to the Executive Office of the Governor any requests for
16 revisions, additions, or deletions to approved performance
17 measures and standards related to the implementation of the
18 reductions and other changes in appropriations for the
19 2007-2008 fiscal year made by SB 2-C.
20 (2) Pursuant to s. 216.1827, Florida Statutes, the
21 judicial branch shall submit by January 15, 2008, to the
22 Legislature any requests for revisions, additions, or
23 deletions to approved performance measures and standards
24 related to the implementation of the reductions and other
25 changes in appropriations for the 2007-2008 fiscal year made
26 by SB 2-C.
27 Section 3. (1) The Office of the Inspector General in
28 each agency shall review the agency's policies and procedures
29 for the assignment and use of motor vehicles by employees in
30 order to determine if such policies and procedures meet the
31 criteria specified in s. 287.17, Florida Statutes, and are
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2007 Legislature SB 4-C, 1st Engrossed
1 consistent with rules adopted by the Department of Management
2 Services under s. 216.262, Florida Statutes. Each agency shall
3 update all information in the Equipment Management Information
4 System (EMIS) and submit a report that includes:
5 (a) The policies and procedures for fleet size, fleet
6 management, assignment of individual and motor pool vehicles,
7 and use of personal vehicles;
8 (b) A list of motor vehicles owned by the agency by
9 the year, make and model, special equipment package, mileage,
10 in-service date, annual maintenance costs, and intended use;
11 (c) A list of vehicles identified as surplus and the
12 estimated revenues to be received from the disposition of such
13 vehicles;
14 (d) The total dollars spent in the 2006-2007 fiscal
15 year to reimburse employees for travel mileage, segregated by
16 budget entity, class code of the employee, and justification
17 for travel in a personal vehicle; and
18 (e) Efficiency determinations derived from this
19 review.
20 (2) The report shall be submitted by December 1, 2007,
21 to the Executive Office of the Governor, the President of the
22 Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the
23 Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government
24 Accountability.
25 (3) Each agency shall adopt policies and procedures to
26 maximize the efficient use of limited resources regarding
27 motor vehicle assignment and use and the reimbursement of
28 transportation costs associated with the use of private
29 vehicles for conducting official business, including policies
30 and procedures for designating as surplus motor vehicles
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2007 Legislature SB 4-C, 1st Engrossed
1 determined to be unnecessary for carrying out job
2 responsibilities in the most cost-efficient manner.
3 Section 4. In order to implement Specific
4 Appropriation 377 of Senate Bill 2-C, paragraph (a) of
5 subsection (1) of section 570.957, Florida Statutes, is
6 amended to read:
7 570.957 Farm-to-Fuel Grants Program.--
8 (1) As used in this section, the term:
9 (a) "Bioenergy" means useful, renewable energy
10 produced from organic matter through the conversion of the
11 complex carbohydrates in organic matter to energy. Organic
12 matter may either be used directly as a fuel, processed into
13 liquids and gases, or be a residue of processing and
14 conversion.
15 Section 5. Any section of this act which implements a
16 specific appropriation or specifically identified proviso
17 language in the act making appropriations and reductions in
18 appropriations for the 2007-2008 fiscal year is void if the
19 specific appropriation or specifically identified proviso
20 language is vetoed. Any section of this act which implements
21 more than one specific appropriation or more than one portion
22 of specifically identified proviso language in the act making
23 appropriations and reductions in appropriations for the
24 2007-2008 fiscal year is void if all the specific
25 appropriations or portions of specifically identified proviso
26 language are vetoed.
27 Section 6. If any provision of this act or its
28 application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the
29 invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of
30 the act which can be given effect without the invalid
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2007 Legislature SB 4-C, 1st Engrossed
1 provision or application, and to this end the provisions of
2 this act are severable.
3 Section 7. This act shall take effect upon becoming a
4 law.
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