Florida Senate - 2007                        SENATOR AMENDMENT
    Bill No. CS for SJR 2-D, 1st Eng.
                        Barcode 185410
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .                    
 2                                 .                    
 3         Floor: 1/AD/3R          .                    
       10/17/2007 05:23 PM         .                    
 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  Senator Haridopolos moved the following amendment:
13         Senate Amendment 
14         On page 17, line 18,
16  insert:  
17         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following statement be
18  placed on the ballot:
19                     CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION
20               ARTICLE VII, SECTIONS 3, 4, 6, AND 9
21                     ARTICLE VIII, SECTION 1
22                 ARTICLE XII, SECTIONS 27 AND 28
25  proposes changes to the State Constitution relating to ad
26  valorem taxation and elected property appraisers. With respect
27  to homestead property, this revision: (1) adds an additional
28  homestead exemption for most homeowners, (2) provides an
29  additional homestead exemption for certain low-income seniors,
30  (3) provides an additional homestead exemption that diminishes
31  over time for first-time Florida homebuyers, and (4) provides
    5:08 PM   10/17/07                            s0002De1b-26-j05

Florida Senate - 2007 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SJR 2-D, 1st Eng. Barcode 185410 1 for the transfer of Save-Our-Homes benefits that are not 2 related to school taxes. With respect to nonhomestead 3 property, this revision allows the Legislature to provide by 4 law for the assessment of (5) affordable housing and (6) 5 certain waterfront property under specific circumstances, and 6 (7) provides a $25,000 exemption for tangible personal 7 property. Further, this revision (8) requires the Legislature 8 to limit the authority of local governments other than school 9 districts to increase property taxes, and (9) requires all 10 county property appraisers to be elected. 11 In more detail, this revision: 12 (1) Increases the homestead exemption by providing an 13 additional homestead exemption for the portion of the assessed 14 value greater than $50,000 and up to $75,000. This exemption 15 does not apply to school taxes. 16 (2) Provides an additional homestead exemption for 17 certain low-income seniors. Persons 65 or older whose 18 household income is less than $23,604, adjusted annually for 19 inflation, will be exempt from ad valorem taxes, including 20 school taxes, on the first $100,000 of the homestead 21 property's assessed value. 22 (3) Provides an additional exemption for first-time 23 homebuyers beginning in 2008. First-time homebuyers in Florida 24 who qualify for homestead exemption will be eligible for an 25 additional exemption in an amount equal to 25 percent of the 26 initial just value of their new homestead, not to exceed 25 27 percent of the median just value for homesteads in the county 28 for the prior year. The amount of the exemption is offset each 29 year by the amount of the accrued Save-Our-Homes benefit. When 30 the Save-Our-Homes benefit meets or exceeds the exemption, the 31 exemption is lost. This exemption is also available to 2007 2 5:08 PM 10/17/07 s0002De1b-26-j05
Florida Senate - 2007 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SJR 2-D, 1st Eng. Barcode 185410 1 first-time homebuyers who qualify for homestead exemption on 2 January 1, 2008. This exemption does not apply to school 3 taxes. 4 (4) Provides for the transfer of accumulated 5 Save-Our-Homes benefits in a manner that does not affect 6 school taxes. Homestead property owners will be able to 7 transfer their Save-Our-Homes benefit to a new homestead 8 within 2 years after relinquishing their previous homestead; 9 except, if the new homestead is established on January 1, 10 2008, the previous homestead must have been relinquished in 11 2007. If the new homestead has a higher just value than the 12 old one, the benefit can be transferred; if the new homestead 13 has a lower just value, the amount of benefit transferred will 14 be reduced in proportion of the just value of the new 15 homestead to the just value of the old homestead. The 16 transferred benefit may not exceed $1 million. This provision 17 does not apply to school taxes on the new homestead. 18 (5) Provides for assessing certain rent-restricted 19 affordable housing property as provided by general law. This 20 provision does not apply to school taxes. 21 (6) Provides for assessing certain waterfront property 22 used for commercial fishing, commercial water-dependent 23 activities, and public access as provided by general law. This 24 provision does not apply to school taxes. 25 (7) Authorizes an exemption from ad valorem taxes of 26 $25,000 of assessed value of tangible personal property. This 27 provision applies to all tax levies. 28 (8) Requires the Legislature to limit the authority of 29 counties, municipalities, and special districts to increase ad 30 valorem taxes. 31 (9) Requires each county to have an elected property 3 5:08 PM 10/17/07 s0002De1b-26-j05
Florida Senate - 2007 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SJR 2-D, 1st Eng. Barcode 185410 1 appraiser or person responsible for the duties of a property 2 appraiser as a county officer and eliminates the option for 3 choosing that county officer in any other manner provided by 4 county charter or special law approved by vote of the electors 5 of the county. The requirement that a property appraiser or 6 person responsible for the duties of a property appraiser be 7 elected by the electors of the county applies in each county 8 without exception, including each charter county, regardless 9 of the authority under which the charter was adopted and 10 notwithstanding constitutional grants of authority to charter 11 counties. 12 Further, this revision: 13 a. Repeals obsolete language on the homestead 14 exemption when it was less than $25,000 and did not apply 15 uniformly to property taxes levied by all local governments. 16 b. Moves two current provisions related to the 17 homestead exemption and makes them applicable to the increased 18 homestead exemption. 19 c. Schedules the changes to take effect upon approval 20 by the electors and operate retroactively to January 1, 2008, 21 if approved in a special election held on January 29, 2008, or 22 to take effect January 1, 2009, if approved in the general 23 election held in November of 2008. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 4 5:08 PM 10/17/07 s0002De1b-26-j05