Bill No. 0002D
Amendment No. 576009
Senate House

1Representative(s) Harrell offered the following:
3     Amendment to Amendment (749169) (with schedule, ballot, and
4title amendments)
5     Between lines 384 and 385,insert:
6     (d)  A millage rate of more than 100 percent of the rolled-
7back rate, as required by general law, based upon the previous
8year's maximum millage rate and adjusted for the growth in per
9capita Florida personal income, may be adopted if the rate is
10approved in a referendum by a vote of the electors.
S C H E D U L E  A M E N D M E N T
15     Remove line(s) 495-498 and insert:
16public-access waterfront property pursuant to general law,
17requiring the legislature to limit the authority of counties,
18municipalities, and special districts to increase ad valorem
19taxes, and authorizing adoption of a millage rate of one hundred
20percent of the rolled-back rate if approved by referendum, and
21the creation of Section 27 of this Article providing
B A L L O T  A M E N D M E N T
25     Remove line(s) 531-581 and insert:
26districts to increase property taxes, (9) authorizes adoption of
27a millage rate of more than 100 percent of an adjusted rolled-
28back rate if approved by referendum, and (10) requires all
29county property appraisers or persons responsible for the duties
30of a property appraiser in certain counties in which the office
31of property appraiser has been abolished to be elected.
32     In more detail, this revision:
33     (1)  Provides for an additional homestead exemption equal
34to 40 percent of the median just value of homestead property in
35the county for the prior year for the portion of the assessed
36value greater than $50,000. This exemption applies in any year
37in which the amount of the exemption exceeds the amount of the
38cumulative assessment limitation provided under Save Our Homes.
39This exemption does not apply to school district levies.
40     (2)  Provides for an additional homestead exemption for
41certain low-income seniors. Persons 65 or older whose household
42income is less than $23,604, adjusted annually for inflation,
43are entitled to an additional alternative homestead exemption.
44This exemption applies in any year in which the amount of the
45exemption exceeds the amount of the cumulative assessment
46limitation provided under Save Our Homes. This exemption does
47not apply to school district levies.
48     (3)  Provides for the transfer of cumulative Save-Our-Homes
49benefits in a manner that does not affect school district
50levies. Homestead property owners will be able to transfer their
51Save-Our-Homes benefit to a new homestead within 2 years after
52relinquishing their previous homestead; except, if the new
53homestead is established on January 1, 2008, the previous
54homestead must have been relinquished in 2007. If the new
55homestead has a higher just value than the old one, the benefit
56can be transferred; if the new homestead has a lower just value,
57the amount of benefit transferred will be reduced in proportion
58of the just value of the new homestead to the just value of the
59old homestead. The transferred benefit may not exceed $1
60million. This provision does not apply to school district levies
61on the new homestead.
62     (4)  Provides for assessing certain rent-restricted
63affordable housing property as provided by general law. This
64provision does not apply to school district levies.
65     (5)  Provides for assessing certain waterfront property
66used for commercial fishing, commercial water-dependent
67activities, and public access as provided by general law. This
68provision does not apply to school district levies.
69     (6)  Authorizes an exemption from ad valorem taxes of
70$25,000 of assessed value of tangible personal property. This
71provision applies to all tax levies.
72     (7)  Creates a limitation on assessment increases for
73specified real property that is not entitled to the homestead
75     (8)  Requires the Legislature to limit the authority of
76counties, municipalities, and special districts to increase ad
77valorem taxes.
78     (9)  Authorizes adoption of a millage rate of more than 100
79percent of an adjusted rolled-back rate if approved by
81     (10)  Requires each county to elect a property appraiser or
T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T
85     Remove line(s) 624 and insert:
86district authority to increase ad valorem taxes, to authorize
87adoption of increased millage rate by referendum, to

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.