Bill No. 0002D
Amendment No. 787027
Senate House

1Representative(s) Robaina offered the following:
3     Amendment to Amendment (749169) (with directory, schedule,
4ballot, and title amendments)
5     Between lines 384 and 385, insert:
6     SECTION 19.  State sales tax increase; required local
7effort.--The legislature shall provide for an increase in the
8rate of the state tax on sales, use, and other transactions
9imposed by general law by an additional two percent (2%). The
10legislature shall apply each year the amount of additional
11revenues generated by the increase in the state tax on sales,
12use, and other transactions required by this section to reduce
13the required local effort imposed upon school districts for
14funding education finance as required by general law.
D I R E C T O R Y  A M E N D M E N T
20     Remove line(s) 5-7 and insert:
21     That the following amendments to Sections 3, 4, 6, and 9
22and the creation of Section 19 of Article VII, the amendment to
23Section 1 of Article VIII, and the creation of Sections 27, 28,
24and 29 of Article XII of the State Constitution are
S C H E D U L E  A M E N D M E N T
28     Remove line(s) 485-501 and insert:
29     SECTION 28.  State sales tax increase; annual appropriation
30to fund required local effort.--During the next regular session
31of the legislature after the effective date of the creation of
32Section 19 of Article VII, the legislature shall provide by
33general law for an increase of two percent in the rate of the
34state tax on sales, use, and other transactions. The legislature
35shall appropriate each year an amount equal to the total amount
36generated by the two percent increase in the rate of the state
37tax on sales, use, and other transactions for the purpose of
38reducing the required local effort imposed upon school districts
39for funding education finance as required by general law.
40     SECTION 29.  Property tax exemptions; ad valorem tax
41limitations; state sales tax increase.--The amendments to
42Sections 3, 4, 6, and 9 of Article VII providing a $25,000
43exemption for tangible personal property, providing an
44additional alternative homestead exemption, authorizing transfer
45of the cumulative benefit from the limitations on the assessment
46of homestead property, creating a limitation on annual
47assessment increases for specified real property, providing for
48an additional alternative homestead exemption for low-income
49seniors, providing for assessing rent-restricted affordable
50housing and commercial and public-access waterfront property
51pursuant to general law, and requiring the legislature to limit
52the authority of counties, municipalities, and special districts
53to increase ad valorem taxes, the creation of Section 27 of this
54Article providing for election of a county property appraiser or
55a person responsible for the duties of a property appraiser, the
56creation of Section 28 of this Article requiring the legislature
57to increase the state sales and use tax and appropriate
58additional revenues from the increase to reduce the required
59local effort imposed upon school districts, and this section, if
60submitted to the electors of this state for approval
B A L L O T  A M E N D M E N T
64     Remove line(s) 511-581 and insert:
70APPRAISERS.--This revision proposes changes to the State
71Constitution relating to ad valorem taxation, sales and use tax,
72and elected property appraisers. With respect to homestead
73property, this revision: (1) provides for an additional
74alternative homestead exemption for most homeowners, (2)
75provides for an additional alternative homestead exemption for
76low-income seniors, and (3) provides for the transfer of Save-
77Our-Homes benefits that are not related to school district
78levies. With respect to nonhomestead property, this revision
79allows the Legislature to provide by law for the assessment of
80(4) affordable housing and (5) certain waterfront property under
81specific circumstances, (6) provides a $25,000 exemption for
82tangible personal property, and (7) provides for limitations on
83assessment increases for real property that is not homestead
84property. Further, this revision (8) requires the Legislature to
85limit the authority of local governments other than school
86districts to increase property taxes, (9) provides for a 2-
87percent increase in the state sales and use tax and applies
88revenues from the increase to reduce required local effort for
89school districts, and (10) requires all county property
90appraisers or persons responsible for the duties of a property
91appraiser in certain counties in which the office of property
92appraiser has been abolished to be elected.
93     In more detail, this revision:
94     (1)  Provides for an additional homestead exemption equal
95to 40 percent of the median just value of homestead property in
96the county for the prior year for the portion of the assessed
97value greater than $50,000. This exemption applies in any year
98in which the amount of the exemption exceeds the amount of the
99cumulative assessment limitation provided under Save Our Homes.
100This exemption does not apply to school district levies.
101     (2)  Provides for an additional homestead exemption for
102certain low-income seniors. Persons 65 or older whose household
103income is less than $23,604, adjusted annually for inflation,
104are entitled to an additional alternative homestead exemption.
105This exemption applies in any year in which the amount of the
106exemption exceeds the amount of the cumulative assessment
107limitation provided under Save Our Homes. This exemption does
108not apply to school district levies.
109     (3)  Provides for the transfer of cumulative Save-Our-Homes
110benefits in a manner that does not affect school district
111levies. Homestead property owners will be able to transfer their
112Save-Our-Homes benefit to a new homestead within 2 years after
113relinquishing their previous homestead; except, if the new
114homestead is established on January 1, 2008, the previous
115homestead must have been relinquished in 2007. If the new
116homestead has a higher just value than the old one, the benefit
117can be transferred; if the new homestead has a lower just value,
118the amount of benefit transferred will be reduced in proportion
119of the just value of the new homestead to the just value of the
120old homestead. The transferred benefit may not exceed $1
121million. This provision does not apply to school district levies
122on the new homestead.
123     (4)  Provides for assessing certain rent-restricted
124affordable housing property as provided by general law. This
125provision does not apply to school district levies.
126     (5)  Provides for assessing certain waterfront property
127used for commercial fishing, commercial water-dependent
128activities, and public access as provided by general law. This
129provision does not apply to school district levies.
130     (6)  Authorizes an exemption from ad valorem taxes of
131$25,000 of assessed value of tangible personal property. This
132provision applies to all tax levies.
133     (7)  Creates a limitation on assessment increases for
134specified real property that is not entitled to the homestead
136     (8)  Requires the Legislature to limit the authority of
137counties, municipalities, and special districts to increase ad
138valorem taxes.
139     (9)  Requires the Legislature to increase the state sales
140and use tax by 2 percent and appropriate additional revenues
141from the increase to reduce the required local effort imposed
142upon school districts.
143     (10)  Requires each county to elect a property appraiser or
T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T
147     Remove line(s) 610-624 and insert:
1486, 9, and 19 of Article VII, the amendment to Section 1 of
149Article VIII, and the creation of Sections 27, 28, and 29 of
150Article XII of the State Constitution, to require an exemption
151from ad valorem taxation for tangible personal property, to
152provide for the transfer of the cumulative benefit from the
153limitation on the assessed value of homestead property, to
154provide for assessing rent-restricted affordable housing and
155commercial and public-access waterfront property by general law,
156to create a limitation on annual assessment increases for
157specified real property, to create an additional alternative
158homestead exemption, to provide for an additional alternative
159homestead exemption for low-income seniors, to require the
160Legislature to limit county, municipality, and special district
161authority to increase ad valorem taxes, to increase the state
162sales and use tax and apply revenues from the increase to reduce
163the required local effort for school districts, to

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.