Bill No. 0002D
Amendment No. 825043
Senate House

1Representative(s) Robaina offered the following:
3     Amendment to Amendment (749169) (with schedule, ballot, and
4title amendments)
5     Remove line(s) 187-198 and insert:
6     (g)  Marinas, drystacks, boatyards, boat ramps, and similar
7facilities classified as recreational and commercial working
8waterfronts pursuant to general law and open to the public on a
9first-come, first-served basis shall be classified by general
10law and assessed solely on the basis of an income approach to
11value and using a capitalization rate of no less than ten
12percent (10%). Water-dependent marine manufacturers, commercial
13fishing facilities, and marine repair facilities shall be
14assessed based upon the actual use of the property and not the
15highest and best use of the property.
S C H E D U L E  A M E N D M E N T
19     Remove line(s) 494 and 495 and insert:
20assessing rent-restricted affordable housing pursuant to general
21law, providing for classifying and assessing certain facilities
22classified as recreational and commercial working waterfronts on
23an income basis with a specified capitalization rate, providing
24for assessing certain marine facilities based upon actual use,
B A L L O T  A M E N D M E N T
29     Remove line(s) 568-571 and insert:
30     (5)  Requires classifying and assessing marinas, drystacks,
31boatyards, boat ramps, and similar facilities classified as
32recreational and commercial working waterfronts and open to the
33public on a first-come, first-served basis solely on the basis
34of an income approach to value and using a capitalization rate
35of no less than 10 percent. Requires assessing water-dependent
36marine manufacturers, commercial fishing facilities, and marine
37repair facilities based upon actual use of the property and not
38the highest and best use of the property.
T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T
43     Remove line(s) 617 and 618 and insert:
44affordable housing property by general law, to require
45classification and assessment of certain working waterfront
46property on an income basis and require certain marine property
47to be assessed on a basis of actual use, to create a limitation

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.