CS/HB 1001

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to commercial property insurance; amending
3s. 627.041, F.S.; defining the terms "assessable
4commercial property insurance" and "nonassessable
5commercial property insurance"; amending s. 627.062, F.S.;
6providing rate standards regarding nonassessable
7commercial property insurance; providing that
8nonassessable commercial property insurance is not subject
9to a determination that the rate is excessive or unfairly
10discriminatory; providing an exception; amending s.
11627.351, F.S.; excluding nonassessable commercial property
12insurance from the definition of "subject lines of
13business"; specifying that insurers issuing nonassessable
14commercial property insurance policies are not assessable
15for portions of assessments from which such policies are
16exempt; creating s. 627.7031, F.S.; authorizing insurers
17offering assessable commercial property insurance policies
18to offer potential insureds nonassessable commercial
19property insurance policies; authorizing owners of
20commercial property to purchase nonassessable commercial
21property insurance policies regarding that property under
22certain circumstances; requiring that an application for a
23nonassessable commercial property policy contain a
24specified disclaimer; requiring that the declarations page
25of a nonassessable commercial property policy contain a
26specified disclaimer; providing an effective date.
28Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
30     Section 1.  Subsections (10) and (11) are added to section
31627.041, Florida Statutes, to read:
32     627.041  Definitions.--As used in this part:
33     (10)  "Assessable commercial property insurance" means
34insurance on commercial property of every kind, as well as every
35interest therein, whether such property is on land, water, or in
36the air, against loss or damage from any and all hazard or
37cause, and against loss consequential upon such loss or damage,
38other than noncontractual legal liability for any such loss or
39damage that is subject to the rate standards set forth in s.
40627.062 and deficit assessments by Citizens Property Insurance
41Corporation. Assessable commercial property insurance may
42contain a provision for accidental death or injury as part of a
43multiple peril policy.
44     (11)  "Nonassessable commercial property insurance" means
45insurance on commercial property of every kind, as well as every
46interest therein, whether such property is on land, water, or in
47the air, against loss or damage from any and all hazard or
48cause, and against loss consequential upon such loss or damage,
49other than noncontractual legal liability for any such loss or
50damage that is not subject to the rate standards set forth in s.
51627.062, except as provided in s. 627.062(2)(k), or deficit
52assessments by Citizens Property Insurance Corporation.
53Nonassessable commercial property insurance may contain a
54provision for accidental death or injury as part of a multiple
55peril policy.
56     Section 2.  Paragraph (k) is added to subsection (2) of
57section 627.062, Florida Statutes, to read:
58     627.062  Rate standards.--
59     (2)  As to all such classes of insurance:
60     (k)1.  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
61section, nonassessable commercial property insurance is not
62subject to a determination that the rate is excessive or
63unfairly discriminatory, except as provided in subparagraph 3.
64     2.  This paragraph does not apply to filings for commercial
65lines residential insurance or assessable commercial property
67     3.  This paragraph does not affect the power of the office
68to disapprove rates as inadequate or to disapprove a rate filing
69for the use of a rating factor that is unlawful under the laws
70of this state.
72The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to workers'
73compensation and employer's liability insurance and to motor
74vehicle insurance.
75     Section 3.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (6) of section
76627.351, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
77     627.351  Insurance risk apportionment plans.--
79     (b)1.  All insurers authorized to write one or more subject
80lines of business in this state are subject to assessment by the
81corporation and, for the purposes of this subsection, are
82referred to collectively as "assessable insurers." Insurers
83writing one or more subject lines of business in this state
84pursuant to part VIII of chapter 626 are not assessable
85insurers, but insureds who procure one or more subject lines of
86business in this state pursuant to part VIII of chapter 626 are
87subject to assessment by the corporation and are referred to
88collectively as "assessable insureds." An authorized insurer's
89assessment liability shall begin on the first day of the
90calendar year following the year in which the insurer was issued
91a certificate of authority to transact insurance for subject
92lines of business in this state and shall terminate 1 year after
93the end of the first calendar year during which the insurer no
94longer holds a certificate of authority to transact insurance
95for subject lines of business in this state.
96     2.a.  All revenues, assets, liabilities, losses, and
97expenses of the corporation shall be divided into three separate
98accounts as follows:
99     (I)  A personal lines account for personal residential
100policies issued by the corporation or issued by the Residential
101Property and Casualty Joint Underwriting Association and renewed
102by the corporation that provide comprehensive, multiperil
103coverage on risks that are not located in areas eligible for
104coverage in the Florida Windstorm Underwriting Association as
105those areas were defined on January 1, 2002, and for such
106policies that do not provide coverage for the peril of wind on
107risks that are located in such areas;
108     (II)  A commercial lines account for commercial residential
109and commercial nonresidential policies issued by the corporation
110or issued by the Residential Property and Casualty Joint
111Underwriting Association and renewed by the corporation that
112provide coverage for basic property perils on risks that are not
113located in areas eligible for coverage in the Florida Windstorm
114Underwriting Association as those areas were defined on January
1151, 2002, and for such policies that do not provide coverage for
116the peril of wind on risks that are located in such areas; and
117     (III)  A high-risk account for personal residential
118policies and commercial residential and commercial
119nonresidential property policies issued by the corporation or
120transferred to the corporation that provide coverage for the
121peril of wind on risks that are located in areas eligible for
122coverage in the Florida Windstorm Underwriting Association as
123those areas were defined on January 1, 2002. Subject to the
124approval of a business plan by the Financial Services Commission
125and Legislative Budget Commission as provided in this sub-sub-
126subparagraph, but no earlier than March 31, 2007, the
127corporation may offer policies that provide multiperil coverage
128and the corporation shall continue to offer policies that
129provide coverage only for the peril of wind for risks located in
130areas eligible for coverage in the high-risk account. In issuing
131multiperil coverage, the corporation may use its approved policy
132forms and rates for the personal lines account. An applicant or
133insured who is eligible to purchase a multiperil policy from the
134corporation may purchase a multiperil policy from an authorized
135insurer without prejudice to the applicant's or insured's
136eligibility to prospectively purchase a policy that provides
137coverage only for the peril of wind from the corporation. An
138applicant or insured who is eligible for a corporation policy
139that provides coverage only for the peril of wind may elect to
140purchase or retain such policy and also purchase or retain
141coverage excluding wind from an authorized insurer without
142prejudice to the applicant's or insured's eligibility to
143prospectively purchase a policy that provides multiperil
144coverage from the corporation. It is the goal of the Legislature
145that there would be an overall average savings of 10 percent or
146more for a policyholder who currently has a wind-only policy
147with the corporation, and an ex-wind policy with a voluntary
148insurer or the corporation, and who then obtains a multiperil
149policy from the corporation. It is the intent of the Legislature
150that the offer of multiperil coverage in the high-risk account
151be made and implemented in a manner that does not adversely
152affect the tax-exempt status of the corporation or
153creditworthiness of or security for currently outstanding
154financing obligations or credit facilities of the high-risk
155account, the personal lines account, or the commercial lines
156account. By March 1, 2007, the corporation shall prepare and
157submit for approval by the Financial Services Commission and
158Legislative Budget Commission a report detailing the
159corporation's business plan for issuing multiperil coverage in
160the high-risk account. The business plan shall be approved or
161disapproved within 30 days after receipt, as submitted or
162modified and resubmitted by the corporation. The business plan
163must include: the impact of such multiperil coverage on the
164corporation's financial resources, the impact of such multiperil
165coverage on the corporation's tax-exempt status, the manner in
166which the corporation plans to implement the processing of
167applications and policy forms for new and existing
168policyholders, the impact of such multiperil coverage on the
169corporation's ability to deliver customer service at the high
170level required by this subsection, the ability of the
171corporation to process claims, the ability of the corporation to
172quote and issue policies, the impact of such multiperil coverage
173on the corporation's agents, the impact of such multiperil
174coverage on the corporation's existing policyholders, and the
175impact of such multiperil coverage on rates and premium. The
176high-risk account must also include quota share primary
177insurance under subparagraph (c)2. The area eligible for
178coverage under the high-risk account also includes the area
179within Port Canaveral, which is bordered on the south by the
180City of Cape Canaveral, bordered on the west by the Banana
181River, and bordered on the north by Federal Government property.
182     b.  The three separate accounts must be maintained as long
183as financing obligations entered into by the Florida Windstorm
184Underwriting Association or Residential Property and Casualty
185Joint Underwriting Association are outstanding, in accordance
186with the terms of the corresponding financing documents. When
187the financing obligations are no longer outstanding, in
188accordance with the terms of the corresponding financing
189documents, the corporation may use a single account for all
190revenues, assets, liabilities, losses, and expenses of the
191corporation. Consistent with the requirement of this
192subparagraph and prudent investment policies that minimize the
193cost of carrying debt, the board shall exercise its best efforts
194to retire existing debt or to obtain approval of necessary
195parties to amend the terms of existing debt, so as to structure
196the most efficient plan to consolidate the three separate
197accounts into a single account. By February 1, 2007, the board
198shall submit a report to the Financial Services Commission, the
199President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of
200Representatives which includes an analysis of consolidating the
201accounts, the actions the board has taken to minimize the cost
202of carrying debt, and its recommendations for executing the most
203efficient plan.
204     c.  Creditors of the Residential Property and Casualty
205Joint Underwriting Association and of the accounts specified in
206sub-sub-subparagraphs a.(I) and (II) may have a claim against,
207and recourse to, the accounts referred to in sub-sub-
208subparagraphs a.(I) and (II) and shall have no claim against, or
209recourse to, the account referred to in sub-sub-subparagraph
210a.(III). Creditors of the Florida Windstorm Underwriting
211Association shall have a claim against, and recourse to, the
212account referred to in sub-sub-subparagraph a.(III) and shall
213have no claim against, or recourse to, the accounts referred to
214in sub-sub-subparagraphs a.(I) and (II).
215     d.  Revenues, assets, liabilities, losses, and expenses not
216attributable to particular accounts shall be prorated among the
218     e.  The Legislature finds that the revenues of the
219corporation are revenues that are necessary to meet the
220requirements set forth in documents authorizing the issuance of
221bonds under this subsection.
222     f.  No part of the income of the corporation may inure to
223the benefit of any private person.
224     3.  With respect to a deficit in an account:
225     a.  When the deficit incurred in a particular calendar year
226is not greater than 10 percent of the aggregate statewide direct
227written premium for the subject lines of business for the prior
228calendar year, the entire deficit shall be recovered through
229regular assessments of assessable insurers under paragraph (p)
230and assessable insureds.
231     b.  When the deficit incurred in a particular calendar year
232exceeds 10 percent of the aggregate statewide direct written
233premium for the subject lines of business for the prior calendar
234year, the corporation shall levy regular assessments on
235assessable insurers under paragraph (p) and on assessable
236insureds in an amount equal to the greater of 10 percent of the
237deficit or 10 percent of the aggregate statewide direct written
238premium for the subject lines of business for the prior calendar
239year. Any remaining deficit shall be recovered through emergency
240assessments under sub-subparagraph d.
241     c.  Each assessable insurer's share of the amount being
242assessed under sub-subparagraph a. or sub-subparagraph b. shall
243be in the proportion that the assessable insurer's direct
244written premium for the subject lines of business for the year
245preceding the assessment bears to the aggregate statewide direct
246written premium for the subject lines of business for that year.
247The assessment percentage applicable to each assessable insured
248is the ratio of the amount being assessed under sub-subparagraph
249a. or sub-subparagraph b. to the aggregate statewide direct
250written premium for the subject lines of business for the prior
251year. Assessments levied by the corporation on assessable
252insurers under sub-subparagraphs a. and b. shall be paid as
253required by the corporation's plan of operation and paragraph
254(p). Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection, the
255aggregate amount of a regular assessment for a deficit incurred
256in a particular calendar year shall be reduced by the estimated
257amount to be received by the corporation from the Citizens
258policyholder surcharge under subparagraph (c)10. and the amount
259collected or estimated to be collected from the assessment on
260Citizens policyholders pursuant to sub-subparagraph i.
261Assessments levied by the corporation on assessable insureds
262under sub-subparagraphs a. and b. shall be collected by the
263surplus lines agent at the time the surplus lines agent collects
264the surplus lines tax required by s. 626.932 and shall be paid
265to the Florida Surplus Lines Service Office at the time the
266surplus lines agent pays the surplus lines tax to the Florida
267Surplus Lines Service Office. Upon receipt of regular
268assessments from surplus lines agents, the Florida Surplus Lines
269Service Office shall transfer the assessments directly to the
270corporation as determined by the corporation.
271     d.  Upon a determination by the board of governors that a
272deficit in an account exceeds the amount that will be recovered
273through regular assessments under sub-subparagraph a. or sub-
274subparagraph b., the board shall levy, after verification by the
275office, emergency assessments, for as many years as necessary to
276cover the deficits, to be collected by assessable insurers and
277the corporation and collected from assessable insureds upon
278issuance or renewal of policies for subject lines of business,
279excluding National Flood Insurance policies. The amount of the
280emergency assessment collected in a particular year shall be a
281uniform percentage of that year's direct written premium for
282subject lines of business and all accounts of the corporation,
283excluding National Flood Insurance Program policy premiums, as
284annually determined by the board and verified by the office. The
285office shall verify the arithmetic calculations involved in the
286board's determination within 30 days after receipt of the
287information on which the determination was based.
288Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the corporation and
289each assessable insurer that writes subject lines of business
290shall collect emergency assessments from its policyholders
291without such obligation being affected by any credit,
292limitation, exemption, or deferment. Emergency assessments
293levied by the corporation on assessable insureds shall be
294collected by the surplus lines agent at the time the surplus
295lines agent collects the surplus lines tax required by s.
296626.932 and shall be paid to the Florida Surplus Lines Service
297Office at the time the surplus lines agent pays the surplus
298lines tax to the Florida Surplus Lines Service Office. The
299emergency assessments so collected shall be transferred directly
300to the corporation on a periodic basis as determined by the
301corporation and shall be held by the corporation solely in the
302applicable account. The aggregate amount of emergency
303assessments levied for an account under this sub-subparagraph in
304any calendar year may not exceed the greater of 10 percent of
305the amount needed to cover the original deficit, plus interest,
306fees, commissions, required reserves, and other costs associated
307with financing of the original deficit, or 10 percent of the
308aggregate statewide direct written premium for subject lines of
309business and for all accounts of the corporation for the prior
310year, plus interest, fees, commissions, required reserves, and
311other costs associated with financing the original deficit.
312     e.  The corporation may pledge the proceeds of assessments,
313projected recoveries from the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe
314Fund, other insurance and reinsurance recoverables, policyholder
315surcharges and other surcharges, and other funds available to
316the corporation as the source of revenue for and to secure bonds
317issued under paragraph (p), bonds or other indebtedness issued
318under subparagraph (c)3., or lines of credit or other financing
319mechanisms issued or created under this subsection, or to retire
320any other debt incurred as a result of deficits or events giving
321rise to deficits, or in any other way that the board determines
322will efficiently recover such deficits. The purpose of the lines
323of credit or other financing mechanisms is to provide additional
324resources to assist the corporation in covering claims and
325expenses attributable to a catastrophe. As used in this
326subsection, the term "assessments" includes regular assessments
327under sub-subparagraph a., sub-subparagraph b., or subparagraph
328(p)1. and emergency assessments under sub-subparagraph d.
329Emergency assessments collected under sub-subparagraph d. are
330not part of an insurer's rates, are not premium, and are not
331subject to premium tax, fees, or commissions; however, failure
332to pay the emergency assessment shall be treated as failure to
333pay premium. The emergency assessments under sub-subparagraph d.
334shall continue as long as any bonds issued or other indebtedness
335incurred with respect to a deficit for which the assessment was
336imposed remain outstanding, unless adequate provision has been
337made for the payment of such bonds or other indebtedness
338pursuant to the documents governing such bonds or other
340     f.  As used in this subsection for purposes of any deficit
341incurred on or after January 25, 2007, the term "subject lines
342of business" means insurance written by assessable insurers or
343procured by assessable insureds for all property and casualty
344lines of business in this state, but not including workers'
345compensation, or medical malpractice, or nonassessable
346commercial property insurance as defined in s. 627.041. As used
347in the sub-subparagraph, the term "property and casualty lines
348of business" includes all lines of business identified on Form
3492, Exhibit of Premiums and Losses, in the annual statement
350required of authorized insurers by s. 624.424 and any rule
351adopted under this section, except for those lines identified as
352accident and health insurance and except for policies written
353under the National Flood Insurance Program or the Federal Crop
354Insurance Program. Insurers that issue nonassessable commercial
355property insurance policies are not assessable for the portion
356of the assessment from which the nonassessable commercial
357property insurance policy is exempt. For purposes of this sub-
358subparagraph, the term "workers' compensation" includes both
359workers' compensation insurance and excess workers' compensation
361     g.  The Florida Surplus Lines Service Office shall
362determine annually the aggregate statewide written premium in
363subject lines of business procured by assessable insureds and
364shall report that information to the corporation in a form and
365at a time the corporation specifies to ensure that the
366corporation can meet the requirements of this subsection and the
367corporation's financing obligations.
368     h.  The Florida Surplus Lines Service Office shall verify
369the proper application by surplus lines agents of assessment
370percentages for regular assessments and emergency assessments
371levied under this subparagraph on assessable insureds and shall
372assist the corporation in ensuring the accurate, timely
373collection and payment of assessments by surplus lines agents as
374required by the corporation.
375     i.  If a deficit is incurred in any account in 2008 or
376thereafter, the board of governors shall levy an immediate
377assessment against the premium of each nonhomestead property
378policyholder in all accounts of the corporation, as a uniform
379percentage of the premium of the policy of up to 10 percent of
380such premium, which funds shall be used to offset the deficit.
381If this assessment is insufficient to eliminate the deficit, the
382board of governors shall levy an additional assessment against
383all policyholders of the corporation, which shall be collected
384at the time of issuance or renewal of a policy, as a uniform
385percentage of the premium for the policy of up to 10 percent of
386such premium, which funds shall be used to further offset the
388     j.  The board of governors shall maintain separate
389accounting records that consolidate data for nonhomestead
390properties, including, but not limited to, number of policies,
391insured values, premiums written, and losses. The board of
392governors shall annually report to the office and the
393Legislature a summary of such data.
394     Section 4.  Section 627.7031, Florida Statutes, is created
395to read:
396     627.7031  Commercial property insurance.--
397     (1)  Insurers offering assessable commercial property
398insurance policies as defined in s. 627.041(10) may offer
399nonassessable commercial property insurance policies as defined
400in s. 627.041(11).
401     (2)  An owner of commercial property may purchase a
402nonassessable commercial property insurance policy if such a
403policy is offered by the insurer.
404     (3)  The application for a nonassessable commercial
405property insurance policy shall contain the following disclaimer
406printed in at least 12-point boldfaced type:
416     (4)  The declarations page of a nonassessable commercial
417property insurance policy shall contain the following disclaimer
418printed in at least 12-point boldfaced type:
427     Section 5.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2008.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.