Bill No. CS/HB 1059
Amendment No. 277279
Senate House

1Representative Llorente offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Between lines 57 and 58, insert:
5     Section 2.  Subsections (4) and (5) are added to section
6202.29, Florida Statutes, to read:
7     202.29  Bad debts.--
8     (4)  A taxpayer may report the credit for bad debt allowed
9under this section by netting such credit against the tax due to
10the state pursuant to s. 202.12 or to a local jurisdiction
11pursuant to s. 202.19, but such netting may not reduce the
12amount due to the state or to any local jurisdiction below zero.
13     (5)  For purposes of determining the amount of bad debt
14that is attributable to the state or to a local jurisdiction, a
15taxpayer may employ a proportionate allocation method based on
16current gross taxes due or another reasonable allocation method
17approved by the department.
18     Section 3.  The amendments made by this act to s. 202.29,
19Florida Statutes, shall be effective as if originally enacted in
20chapter 2000-260, Laws of Florida; however, the retroactive
21application of such section is remedial in nature, does not
22create a right to a refund, and does not require a refund by any
23governmental entity of any tax, penalty, or interest remitted to
24the Department of Revenue before July 1, 2008.
T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T
31     Remove line 11 and insert:
32or cause such a certificate to be denied; amending s. 202.29,
33F.S.; providing that credit may be netted against bad debt by a
34proportionate allocation method or other reasonable method;
35providing for retroactive application; specifying that certain
36provisions of the act are remedial in nature and are not a basis
37for refunds of tax for periods before July 1, 2008; providing an

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.