1 | House Joint Resolution |
2 | A joint resolution proposing an amendment to Section 9 of |
3 | Article VII of the State Constitution to require |
4 | referendum approval for certain millage rate increases. |
5 |
6 | Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida: |
7 |
8 | That the following amendment to Section 9 of Article VII of |
9 | the State Constitution is agreed to and shall be submitted to |
10 | the electors of this state for approval or rejection at the next |
11 | general election or at an earlier special election specifically |
12 | authorized by law for that purpose: |
15 | SECTION 9. Local taxes.-- |
16 | (a) Counties, school districts, and municipalities shall, |
17 | and special districts may, be authorized by law to levy ad |
18 | valorem taxes and may be authorized by general law to levy other |
19 | taxes, for their respective purposes, except ad valorem taxes on |
20 | intangible personal property and taxes prohibited by this |
21 | constitution. |
22 | (b) Ad valorem taxes, exclusive of taxes levied for the |
23 | payment of bonds and taxes levied for periods not longer than |
24 | two years when authorized by vote of the electors who are the |
25 | owners of freeholds therein not wholly exempt from taxation, |
26 | shall not be levied in excess of the following millages upon the |
27 | assessed value of real estate and tangible personal property: |
28 | for all county purposes, ten mills; for all municipal purposes, |
29 | ten mills; for all school purposes, ten mills; for water |
30 | management purposes for the northwest portion of the state lying |
31 | west of the line between ranges two and three east, 0.05 mill; |
32 | for water management purposes for the remaining portions of the |
33 | state, 1.0 mill; and for all other special districts a millage |
34 | authorized by law approved by vote of the electors who are |
35 | owners of freeholds therein not wholly exempt from taxation. A |
36 | county furnishing municipal services may, to the extent |
37 | authorized by law, levy additional taxes within the limits fixed |
38 | for municipal purposes. |
39 | (c) A millage rate of more than 100 percent of the rolled- |
40 | back rate, as required by general law, based upon the previous |
41 | year's maximum millage rate and adjusted for the growth in per |
42 | capita Florida personal income, may be adopted if the rate is |
43 | approved by vote of the electors of the area affected. |
44 | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following statement be |
45 | placed on the ballot: |
49 | PERCENT OF ROLLED-BACK RATE.--Proposing an amendment to the |
50 | State Constitution to authorize, if approved by vote of the |
51 | electors of the area affected, a millage rate of more than 100 |
52 | percent of the rolled-back rate based upon the previous year's |
53 | maximum millage rate and adjusted for the growth in per capita |
54 | Florida personal income. |