HB 1145

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to the Canaveral Port District, Brevard
3County; amending chapter 2003-335, Laws of Florida;
4amending the powers and duties of the district;
5authorizing the district to establish a direct-support
6organization to receive, hold, invest, and administer
7property, make expenditures to or for the benefit of the
8district, and promote the development and expansion of the
9economic, historical, and cultural contributions of the
10maritime industry of the district; providing powers and
11duties of the organization; providing for membership of
12the board of directors of the organization; providing for
13the budget and financial audit of the organization;
14providing an effective date.
16Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
18     Section 1.  Section 3 is added to Article VI of chapter
192003-335, Laws of Florida, to read:
20     Section 3.  (a)  The Canaveral Port Authority shall have
21the power and authority to establish a direct-support
22organization to receive, hold, invest, and administer property;
23to make expenditures to or for the benefit of the Canaveral Port
24District; and to promote the development and expansion of the
25economic, historical, and cultural contributions of the maritime
26industry of the Canaveral Port District.
27     (b)  A direct-support organization established pursuant to
28this section shall be approved by the Canaveral Port Authority
29and be a corporation not for profit, incorporated under the
30provisions of chapter 617, Florida Statutes, and approved by the
31Department of State.
32     (c)  The direct-support organization shall be organized and
33operated exclusively to carry out the purposes set forth in
34subsection (a).
35     (d)  The direct-support organization is authorized and
36permitted to use property, facilities, and employee services of
37the Canaveral Port Authority subject to the conditions
38prescribed by the Port Authority. The conditions shall provide
39for budget and audit review and oversight by the Port Authority.
40     (e)  The direct-support organization shall provide equal
41employment opportunities to all persons, regardless of race,
42color, religion, sex, age, or national origin.
43     (f)  The board of directors of the direct-support
44organization shall be appointed by the Port Authority and shall
45include the chairperson of the Port Authority, or his or her
46designee, and the chief executive officer as members. The Port
47Authority shall approve the articles of incorporation and bylaws
48of the direct-support organization and any amendments thereto.
49     (g)  The annual budget of the direct-support organization
50shall be presented to and approved by the Port Authority on or
51before the beginning of the fiscal year adopted by the direct-
52support organization.
53     (h)  In any fiscal year in which the direct-support
54organization has more than $100,000 in expenditures or expenses,
55the direct-support organization shall provide an annual
56financial audit of its accounts and records, to be conducted by
57an independent certified public accountant in accordance with
58the rules adopted by the Auditor General pursuant to section
5911.45(8), Florida Statutes. The annual audit report shall be
60submitted within 9 months after the end of the fiscal year to
61the Port Authority. The Auditor General and Office of Program
62Policy Analysis and Government Accountability have the authority
63to require and receive from the direct-support organization any
64records relative to the operation of the organization.
65     Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.