HB 1155

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to campaign financing; amending s.
3106.011, F.S.; revising a definition; amending s. 106.022,
4F.S.; revising requirements for filing statements of
5appointment of registered agent and office; amending s.
6106.03, F.S.; revising certain registration requirements
7for political committees; applying registration
8requirements to electioneering communications
9organizations; amending s. 106.04, F.S.; revising
10reporting requirements for committees of continuous
11existence; revising fines for failure to file certain
12reports; revising requirements for depositing fine
13proceeds; revising certain notice filing requirements;
14amending s. 106.07, F.S.; revising campaign finance report
15filing dates and required information; revising certain
16notice requirements; requiring certain political
17committees to file campaign treasurer's reports with local
18or municipal filing officers under certain circumstances;
19deleting a requirement that campaign depositories return
20certain checks to campaign treasurers; deleting a
21prohibition against assessing separate fines for failing
22to file copies of reports, to conform; expanding
23application of certain late reporting fines; providing for
24sufficiency of certain notices; amending s. 106.0705,
25F.S.; requiring certain reports relating to disposition of
26surplus campaign funds to be filed with the division
27electronically; deleting an obsolete provision relating to
28timely filed reports; amending s. 106.08, F.S.; deleting
29notification requirements relating to pending
30qualification of independent or minor party candidates;
31deleting a requirement that certain contributions be
32returned when a candidate becomes unopposed; revising
33application of certain in-kind contribution reporting
34requirements; amending s. 106.11, F.S.; revising
35information required on campaign checks; revising criteria
36under which debit cards are considered bank checks;
37amending s. 106.141, F.S.; revising a requirement for
38returning surplus campaign funds; amending s. 106.143,
39F.S.; providing for omission of party affiliation
40references in political advertisements of nonpartisan
41candidates; creating s. 106.14325, F.S.; requiring certain
42candidate websites to comply with specified notice
43requirements; amending s. 106.1437, F.S.; requiring
44certain Internet advertisements to include sponsorship
45statements; amending s. 106.29, F.S.; revising report
46filing requirements for political parties; deleting a
47prohibition against assessing separate fines for failing
48to file copies of reports, to conform; providing for
49sufficiency of certain notices; amending s. 106.35, F.S.;
50revising criteria for rule adoption by the Division of
51Elections relating to election campaign financing
52reporting; deleting a requirement that certain
53electronically transmitted reports be filed in printed
54format; providing an effective date.
56Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
58     Section 1.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section
59106.011, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
60     106.011  Definitions.--As used in this chapter, the
61following terms have the following meanings unless the context
62clearly indicates otherwise:
63     (1)(a)  "Political committee" means:
64     1.  A combination of two or more individuals, or a person
65other than an individual, that, in an aggregate amount in excess
66of $500 during a single calendar year:
67     a.  Accepts contributions for the purpose of making
68contributions to any candidate, political committee, committee
69of continuous existence, or political party;
70     b.  Accepts contributions for the purpose of expressly
71advocating the election or defeat of a candidate or the passage
72or defeat of an issue;
73     c.  Makes expenditures that expressly advocate the election
74or defeat of a candidate or the passage or defeat of an issue;
76     d.  Makes contributions to a common fund, other than a
77joint checking account between spouses, from which contributions
78are made to any candidate, political committee, committee of
79continuous existence, or political party;
80     2.  The sponsor of a proposed constitutional amendment by
81initiative who intends to seek the signatures of registered
82electors; or.
83     3.  The sponsor of a petition-revocation form for a
84proposed constitutional amendment by initiative who intends to
85seek the signatures of registered electors who signed the
86initiative petition form.
87     Section 2.  Subsections (1) and (3) of section 106.022,
88Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
89     106.022  Appointment of a registered agent; duties.--
90     (1)  Each political committee, committee of continuous
91existence, or electioneering communications organization shall
92have and continuously maintain in this state a registered office
93and a registered agent and must file with the filing officer
94division a statement of appointment for the registered office
95and registered agent. The statement of appointment must:
96     (a)  Provide the name of the registered agent and the
97street address and phone number for the registered office;
98     (b)  Identify the entity for whom the registered agent
100     (c)  Designate the address the registered agent wishes to
101use to receive mail;
102     (d)  Include the entity's undertaking to inform the filing
103officer division of any change in such designated address;
104     (e)  Provide for the registered agent's acceptance of the
105appointment, which must confirm that the registered agent is
106familiar with and accepts the obligations of the position as set
107forth in this section; and
108     (f)  Contain the signature of the registered agent and the
109entity engaging the registered agent.
110     (3)  A registered agent may resign his or her appointment
111as registered agent by executing a written statement of
112resignation and filing it with the filing officer division. An
113entity without a registered agent may not make expenditures or
114accept contributions until it files a written statement of
115change as required in subsection (2).
116     Section 3.  Subsections (2), (4), and (7) of section
117106.03, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
118     106.03  Registration of political committees and
119electioneering communications organizations.--
120     (2)  The statement of organization shall include:
121     (a)  The name, mailing address, and street address of the
122committee or electioneering communications organization;
123     (b)  The names, street addresses, and relationships of
124affiliated or connected organizations;
125     (c)  The area, scope, or jurisdiction of the committee or
126electioneering communications organization;
127     (d)  The name, mailing address, street address, and
128position of the custodian of books and accounts;
129     (e)  The name, mailing street address, and position of
130other principal officers, including the treasurer and deputy
131treasurers officers and members of the finance committee, if
133     (f)  A statement indicating whether the committee supports
134candidates, issues, or both The name, address, office sought,
135and party affiliation of:
136     1.  Each candidate whom the committee is supporting;
137     2.  Any other individual, if any, whom the committee is
138supporting for nomination for election, or election, to any
139public office whatever;
140     (g)  A statement indicating whether the committee is being
141organized to collect signatures of registered electors in
142support of an initiative petition or to revoke registered
143electors' signatures on an initiative petition Any issue or
144issues such organization is supporting or opposing;
145     (h)  If the committee is supporting the entire ticket of
146any party, a statement to that effect and the name of the party;
147     (i)  A statement of whether the committee is a continuing
149     (h)(j)  Plans for the disposition of residual funds which
150will be made in the event of dissolution;
151     (i)(k)  A listing of all banks, safe-deposit boxes, or
152other depositories used for committee or electioneering
153communications organization funds; and
154     (j)(l)  A statement of the reports required to be filed by
155the committee or electioneering communications organization with
156federal officials, if any, and the names, addresses, and
157positions of such officials.
158     (4)  Any change in information previously submitted in a
159statement of organization shall be reported to the agency or
160officer with whom such political committee or electioneering
161communications organization is required to register must be
162reported pursuant to subsection (3), within 10 days following
163the change.
164     (7)  The Division of Elections shall adopt promulgate rules
165to prescribe the manner in which inactive committees and
166electioneering communications organizations may be dissolved and
167have their registration canceled. Such rules shall, at a
168minimum, provide for:
169     (a)  Notice which shall contain the facts and conduct which
170warrant the intended action, including but not limited to
171failure to file reports and limited activity.
172     (b)  Adequate opportunity to respond.
173     (c)  Appeal of the decision to the Florida Elections
174Commission. Such appeals shall be exempt from the
175confidentiality provisions of s. 106.25.
176     Section 4.  Paragraphs (b) and (c) of subsection (4) and
177subsections (7) and (8) of section 106.04, Florida Statutes, are
178amended to read:
179     106.04  Committees of continuous existence.--
180     (4)
181     (b)1.  Each committee of continuous existence shall file
182regular reports with the Division of Elections in accordance
183with s. 106.0705 at the same times and subject to the same
184filing conditions as are established by s. 106.07(1) and (2) for
185candidates' reports. In addition, all committees of continuous
186existence that make contributions or expenditures to influence
187the results of a county, municipal, or district election that is
188not being held at the same time as a state or federal election
189shall file campaign treasurer's reports with the local or
190municipal filing officer on the dates set by the filing officer
191for that election. Such contributions and expenditures shall
192also be included in the next report following the county,
193municipal, or district election filed pursuant to this section
194with the Division of Elections pursuant to this section.
195     2.  Any committee of continuous existence failing to so
196file a report with the Division of Elections or the applicable
197filing officer pursuant to this paragraph on the designated due
198date shall be subject to a fine for late filing as provided by
199this section.
200     (c)  All committees of continuous existence shall file
201their reports with the Division of Elections. Reports filed
202pursuant to subparagraph (b)1. shall be filed in accordance with
203s. 106.0705 and shall contain the following information:
204     1.  The full name, address, and occupation of each person
205who has made one or more contributions, including contributions
206that represent the payment of membership dues, to the committee
207during the reporting period, together with the amounts and dates
208of such contributions. For corporations, the report must provide
209as clear a description as practicable of the principal type of
210business conducted by the corporation. However, if the
211contribution is $100 or less, the occupation of the contributor
212or principal type of business need not be listed. However, for
213any contributions that represent the payment of dues by members
214in a fixed amount aggregating no more than $250 per calendar
215year, pursuant to the schedule on file with the Division of
216Elections, only the aggregate amount of such contributions need
217be listed, together with the number of members paying such dues
218and the amount of the membership dues.
219     2.  The name and address of each political committee or
220committee of continuous existence from which the reporting
221committee received, or the name and address of each political
222committee, committee of continuous existence, or political party
223to which it made, any transfer of funds, together with the
224amounts and dates of all transfers.
225     3.  Any other receipt of funds not listed pursuant to
226subparagraph 1. or subparagraph 2., including the sources and
227amounts of all such funds.
228     4.  The name and address of, and office sought by, each
229candidate to whom the committee has made a contribution during
230the reporting period, together with the amount and date of each
232     5.  The full name and address of each person to whom
233expenditures have been made by or on behalf of the committee
234within the reporting period; the amount, date, and purpose of
235each such expenditure; and the name and address, and office
236sought by, each candidate on whose behalf such expenditure was
238     6.  The full name and address of each person to whom an
239expenditure for personal services, salary, or reimbursement for
240authorized expenses has been made, including the full name and
241address of each entity to whom the person made payment for which
242reimbursement was made by check drawn upon the committee
243account, together with the amount and purpose of such payment.
244     7.  Transaction information from each credit card statement
245that will be included in the next report following receipt
246thereof by the committee. Receipts for each credit card purchase
247shall be retained by the treasurer with the records for the
248committee account.
249     8.  The total sum of expenditures made by the committee
250during the reporting period.
251     (7)  Any change in information previously submitted to the
252division must be reported to the division within 10 days
253following the change. If a committee of continuous existence
254ceases to meet the criteria prescribed by subsection (1), the
255Division of Elections shall revoke its certification until such
256time as the criteria are again met. The Division of Elections
257shall adopt promulgate rules to prescribe the manner in which
258the such certification of a committee of continuous existence
259shall be revoked. Such rules shall, at a minimum, provide for:
260     (a)  Notice, which shall contain the facts and conduct that
261warrant the intended action, including, but not limited to, a
262failure to file any report.
263     (b)  Adequate opportunity to respond.
264     (c)  Appeal of the decision to the Florida Elections
265Commission. Such appeals shall be exempt from the
266confidentiality provisions of s. 106.25.
267     (8)(a)  Any committee of continuous existence failing to
268file a report on the designated due date shall be subject to a
269fine. The fine shall be $50 per day for the first 3 days late
270and, thereafter, $500 per day for each late day, not to exceed
27125 percent of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is
272greater, for the period covered by the late report. However, for
273the reports immediately preceding each primary and general
274election, including a special primary election and a special
275general election, the fine shall be $500 per day for each late
276day, not to exceed 25 percent of the total receipts or
277expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by
278the late report. The fine shall be assessed by the filing
279officer, and the moneys collected shall be deposited:
280     1.  In the General Revenue Fund in the case of a report
281that is required to be filed with the Division of Elections; or
282     2.  In the general revenue fund of the political
283subdivision in the case of a report that is required to be filed
284with a local or municipal filing officer. No separate fine shall
285be assessed for failure to file a copy of any report required by
286this section.
287     (b)  Upon determining that a report is late, the filing
288officer shall immediately notify the treasurer of the committee
289as to the failure to file a report by the designated due date
290and that a fine is being assessed for each late day. Upon
291receipt of the report, the filing officer shall determine the
292amount of fine that which is due and shall notify the treasurer
293of the committee. The filing officer shall determine the amount
294of the fine due based upon the earliest of the following:
295     1.  When the report is actually received by such officer.
296     2.  When the report is postmarked.
297     3.  When the certificate of mailing is dated.
298     4.  When the receipt from an established courier company is
301Such fine shall be paid to the filing officer within 20 days
302after receipt of the notice of payment due, unless appeal is
303made to the Florida Elections Commission pursuant to paragraph
304(c). An officer or member of a committee shall not be personally
305liable for such fine.
306     (c)  Any treasurer of a committee may appeal or dispute the
307fine, based upon unusual circumstances surrounding the failure
308to file on the designated due date, and may request and shall be
309entitled to a hearing before the Florida Elections Commission,
310which shall have the authority to waive the fine in whole or in
311part. Any such request shall be made in writing within 20 days
312after receipt of the notice of payment due. In such case, the
313treasurer of The committee shall file a copy of the appeal with,
314within the 20-day period, notify the filing officer in writing
315of his or her intention to bring the matter before the
317     (d)  The filing officer shall notify the Florida Elections
318Commission of the repeated late filing by a committee of
319continuous existence, the failure of a committee of continuous
320existence to file a report after notice, or the failure to pay
321the fine imposed. For purposes of this section, notice is deemed
322sufficient upon proof of delivery of written notice to the
323mailing or street address of record on file with the filing
324officer for the chair, treasurer, or registered agent of the
325committee of continuous existence.
326     Section 5.  Subsections (1) through (4), (6), and (8) of
327section 106.07, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
328     106.07  Reports; certification and filing.--
329     (1)  Each campaign treasurer designated by a candidate or
330political committee pursuant to s. 106.021 shall file regular
331reports of all contributions received, and all expenditures
332made, by or on behalf of such candidate or political committee.
333Except for the third calendar quarter immediately preceding a
334general election, reports shall be filed on the 10th day
335following the end of each calendar quarter from the time the
336campaign treasurer is appointed, except that, if the 10th day
337following the end of a calendar quarter occurs on a Saturday,
338Sunday, or legal holiday, the report shall be filed on the next
339following day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.
340Quarterly reports shall include all contributions received and
341expenditures made during the calendar quarter which have not
342otherwise been reported pursuant to this section.
343     (a)  Except as provided in paragraph (b), following the
344last day of qualifying for office, the reports shall also be
345filed on the 32nd, 18th, and 4th days immediately preceding the
346primary and on the 46th, 32nd, 18th, and 4th days immediately
347preceding the election, for a candidate who is opposed in
348seeking nomination or election to any office, for a political
349committee, or for a committee of continuous existence. Following
350the primary, reports shall be filed on the 46th, 32nd, 18th, and
3514th days immediately preceding the election for a candidate who
352is opposed in seeking election to any office, for a political
353committee, or for a committee of continuous existence.
354     (b)  Following the last day of qualifying for office, Any
355statewide candidate who has requested to receive contributions
356from the Election Campaign Financing Trust Fund or any statewide
357candidate in a race with a candidate who has requested to
358receive contributions from the trust fund shall also file
359reports on the 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, and 32nd days prior to the
360primary election, and on the 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, 32nd, 39th,
36146th, and 53rd days prior to the general election.
362     (c)  Following the last day of qualifying for office, any
363unopposed candidate need only file a report within 90 days after
364the date such candidate became unopposed. Such report shall
365contain all previously unreported contributions and expenditures
366as required by this section and shall reflect disposition of
367funds as required by s. 106.141.
368     (d)1.  When a special election is called to fill a vacancy
369in office, all political committees and committees of continuous
370existence making contributions or expenditures to influence the
371results of such special election shall file campaign treasurers'
372reports with the filing officer on the dates set by the
373Department of State pursuant to s. 100.111.
374     2.  When an election is called for an issue to appear on
375the ballot at a time when no candidates are scheduled to appear
376on the ballot, all political committees making contributions or
377expenditures in support of or in opposition to such issue shall
378file reports on the 18th and 4th days prior to such election.
379     (e)  The filing officer shall provide each candidate with a
380schedule designating the beginning and end of reporting periods
381as well as the corresponding designated due dates.
382     (2)(a)  All reports required of a candidate by this section
383shall be filed with the officer before whom the candidate is
384required by law to qualify. All candidates who file with the
385Department of State shall file their reports pursuant to s.
386106.0705. Except as provided in s. 106.0705, reports shall be
387filed not later than 5 p.m. of the day designated; however, any
388report postmarked by the United States Postal Service no later
389than midnight of the day designated shall be deemed to have been
390filed in a timely manner. Any report received by the filing
391officer within 5 days after the designated due date that was
392delivered by the United States Postal Service shall be deemed
393timely filed unless it has a postmark that indicates that the
394report was mailed after the designated due date. A certificate
395of mailing obtained from and dated by the United States Postal
396Service at the time of mailing, or a receipt from an established
397courier company, which bears a date on or before the date on
398which the report is due, shall be proof of mailing in a timely
399manner. Reports shall contain information of all previously
400unreported contributions received and expenditures made as of
401the preceding Friday, except that the report filed on the Friday
402immediately preceding the election shall contain information of
403all previously unreported contributions received and
404expenditures made as of the day preceding that designated due
405date. All such reports shall be open to public inspection.
406     (b)1.  Any report that which is deemed to be incomplete by
407the officer with whom the candidate qualifies shall be accepted
408on a conditional basis, and the campaign treasurer shall be
409notified in writing, in person, or by telephone registered mail
410as to why the report is incomplete and be given 7 3 days from
411receipt of such notice to file an addendum to the report
412providing all information necessary to complete the report in
413compliance with this section. Failure to file a complete report
414after such notice constitutes a violation of this chapter.
415     2.  In lieu of the notice by registered mail as required in
416subparagraph 1., the qualifying officer may notify the campaign
417treasurer by telephone that the report is incomplete and request
418the information necessary to complete the report. If, however,
419such information is not received by the qualifying officer
420within 3 days after the telephone request therefor, notice shall
421be sent by registered mail as provided in subparagraph 1.
422     (3)(a)  Reports required of a political committee shall be
423filed with the agency or officer before whom such committee
424registers pursuant to s. 106.03(3) and shall be subject to the
425same filing conditions as established for candidates' reports.
426Incomplete reports by political committees shall be treated in
427the manner provided for incomplete reports by candidates in
428subsection (2).
429     (b)  In addition to the reports required by paragraph (a),
430all political committees registered with the Division of
431Elections that make contributions or expenditures to influence
432the results of a local or municipal election that is not being
433held at the same time as a state or federal election shall file
434campaign treasurer's reports with the local or municipal filing
435officer on the dates set by the filing officer for that
436election. Such contributions and expenditures shall also be
437included in the next report following the local or municipal
438election filed pursuant to this section with the Division of
440     (4)(a)  Each report required by this section shall contain:
441     1.  The full name, address, and occupation, if any, of each
442person who has made one or more contributions to or for such
443committee or candidate within the reporting period, together
444with the amount and date of such contributions. For
445corporations, the report must provide as clear a description as
446practicable of the principal type of business conducted by the
447corporation. However, if the contribution is $100 or less or is
448from a relative, as defined in s. 112.312, provided that the
449relationship is reported, the occupation of the contributor or
450the principal type of business need not be listed.
451     2.  The name and address of each political committee from
452which the reporting committee or the candidate received, or to
453which the reporting committee or candidate made, any transfer of
454funds, together with the amounts and dates of all transfers.
455     3.  Each loan for campaign purposes to or from any person
456or political committee within the reporting period, together
457with the full names, addresses, and occupations, and principal
458places of business, if any, of the lender and endorsers, if any,
459and the date and amount of such loans.
460     4.  A statement of each contribution, rebate, refund, or
461other receipt not otherwise listed under subparagraphs 1.
462through 3.
463     5.  The total sums of all loans, in-kind contributions, and
464other receipts by or for such committee or candidate during the
465reporting period. The reporting forms shall be designed to
466elicit separate totals for in-kind contributions, loans, and
467other receipts.
468     6.  The full name and address of each person to whom
469expenditures have been made by or on behalf of the committee or
470candidate within the reporting period; the amount, date, and
471purpose of each such expenditure; and the name and address of,
472and office sought by, each candidate on whose behalf such
473expenditure was made. However, expenditures made from the petty
474cash fund provided by s. 106.12 need not be reported
476     7.  The full name and address of each person to whom an
477expenditure for personal services, salary, or reimbursement for
478authorized expenses as provided in s. 106.021(3) has been made
479and which is not otherwise reported, including the amount, date,
480and purpose of such expenditure. However, expenditures made from
481the petty cash fund provided for in s. 106.12 need not be
482reported individually.
483     8.  The total amount withdrawn and the total amount spent
484for petty cash purposes pursuant to this chapter during the
485reporting period.
486     9.  The total sum of expenditures made by such committee or
487candidate during the reporting period.
488     10.  The amount and nature of debts and obligations owed by
489or to the committee or candidate, which relate to the conduct of
490any political campaign.
491     11.  Transaction information from A copy of each credit
492card statement that will which shall be included in the next
493report following receipt thereof by the candidate or political
494committee. Receipts for each credit card purchase shall be
495retained by the treasurer with the records for the campaign
497     12.  The amount and nature of any separate interest-bearing
498accounts or certificates of deposit and identification of the
499financial institution in which such accounts or certificates of
500deposit are located.
501     13.  The primary purposes of an expenditure made indirectly
502through a campaign treasurer pursuant to s. 106.021(3) for goods
503and services such as communications media placement or
504procurement services, campaign signs, insurance, and other
505expenditures that include multiple components as part of the
506expenditure. The primary purpose of an expenditure shall be that
507purpose, including integral and directly related components,
508that comprises 80 percent of such expenditure.
509     (b)  The filing officer shall make available to any
510candidate or committee a reporting form which the candidate or
511committee may use to indicate contributions received by the
512candidate or committee but returned to the contributor before
514     (6)  The campaign depository shall return all checks drawn
515on the account to the campaign treasurer who shall retain the
516records pursuant to s. 106.06. The records maintained by the
517campaign depository with respect to any campaign such account
518regulated by this chapter shall be subject to inspection by an
519agent of the Division of Elections or the Florida Elections
520Commission at any time during normal banking hours, and such
521depository shall furnish certified copies of any of such records
522to the Division of Elections or the Florida Elections Commission
523upon request.
524     (8)(a)  Any candidate or political committee failing to
525file a report on the designated due date shall be subject to a
526fine as provided in paragraph (b) for each late day, and, in the
527case of a candidate, such fine shall be paid only from personal
528funds of the candidate. The fine shall be assessed by the filing
529officer and the moneys collected shall be deposited:
530     1.  In the General Revenue Fund, in the case of a candidate
531for state office or a political committee that registers with
532the Division of Elections; or
533     2.  In the general revenue fund of the political
534subdivision, in the case of a candidate for an office of a
535political subdivision or a political committee that registers
536with an officer of a political subdivision.
538No separate fine shall be assessed for failure to file a copy of
539any report required by this section.
540     (b)  Upon determining that a report is late, the filing
541officer shall immediately notify the candidate or chair of the
542political committee as to the failure to file a report by the
543designated due date and that a fine is being assessed for each
544late day. The fine shall be $50 per day for the first 3 days
545late and, thereafter, $500 per day for each late day, not to
546exceed 25 percent of the total receipts or expenditures,
547whichever is greater, for the period covered by the late report.
548However, for the reports immediately preceding each primary and
549general election, including a special primary election and a
550special general election, the fine shall be $500 per day for
551each late day, not to exceed 25 percent of the total receipts or
552expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by
553the late report. For reports required under s. 106.141(7), the
554fine is $50 per day for each late day, not to exceed 25 percent
555of the total receipts or expenditures, whichever is greater, for
556the period covered by the late report. Upon receipt of the
557report, the filing officer shall determine the amount of the
558fine that which is due and shall notify the candidate or the
559political committee chair. The filing officer shall determine
560the amount of the fine due based upon the earliest of the
562     1.  When the report is actually received by such officer.
563     2.  When the report is postmarked.
564     3.  When the certificate of mailing is dated.
565     4.  When the receipt from an established courier company is
567     5.  When the electronic receipt issued pursuant to s.
568106.0705 is dated.
570Such fine shall be paid to the filing officer within 20 days
571after receipt of the notice of payment due, unless appeal is
572made to the Florida Elections Commission pursuant to paragraph
573(c). In the case of a candidate, such fine shall not be an
574allowable campaign expenditure and shall be paid only from
575personal funds of the candidate. An officer or member of a
576political committee shall not be personally liable for such
578     (c)  Any candidate or chair of a political committee may
579appeal or dispute the fine, based upon, but not limited to,
580unusual circumstances surrounding the failure to file on the
581designated due date, and may request and shall be entitled to a
582hearing before the Florida Elections Commission, which shall
583have the authority to waive the fine in whole or in part. The
584Florida Elections Commission must consider the mitigating and
585aggravating circumstances contained in s. 106.265(1) when
586determining the amount of a fine, if any, to be waived. Any such
587request shall be made within 20 days after receipt of the notice
588of payment due. In such case, the candidate or chair of the
589political committee shall, within the 20-day period, notify the
590filing officer in writing of his or her intention to bring the
591matter before the commission.
592     (d)  The appropriate filing officer shall notify the
593Florida Elections Commission of the repeated late filing by a
594candidate or political committee, the failure of a candidate or
595political committee to file a report after notice, or the
596failure to pay the fine imposed. For purposes of this section,
597notice is deemed sufficient upon proof of delivery of written
598notice to the mailing or street address of record on file with
599the filing officer for the candidate or his or her treasurer or
600for the chair, treasurer, or registered agent of the committee
601or organization. The commission shall investigate only those
602alleged late filing violations specifically identified by the
603filing officer and as set forth in the notification. Any other
604alleged violations must be separately stated and reported by the
605division to the commission under s. 106.25(2).
606     Section 6.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) and subsection
607(7) of section 106.0705, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
608     106.0705  Electronic filing of campaign treasurer's
610     (2)
611     (c)  Each person or organization that is required to file
612reports with the division under ss. s. 106.071 and 106.141 must
613file such reports with the division by means of the division's
614electronic filing system.
615     (7)  Notwithstanding anything in law to the contrary, any
616report required to have been filed under this section for the
617period ended March 31, 2005, shall be deemed to have been timely
618filed if the report is filed under this section on or before
619June 1, 2005.
620     Section 7.  Subsection (3) and paragraph (b) of subsection
621(6) of section 106.08, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
622     106.08  Contributions; limitations on.--
623     (3)(a)  Any contribution received by a candidate with
624opposition in an election or by the campaign treasurer or a
625deputy campaign treasurer of such a candidate on the day of that
626election or less than 5 days prior to the day of that election
627must be returned by him or her to the person or committee
628contributing it and may not be used or expended by or on behalf
629of the candidate.
630     (b)  Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (c), Any
631contribution received by a candidate or by the campaign
632treasurer or a deputy campaign treasurer of a candidate after
633the date at which the candidate withdraws his or her candidacy,
634or after the date the candidate is defeated, becomes unopposed,
635or is elected to office, must be returned to the person or
636committee contributing it and may not be used or expended by or
637on behalf of the candidate.
638     (c)  With respect to any campaign for an office in which an
639independent or minor party candidate has filed as required in s.
64099.0955 or s. 99.096, but whose qualification is pending a
641determination by the Department of State or supervisor of
642elections as to whether or not the required number of petition
643signatures was obtained:
644     1.  The department or supervisor shall, no later than 3
645days after that determination has been made, notify in writing
646all other candidates for that office of that determination.
647     2.  Any contribution received by a candidate or the
648campaign treasurer or deputy campaign treasurer of a candidate
649after the candidate has been notified in writing by the
650department or supervisor that he or she has become unopposed as
651a result of an independent or minor party candidate failing to
652obtain the required number of petition signatures shall be
653returned to the person, political committee, or committee of
654continuous existence contributing it and shall not be used or
655expended by or on behalf of the candidate.
656     (6)
657     (b)1.  A political party may not accept any in-kind
658contribution that fails to provide a direct benefit to the
659political party. A "direct benefit" includes, but is not limited
660to, fundraising or furthering the objectives of the political
662     2.a.  An in-kind contribution to a state political party
663may be accepted only by the chairperson of the state political
664party or by the chairperson's designee or designees whose names
665are on file with the division in a form acceptable to the
666division prior to the date of the written notice required in
667sub-subparagraph b. An in-kind contribution to a county
668political party may be accepted only by the chairperson of the
669county political party or by the county chairperson's designee
670or designees whose names are on file with the supervisor of
671elections of the respective county prior to the date of the
672written notice required in sub-subparagraph b.
673     b.  A person making an in-kind contribution to a state
674political party or county political party must provide prior
675written notice of the contribution to a person described in sub-
676subparagraph a. The prior written notice must be signed and
677dated and may be provided by an electronic or facsimile message.
678However, prior written notice is not required for an in-kind
679contribution that consists of food and beverage in an aggregate
680amount not exceeding $1,500 which is consumed at a single
681sitting or event if such in-kind contribution is accepted in
682advance by a person specified in sub-subparagraph a.
683     c.  A person described in sub-subparagraph a. may accept an
684in-kind contribution requiring prior written notice only in a
685writing that is signed and dated before the in-kind contribution
686is made. Failure to obtain the required written acceptance of an
687in-kind contribution to a state or county political party
688constitutes a refusal of the contribution.
689     d.  A copy of each prior written acceptance required under
690sub-subparagraph c. must be filed with the division for a state
691executive committee, or with the supervisor of elections for a
692county executive committee, at the time the regular reports of
693contributions and expenditures required under s. 106.29 are
694filed by the state executive committee and county executive
696     e.  An in-kind contribution may not be given to a state or
697county political party unless the in-kind contribution is made
698as provided in this subparagraph.
699     Section 8.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) and paragraph
700(a) of subsection (2) of section 106.11, Florida Statutes, are
701amended to read:
702     106.11  Expenses of and expenditures by candidates and
703political committees.--Each candidate and each political
704committee which designates a primary campaign depository
705pursuant to s. 106.021(1) shall make expenditures from funds on
706deposit in such primary campaign depository only in the
707following manner, with the exception of expenditures made from
708petty cash funds provided by s. 106.12:
709     (1)
710     (b)  The checks for such account shall contain, as a
711minimum, the following information:
712     1.  The statement "Campaign Account of (Name of candidate
713or political committee) Campaign Account."
714     2.  The account number and the name of the bank.
715     3.  The exact amount of the expenditure.
716     4.  The signature of the campaign treasurer or deputy
718     5.  The exact purpose for which the expenditure is
720     6.  The name of the payee.
721     (2)(a)  For purposes of this section, debit cards are
722considered bank checks, if:
723     1.  Debit cards are obtained from the same bank that has
724been designated as the candidate's or political committee's
725primary campaign depository.
726     2.  Debit cards are issued in the name of the treasurer,
727deputy treasurer, or authorized user and state "Campaign Account
728of (Name of candidate or political committee) Campaign Account."
729     3.  No more than three debit cards are requested and
731     4.  Before a debit card is used, a list of all persons
732authorized to use the card is filed with the filing officer
734     5.  All debit cards issued to a candidate's campaign or a
735political committee expire no later than midnight of the last
736day of the month of the general election.
737     5.6.  The person using the debit card does not receive cash
738as part of, or independent of, any transaction for goods or
740     6.7.  All receipts for debit card transactions contain:
741     a.  The last four digits of the debit card number.
742     b.  The exact amount of the expenditure.
743     c.  The name of the payee.
744     d.  The signature of the campaign treasurer, deputy
745treasurer, or authorized user.
746     e.  The exact purpose for which the expenditure is
749Any information required by this subparagraph but not included
750on the debit card transaction receipt may be handwritten on, or
751attached to, the receipt by the authorized user before
752submission to the treasurer.
753     Section 9.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (4) of section
754106.141, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
755     106.141  Disposition of surplus funds by candidates.--
756     (4)
757     (b)  Any candidate required to dispose of funds pursuant to
758this section who has received contributions from the Election
759Campaign Financing Trust Fund shall, after all payments under s.
760106.11(5)(a)-(c) have been made, return all surplus campaign
761funds to the Election Campaign Financing Trust Fund.
762     Section 10.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section
763106.143, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
764     106.143  Political advertisements circulated prior to
765election; requirements.--
766     (1)(a)  Any political advertisement that is paid for by a
767candidate and that is published, displayed, or circulated prior
768to, or on the day of, any election must prominently state:
769"Political advertisement paid for and approved by   (name of
770candidate)  ,   (party affiliation)  , for   (office sought)  ."
771Nonpartisan candidates shall omit the reference to party
772affiliation in all such political advertisements.
774This subsection does not apply to campaign messages used by a
775candidate and the candidate's supporters if those messages are
776designed to be worn by a person.
777     Section 11.  Section 106.14325, Florida Statutes, is
778created to read:
779     106.14325  Candidate website.--Any Internet website that is
780authorized, approved, or operated by a candidate that is not a
781political advertisement or electioneering communication but
782identifies the candidate and the office he or she is seeking
783shall prominently state on each webpage of the website that
784identifies the candidate and the office being sought: "This
785website approved by   (name of candidate)  ,   (party
786affiliation, if any)  , for   (office sought)  ." If the website
787is a political advertisement or electioneering communication, it
788shall comply with the requirements of s. 106.143 or s. 106.1439,
790     Section 12.  Section 106.1437, Florida Statutes, is amended
791to read:
792     106.1437  Miscellaneous advertisements.--Any advertisement,
793other than a political advertisement, independent expenditure,
794or electioneering communication, on billboards, bumper stickers,
795radio, or television, or in a newspaper, a magazine, or a
796periodical, or on the Internet intended to influence public
797policy or the vote of a public official, shall clearly designate
798the sponsor of such advertisement by including a clearly
799readable statement of sponsorship. If the advertisement is
800broadcast on television, the advertisement shall also contain a
801verbal statement of sponsorship. This section shall not apply to
802an editorial endorsement.
803     Section 13.  Subsection (1) and paragraph (d) of subsection
804(3) of section 106.29, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
805     106.29  Reports by political parties; restrictions on
806contributions and expenditures; penalties.--
807     (1)  The state executive committee and each county
808executive committee of each political party regulated by chapter
809103 shall file regular reports of all contributions received and
810all expenditures made by such committee. Such reports shall
811contain the same information as do reports required of
812candidates by s. 106.07 and shall be filed on the 10th day
813following the end of each calendar quarter, except that, during
814the period from the last day for candidate qualifying until the
815general election, such reports shall be filed on the Friday
816immediately preceding both the primary election and the general
817election. In addition to the reports filed under this section,
818the state executive committee and each county executive
819committee shall file a copy of each prior written acceptance of
820an in-kind contribution given by the committee during the
821preceding calendar quarter as required under s. 106.08(6). Each
822state executive committee shall file the original and one copy
823of its reports with the Division of Elections. Each county
824executive committee shall file its reports with the supervisor
825of elections in the county in which such committee exists. Any
826state or county executive committee failing to file a report on
827the designated due date shall be subject to a fine as provided
828in subsection (3). No separate fine shall be assessed for
829failure to file a copy of any report required by this section.
830     (2)  The chair and treasurer of each state or county
831executive committee shall certify as to the correctness of each
832report filed by them on behalf of such committee. Any committee
833chair or treasurer who certifies the correctness of any report
834while knowing that such report is incorrect, false, or
835incomplete commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as
836provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
837     (3)
838     (d)  The appropriate filing officer shall notify the
839Florida Elections Commission of the repeated late filing by an
840executive committee, the failure of an executive committee to
841file a report after notice, or the failure to pay the fine
842imposed. For purposes of this section, notice is deemed
843sufficient upon proof of delivery of written notice to the
844mailing or street address of record on file with the filing
845officer for the executive committee or for the chair or
846treasurer of the executive committee.
847     Section 14.  Subsection (5) of section 106.35, Florida
848Statutes, is amended to read:
849     106.35  Distribution of funds.--
850     (5)  The division shall adopt rules providing for the
851weekly reports and certification and distribution of funds
852pursuant thereto required by this section. Such rules shall, at
853a minimum, provide for:
854     (a)  Specifications for printed campaign treasurer's
855reports outlining the format for such reports, including size of
856paper, typeface, color of print, and placement of required
857information on the form.
858     (b)1.  specifications for electronically transmitted
859campaign treasurer's reports outlining communication parameters
860and protocol, data record formats, and provisions for ensuring
861security of data and transmission.
862     2.  All electronically transmitted campaign treasurer's
863reports must also be filed in printed format. Printed format
864shall not include campaign treasurer's reports submitted by
865electronic facsimile transmission.
866     Section 15.  This act shall take effect January 1, 2009.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.